Applying accession numbers

Applying accession numbers
Applying labels to art and
collection objects
• Identify
• Distinguish
• Unique number
– accessibility of information
– easy filing of information
What to include for identification
• Write number on object
• Identifying with images
• Include accession number in image
Things to remember
• Objects are unique and maybe made of
1. just one medium/material/component
2. more than one
• Select more durable material/part for
• If all materials fragile use alternative
method e.g. tie on label
Things to remember
• Inform all staff about common label
• Remember mistakes cannot be reversed
without damage to object
• Practice method on non collection object
Selection of materials
• For objects made from a single medium use
methods below
• For object made of mixed media select method
to suit the most durable component
• To minimise handling and easy access create a
set criteria for location
– e.g. 1.On the reverse at bottom right hand corner
– 2.for textiles on the seam hem next to left side seam
Note: take selection of materials and location very
seriously as these become permanent
Your tool kit- materials for labelling
Artline drawing system pen (black)
Woven cotton tag or ribbon
Artline paint marker (white)
Tyvek numbered label
Pentel hybrid gel (white)
Petroleum spirits
Graphite pencils HB (firm) and 2B (softer)
Schwan Stabilo wax pencil
Mylar sheet
Your tool kit- materials for labelling
• Paraloid B-67(15% in petroleum spirits)
• Japanese tissue. Use well matted and smooth tissue,
approx. 22 gsm
• Paraloid B-72 (20% in acetone)
• Distilled water
• Paraloid B-72 in (20% in ethanol - optional
• Plextol B500 20% in distilled water
• Note: Product formulation and content may vary from
stock to stock which could may alter the performance of
the product. Ensure that all work carried out is checked
and evaluated so you can use materials suitable for your
specific needs.
1:Pencil method
• Suitable for : Paper, albums, books
posters and prints
• Method: First test on sample paper
– Clean surface with soft clean brush
– Select suitable pencil for paper type. Soft
graphite for soft surface and harder for firmer
– Use minimum required pressure
– Check number is correct
2.Wax pencil
• Suitable for coated paper, boards,
photographs and waxed material
• Method:
• Same as method 1 above but use a wax
pencil instead of graphite
• Use Schwan stailo 8046 wax pencil or
schwan stabilo 8052 wax pencil
3.Tissue Method
Suitable for Firm surfaces such as wood,
stone, leather, coated metals, unglazed
ceramics and furniture
• Application method
1. Clean object surface with soft, clean
2. Cut or tear required amount of Japanese
tissue and place on small sheet of mylar
Apply base coat of 20% paraloid B72 in acetone to
tissue strip avoiding edges. Allow to dry
Write number on label using artline drawing system
pen or artline paint marker. Allow to dry
Apply top coat of 15% paraloid B67 in petroleum spirit
over label. Allow to dry.
Remove from mylar sheet
Apply 20% plextol B500 in distilled water to label
underside and place in position on object
Press firmly and evenly to ensure adhesion
4. Paraloid method
• Suitable for hard surfaces like stone, ceramics,
glass and uncoated metals
• Application method:
– Clean surface with soft clean brush
– Test area with swabs dabbed in acetone and
petroleum spirits. I f any colour or surface lifts off use
tissue/tie method else proceed.
– Apply base coat of 20% paraloid B72 in acetone to
object surface and allow to dry for 30 minutes. Be
careful not to drip adhesive on other parts of object
• Write accession number on top of base
coat with artline drawing system pen or
artline paint marker. Ensure no ink leaks
out of base coat. Allow to dry.
• Apply top coat of 15% Paraloid B67 in
petroleum spirit carefully in one stroke ,
avoiding any drips or smears.
• Note: For coated painted metals both
layers can be B67 in pet. spirits
5.Tie on label
• Suitable for most object as long as they have
place to tie on. Only method suitable for plastics,
vinyl, rubber and other modern materials
• Application method:
– A tyvek or acid free paper label is attached to the
object with a cotton tape or ribbon tie.
– Tyvek can be marked directly with pencil
– Alternatively coat tyvek with Paraloid B72 in ethanol,
allow to dry and write label with artline drawing
system pen or atrline paint marker
6. Cloth/tape
• Suitable for a variety of objects such as
cloaks, fans, baskets, rugs, textiles,
costumes , lace and tapestries
• Application method
– Pre wash all labelling tape/cloth in distilled
– Flatten out and write label usinf an artline
drawing system or artline paint marker. Allow
to dry
• Turn in raw edges and sew with small
running stitch .
• Place on object and holding needle at right
angles to object sew label to object. Donot
pierce any weave threads
• Try to choose soft cotton thread of colour
similar to object.
When all the above don’t work!
• Document object very clearly and
extensively with images.
• Photograph number with object for referral
• File hard copies with object and also save
digitally in safe location.