Binga Women Economic Empowerment Project

Women Economic Empowerment Evaluation
4-8 August 2014
Rosemary Cumanzala
Outline of the presentation
 Geographical location
 Background Information
 Binga Women Economic Empowerment projects
 Collaborations and networks
Geographical location
Background Information
Zubo was established in 2009; to promote the advancement of women and girl
children in the Zambezi Valley. It was established after realisation of
inadequate attention given to the issues that affect women and girls.
Main focus areas are • Creation of space – Women’s Forums
• Human rights, gender and HIV/AIDs awareness
• Capacity building, lobby and advocacy
• Commemorations and networking
• Women economic empowerment
o To enhance women’s economic empowerment through increased access to
and conservation of natural resources in the Zambezi Valley
Binga Women Economic Empowerment Projects
Since 2011 – to date; Zubo through support from UN
Women has been implementing the following projects
in Binga District
• Revolving fund – Siachilaba Fish Market Traders
• Production Unit (Kapenta Project) - fish farming of
tilapia breams
• Rural Women Village Savings and Lending Schemes
• Crafts and market linkages
• Utilization of other local plants (baobab and marula)
Revolving fund – Siachilaba Fish Market Traders
(usd1800 – usd5000)
 Soft loans to 60 fish traders at Siachilaba Fish market to
enhance their business
Capacity building – confidence building, com., business
management, record keeping, advocacy skills,
This led to participation of women traders in decision making
processes at household levels (due owing financial resources)
Fish traders - paying fees for children, some bought household
assets (radios, TV, solar panels etc) purchase food
One woman bought 2 cows and both are in her name and some
traders bought goats & chicken
Traders are managing their project as businesses
Revolving fund results
Revolving fund results
 Hut before revolving
 2 roomed house after
Kapenta project results
 Zubo in collaboration with rural women with support from UN
Women broke new grounds in 2011 by venturing into male
dominated space (1st of its kind)
The kapenta rig was specifically designed for women.
The Production Unit (PU) has made usd62500 since inception
and has spent usd59000
In 2011-12 - average catch of 20bags/month; 2013 average 12
bags/mnth & 2014 average 15 bags per month and kapenta
price range from usd150-usd180 per 30kg bags
PU have created employment at project site (employing males)
& community (employing maids)
Women user friendlyKapenta rig
Kapenta results continues
 Influence decision making processes in their
households due to formal employment
 Paying fees for children & meeting family basic needs
 PU abide by the country’s legal laws as they use fishing
net (8mm) that do not catch small kapenta but allows
small and young fish to breed and grow; only mature,
big, quality kapenta is caught
 Monthly allowance vary from usd90 to usd150 (seasons
 The project is now diversifying to fish farming; site
pegged and fish ponds digging in progress
Kapenta project results
Crafts and market fair
 Since inception, the project has reached 150 weavers in
the Binga District
 10 girls are benefiting from adding value to the craft
products and selling on behalf of the weavers
 Income has been made at market fairs and women use
the money to meet their basic needs including paying
school fees
Crafts and market fairs
 The weavers are making a range of products - ilala
handbags, purse, ear rings;
 Usd3980 has been made by Zubo and its partners
during market fairs (Zimbabwe market fairs, Zim
International Trade Fair, UN WTO, Angola Trade Fair,
USA Santa fair); and from 22-30 attending Ongwediva
Trade Fair in Namibia
 Confidence has been built in exhibitors and staff
members during hosting of fairs
Crafts production & market linkages results
Village lending and saving scheme (VL&S)
 Pooling of financial resources together & venturing into
income generating project started in 2011 and has been on
 650 women benefited from the project with 61 groups. By end
of 2012, usd14653 had been raised. Since 2013, there have
been 48 functional groups.
 Income generated during VSL has been largely spent on paying
fees for the children & buying kitchen utensils and meeting
basic needs at household level
Village saving and lending results
Village saving and lending continues
 Eating place
Microfinance and GBV
 Following a survey done in 2012; a microfinance and
gender based violence project was implemented.
 Rise in GBV due to resources women owned in some
 Created male’s chapters in Binga district to support
women’s forums on women’s right issues, economic
 Rural women accessed funds for their economic
empowerment projects
Economic Empowerment Result
Other local plants (baobab and marula)
 Rural women have been trained on pre and post
harvesting of marula; 150 women have harvested the
nuts and ready to crush
 Trained 3 groups of women’s forums on baobab
projects. Currently working with Manjolo group
 Group making usd10/day from sale of muyaaya
(maheu in shona).
 Money used to pay school fees for the children and
some of the mahewu given to needy children in the
Baobab and marula
Coordination and collaboration
 Through trainings from UN Women, Zubo has
continued working with other stakeholders for rural
women’s benefits.
 These include among others Organic Africa, Kaite, Bio
Innovation Zimbabwe, Hilfswerk Austria
International, SNV, Kunzwana Women Association,
Empretec, Government Ministries and so forth
Women development in Binga District
 UN Women has nursed Zubo from inception to date
 Staff members as well as rural women have been
trained by UN Women.
 Today we celebrate what we are because of UN Women
 One of our staff members, our Monitoring and
Evaluation Officer is ‘rubbing shoulders’ with Obama
in America because of UN Women.
 We thank UN Women and its partners for grooming
Zubo and taking it to greater heights
Abbigal Muleya
Staff members
flying Zubo, UN Women
flag in America under the
Young African Leadership
Initiative (2014)
Zubo contact
Stand 459, Binga District, P O Box 119, Binga
Phone No: 015 515/366
Mobile 0773 283 429
Thank you