Michael C. McKenna
University of Virginia
Sharon Walpole
University of Delaware
“Coaching is a strategy for implementing a professional support system for teachers, a system that includes research or theory, demonstration, practice, and feedback.”
McKenna, M. C., & Walpole, S. (2008). The literacy coaching challenge:
Models and methods for grades K-8 . New York: Guilford.
Bruce Joyce and Beverly Showers
Joyce, B., Showers, B. (2002).
Student achievement through staff development .
Washington, DC: ASCD.
Feedback Demonstration
Joyce, B., & Showers, B. (2002). Student achievement through staff development . Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
“… there is no one ‘right’ coaching model for all settings and there are models that would be poor choices.”
Start by considering the professional standards adopted by IRA and the
National Staff Development Council.
These have a long history, dating back all the way back to the turn of the century.
A chronology of coaching standards
IRA. (2000). Excellent reading teachers .
IRA. (2000). Teaching all children to read: The roles of the reading specialist.
NSDC. (2001). Standards for staff development.
IRA. (2004). The role and qualifications of the reading coach in the United States .
IRA. (2006). Standards for middle and high school literacy coaches.
IRA. (2007). Revised role definitions of reading professionals .
Knowledge of content areas
Knowledge of adult learning
Knowledge of struggling readers
Knowledge of excellent classroom instruction
Help administrators reorganize resources
Help build leadership and understanding related to site-based goals
Set the stage for coaches of teachers
Work once resources are allocated
Although they interact with administrators, their focus is more squarely on the teachers.
They help teachers learn new ideas, to implement them during instruction, and they provide formative feedback
Neufeld and Roper
Neufeld, B., & Roper, D.
(2003). Coaching: A strategy for developing instructional capacity:
Promises and practicalities .
Washington, DC: Aspen
Institute Program on
Education and Annenberg
Institute for School
Available: http://www.annenberginstitute.org/images/Coaching.pdf
is a set of guidelines for professional developers who provide ongoing formative support for teachers
(Those professional developers are called coaches, and their specific roles in schools vary.)
includes a logistical plan for collaboration with teachers, and specific strategies for designing, understanding, and reflecting on teacher instruction
provides for knowledge-building, instructional planning, and observation of teaching
is informed by strategies for assessing student achievement.
6 characteristics common to all coaching models
Establishing a role for the coach
Building knowledge for teachers
Choosing instructional strategies
Making instructional plans
Reflecting on instructional quality
Assessing student learning
Let’s examine six coaching models, each based on different goals and assumptions. We’ll start with the least intrusive model and move to the most intrusive.
Mentoring New Teachers
Peer Coaching
Cognitive Coaching
Subject-Specific Coaching
Program-Specific Coaching
Reform-Oriented Coaching
Mentoring New Teachers
Peer Coaching
Cognitive Coaching
Subject-Specific Coaching
Program-Specific Coaching
Reform-Oriented Coaching
Mentoring New Teachers
One-one-one approach that links a beginner to an experienced teacher
Non-evaluative –a safe way for the novice to share frustrations and confusions
Longstanding approach, but not well defined
Focus is on nuts and bolts of teaching in a specific setting
Often evolves into coplanning sessions
Best mentoring is flexible and responsive
Mentoring is expensive, usually involving release time
Danger is that mentoring may perpetuate status quo
How are mentors chosen?
Typically, a veteran teacher at the same grade level is called on. Sometimes the same teacher mentors many teachers but does not teach. This situation has advantages and drawbacks.
Establishing a role for the coach
Building knowledge for teachers
• Support or induction to work in a school or district
• Knowledgeable, experienced peer support
• Outside-the-classroom support to understand requirements, procedures, and curriculum
Choosing instructional strategies
• Implements what has been chosen
• Benefits from the wisdom of practice
Making instructional plans
• Leads coplanning
Reflecting on instructional quality
• Observes and reflects on instruction
Assessing student learning
• Critically evaluates student achievement
Take a few minutes to identify the advantages and drawbacks of mentoring new teachers.
Mentoring New Teachers
Peer Coaching
Cognitive Coaching
Subject-Specific Coaching
Program-Specific Coaching
Reform-Oriented Coaching
Peer Coaching
Well articulated and researched
Intended as a bridge between formal PD and classroom implementation
Begins with principal targeting a problem and identifying an outside expert to provide PD in a strategy designed to address the problem
Does not embrace particular strategies
Entire staff implements the strategy and models it for one another
Teachers coach one another
Peer Coaching
Steps in peer coaching:
Principal facilitates forming teams of 2 or more
Teams meet to discuss goals and plan lessons
They observe one another teach from these plans
They meet again afterward to discuss the lesson
Joyce and Showers maintain that the observers also receive coaching through the modeling they observe
Peer Coaching
Teachers are not likely to see peer coaching as threatening
It is relatively inexpensive
It helps build cohesive relationships within teams
Especially appropriate if a particular schoolwide strategy is key (e.g., guided reading or reciprocal teaching)
But it places heavy reliance on a single strategy
Also, there are few “quality controls” for implementation
Establishing a role for the coach
Building knowledge for teachers
• Peers coach one another
• Demonstrates instructional strategies
• Meets outside classroom with external facilitator
• Observes teaching
Choosing instructional strategies
Making instructional plans
• Collaborative up-front effort of the principal and external facilitator
• Schoolwide focus
• Collaboration within each coaching team
Reflecting on instructional quality
• Personal reflection, in private
Assessing student learning
• Not specified
Take a few minutes to identify the advantages and drawbacks of peer coaching.
Mentoring New Teachers
Peer Coaching
Cognitive Coaching
Subject-Specific Coaching
Program-Specific Coaching
Reform-Oriented Coaching
Cognitive Coaching
Coaches learn personal interaction techniques similar to those used by counselors
Goal is to facilitate a teacher’s self-directed learning
Cognitive coaches
Collaborate with teachers in planning and instruction
Help build knowledge and skills outside the classroom
Explore the quality of teaching
• Guided self-reflection
• Evidence shared
• Conclusions for future
• Goals clarified
• Evidence chosen
• Strategies selected
• Self-assessment
• Evidence gathered
• Strategies documented
Cognitive Coaching
There is enough flexibility that any goal can be addressed
But Cognitive Coaching does not specify what or how to teach
Potential problem: What if teachers choose goals that are inconsistent with research?
Establishing a role for the coach
Building knowledge for teachers
• Assists teachers in moving from their current understandings to their desired understandings
• Consults with teachers, based on their selfreported needs
Choosing instructional strategies
• Collaborates with teachers, based on their individual goals
Making instructional plans
Reflecting on instructional quality
Assessing student learning
• Collaborates with teachers, based on their individual goals
• Conducts reflecting conferences, with the coach listening to and supporting self-reflection
• Chooses evidence collaboratively to match the teacher’s own goals
Take a few minutes to identify the advantages and drawbacks of cognitive coaching.
Mentoring New Teachers
Peer Coaching
Cognitive Coaching
Subject-Specific Coaching
Program-Specific Coaching
Reform-Oriented Coaching
Subject-Specific Coaching
Coaching targets a single subject area
Thus, an LC is really a subject-specific coach!
Can be linked to standards in a given area
No established approach for implementation
Gabriel speaks to subject-specific coaching in LA
He argues that leadership must be shared within teams.
He cautions against evaluation but reminds coaches that especially troubled instruction might have to be reported to the principal.
Subject-Specific Coaching
Gabriel’s view of the coach’s role makes subjectspecific coaching potentially more intrusive than mentoring new teachers, peer coaching, or
Cognitive Coaching.
Gabriel stresses the need for curriculum mapping.
Subject-Specific Coaching
A map is a good metaphor since there are usually more than a single route to a given destination.
Curriculum maps help teachers assure horizontal alignment (across classrooms at the same grade) and vertical alignment (across grades).
Subject-Specific Coaching
Gabriel includes scenarios for how a subjectspecific coach can use data to promote teacher engagement.
He recommends both formal and informal assessments.
A coach must not overrely on scores, but they can provide a window for constructive reflection.
Gabriel, J. G. (2005).
How to thrive as a teacher leader.
Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
Establishing a role for the coach
Building knowledge for teachers
• Ensure implementation of effective practices and monitor student outcomes
• Linked to deep understanding of curriculum and standards
Choosing instructional strategies
• Nested within the discipline
• Vertically articulated
Making instructional plans
Reflecting on instructional quality
• Collaborative curriculum development
• Curriculum mapping
• Focused observation
Assessing student learning
• Teacher-developed assessments
• State-mandated assessments
Take a few minutes to identify the advantages and drawbacks of subject-specific coaching.
Mentoring New Teachers
Peer Coaching
Cognitive Coaching
Subject-Specific Coaching
Program-Specific Coaching
Reform-Oriented Coaching
Program-Specific Coaching
Targets implementation of a commercial (or nonprofit) program
Slightly controversial since some authorities distinguish between training and true PD.
Two influential models of program-specific coaching are Reading Recovery
Success for All (SFA).
These models take different approaches to coaching for implementation.
These differences are instructive.
30-minute lesson frame
One-on-one instruction, first grade only
Children progress through leveled books that encourage application of recently taught skills
Each lesson involves complex decision making before, during, and after the lesson.
A train-the-trainer model is used. Trainers receive extensive work at university sites, then return to prepare teachers as Reading
Trainers watch teachers behind one-way mirrors, then provide follow-up conferencing.
Provides materials, grouping plans, and assessments
90-minute block in five-day cycle
Externally validated
Highly specific, but coaching still needed.
Coach’s role is to ensure fidelity to SFA
Observation checklists are used by coach
Coaches do not choose curricula or strategies
They use lesson plan templates
Establishing a role for the coach
• Trainer
Making instructional plans
Building knowledge for teachers
• Deep understanding of how and why to implement the program
Choosing instructional strategies
• External, completed by the program designers
Reflecting on instructional quality
• External, included in the program
• Internal, specified for the setting
• Fidelity to the program model
Assessing student learning
• Program-embedded assessments
• External assessments
Reading Recovery
Marie Clay
Success for All http://successforall.com/
Robert Slavin Nancy Madden
Take a few minutes to identify the advantages and drawbacks of curriculum-specific coaching.
Mentoring New Teachers
Peer Coaching
Cognitive Coaching
Subject-Specific Coaching
Program-Specific Coaching
Reform-Oriented Coaching
Reform-Oriented Coaching
Developed by us within REA and Reading First
Is the most intrusive of these six coaching models
Unlike program-specific models, goals may change over time, depending on assessment data
Reform-Oriented Coaching
Based on four up-front decisions:
School community recognizes that past practices are not yielding acceptable outcomes.
School has used a comprehensive, thoughtful procedure to select high-quality commercial instructional materials for grade-level instruction and for intensive intervention.
District and school leaders have committed to extended instructional time and schoolwide assessments.
There is time during and after the school day for the coach to provide professional development for teachers.
Reform-Oriented Coaching
Our model requires much of coaches! They must:
Work with each grade-level team to construct classroom schedules to specify how their curriculum will be implemented
Design an assessment system to screen students for potential problems
Employ flexible informal strategies to specify exactly what those problems are and how to address them.
Reform-Oriented Coaching
Our model requires much of coaches! They must:
Monitor progress to document the effectiveness of instruction
Understand outcome measures to chart growth over time
Interpret and represent data for individual children, classrooms, grade levels, and schools, using both cross-sectional and cohort tracking.
Design and implement a reflexive professional support system
Reform-Oriented Coaching
Coaches typically adopt one of two roles:
“director” or “mentor” (similar to Neufeld and
Roper’s change and content coaches)
This model is comprehensive and maintains choice, which is both a strength and a weakness!
It is adaptive to local contexts and is sure to look different at different sites (unlike curriculum-specific approaches)
Because of its intrusiveness, teacher resistance may become a challenge for coaches
Establishing a role for the coach
• Director and/or mentor
Building knowledge for teachers
Choosing instructional strategies
• Understanding of SBRR
• Implementation of whole-group instruction, differentiated small-group instruction, and intensive intervention
• Schools choose commercial materials for wholegroup instruction
• Schools choose commercial materials for intensive intervention
• Schools choose instructional strategies for smallgroup, differentiated instruction
Making instructional plans
Reflecting on instructional quality
Assessing student learning
• Grade-level collaboration, guided by the coach
• Walk-throughs
• Observations
• Valid and reliable assessment systems for screenings, progress monitoring, and outcomes
• Informal assessments to guide differentiated instruction
Take a few minutes to identify the advantages and drawbacks of reform-oriented coaching.
Mentoring New Teachers
Peer Coaching
Cognitive Coaching
Subject-Specific Coaching
Program-Specific Coaching
Reform-Oriented Coaching
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Workable Solutions in a Post-RF World
+ = donkey
Workable Solutions in a Post-RF World
+ = donkey zedonk
Mentoring New Teachers
Peer Coaching
Cognitive Coaching
Subject-Specific Coaching
Program-Specific Coaching
Reform-Oriented Coaching
Teachers work in pairs to help one another implement a new approach or refine their use of a familiar one.
LC works with principal to form pairs.
Remember that in peer coaching, there is no LC and the principal forms pairs or larger teams.
Pairings could match a strength in one teacher with a weakness in another.
Pairings could match a resistant with a cooperative teacher.
Pairings could match a proficient veteran with a new hire.
Pairing should avoid matching teachers who are both resistant (actively or passively).
LC coordinates pairings and helps schedule peer observations and conferences.
LC meets with each pair to discuss concerns and offer suggestions.
LC could cover one teacher’s class while the teacher observes in the partner’s classroom.
LC synthesizes information across pairs and periodically summarizes progress.
LC periodically works with principal to form new pairings.
Take 5
Would this hybrid coaching model be likely to work in your setting?
What are the advantages and drawbacks?
Could it be modified to make it work?
LC works with principal to craft or revise a mentoring program for new teachers.
The resulting plan would include a key coordinating role for the LC.
LC recruits mentors who are
Enthusiastic veterans committed to best practice.
Nurturing individuals with practical wisdom as well as technical expertise.
Educators who are unlikely to co-opt new teachers into unproductive habits.
LC meets periodically with mentors to discuss concerns and offer suggestions.
LC meets with mentor-mentee pairs by invitation.
LC draws conclusions across pairs with a view to improving the mentoring program and to finding ways to proactively prepare new hires as a group.
LC continually seeks mentoring resources such as videos and articles.
Take 5
Would this hybrid coaching model be likely to work in your setting?
What are the advantages and drawbacks?
Could it be modified to make it work?
LC works with new hires as the only mentor.
This hybrid requires a high level of teacher turnover.
Mentoring involves a combination of:
Introduction to SBRI and differentiated smallgroup instruction
Observation and conferencing cycle
Accelerated study of key topics
Data interpretation and its use in planning
Take 5
Would this hybrid coaching model be likely to work in your setting?
What are the advantages and drawbacks?
Could it be modified to make it work?
LC works part-time as specialist.
Possibilities for teaching role:
Interventionist outside the block or
Push-in small-group teacher.
Coaching time is limited and must be focused and selective.
If focus is on teachers whose students the LC teaches, data can be more easily shared.
It makes sense for the LC to serve the struggling students of struggling teachers.
Take 5
Would this hybrid coaching model be likely to work in your setting?
What are the advantages and drawbacks?
Could it be modified to make it work?
Reform + Peer Coaching
Reform + Mentoring
Reform as Mentoring
Reform + Specialist
Can you suggest other hybrids?
Perhaps hybrids of hybrids!?