Marriage, divorce and the family
Relationships - overview
Christian teaching
On marriage
Key elements of
Christian marriage
and the family
attitudes to
divorce and remarriage
Care of elderly
and other
family members
Family life:
Breakdown of
Christian teaching on Marriage
Do not commit adultery (10 Commandments)
“For this reason a man will leave his father
and mother and be united with his wife”
(Genesis and Jesus)
The Pharisees asked Jesus why Moses allowed
divorce, he said “because the people are hard
to teach”. (St Mark)
Moses only allowed divorce for unfaithfulness.
Jesus said “you are to be united as one”.
Marriage is therefore valued highly – it
reflects the union of Christ with his Church.
Teaching on marriage cont.
Marriage should be a life long union – a
covenant, contract involving commitment and
“That which God has joined together do not
let man divide” (Wedding Service)
Marriage must be faithful, it needs to be
worked at, it involves forgiveness.
The Churches believe that marriage is the
relationship where sex should take place and
that it is the best basis for bringing up
Attitude of the Churches to
Divorce and Re-marriage
All denominations see the breakdown of a
marriage as a tragedy.
RC Church does not accept divorce but allows
for annulment on special grounds.
C of E accepts divorce reluctantly but only
allows re-marriage according to each set of
circumstances and conscience of each priest.
Otherwise a service of blessing is offered
(Prince Charles and Camilla).
Attitude of Churches cont.
Baptists and Methodist clergy will generally
re-marry divorcees but again individual
ministers go by their conscience.
Some clergy believe that in cases of cruelty,
abuse, abandonment it is better to end a
marriage. Others say how can you make the
same vows twice.
Remember that Jesus actually forgave the
adulterous woman and told her to sin no more.
Breakdown of Marriage
A Christian couple might: pray, ask other Christians
for help, see their minister or priest, get counselling.
Christians would help: give time to the couple, pray,
give practical help, provide a common meeting place
for couples, children, support the work of Relate.
Relate (a non-Christian organisation) which provides
help for couples both in keeping a relationship going
or helping to end things in an amicable way.
CMAC – the Catholic organisation to help those whose
marriage is undergoing problems.
Christian ideas on Family Life
Husbands and wives – traditionally the woman
had to obey her husband. St Paul wrote
“women should submit to their husbands but
husband must love their wives as they love
However, Paul also wrote “All are one in Jesus.
Women rarely promise to obey during the
wedding service as marriage is now seen as a
Family life cont.
Parents and children – traditionally the father
was head of the house and should be obeyed
at all times.
However, the Bible says: “Honour your father
and mother (10 Commandments)
“Discipline your son and he will give you
“Children obey your parents but fathers do
not embitter your children (St Paul).
Respect and honour are seen as very
important in family life.
Changing Family Life
You need to be aware that family life has
been changing over the last 50 – 100 years.
Be familiar with the names of the different
types of family: nuclear, single parent,
extended, reconstituted.
Remember that nearly half of all children in
Britain today are born to unmarried parents.
Have your views clearly thought out
Care of other family members
Timothy wrote “if anyone does not provide for
his relatives, especially his immediate family
he has denied the faith and is worse than an
So the Christian family should look after the
elderly, the sick in their own family.
They should also help those in the wider
family of church members who are in need.
They should set an example of Christian love
(agape) which their children will follow.
What other verses might you use on this
Key Elements of Christian
Marriage (section c questions)
The sentence for discussion refers to the
importance of : love, honour, respect,
forgiveness, friendship within marriage.
They also ask such questions as:
Should parents bring their children up in the
Should children obey their parents?
Is Christian teaching about the family out of
Once again you must have your own views
and give both sides of the question.