The Status and Challenges of Access by students and staff of

The Status and Challenges of Access
by students and staff of Wireless
Technologies at the one of the
University in South Africa
Siphamandla Mncube
This presentation explores the status,
challenges of access and use of Wireless
Technologies at the one of the University in
South Africa.
Wireless technology is one the newest form of
internet access in higher education.
They have proven popular because one can
connect without wired connectivity.
Objectives of the Study
 To briefly examine the status of wireless
 To determine which types if any wireless
technology are in use at the one of the
University in South Africa
 To determine the level of implementation and
usage of wireless technology.
 To find out if students and staff make use of
wireless technology at the one of the University
in South Africa
 To find out about the benefits to student and
staff about wireless technology.
Conceptual framework
 Wireless communication is the transfer of
information over a distance without the use
of enhanced electrical conductors or
 Wireless communication is generally
considered to be a branch of
telecommunications, (GTSLearning, 2005).
Types of Wireless used
Wi-Fi, which stands for wireless fidelity, in a play on the older
term Hi-Fi, is a wireless networking technology used across the
Wi-Fi refers to any system that uses the 802.11 standard, which
was developed by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers (IEEE) and released in 1997
Wi-Fi works with no physical wired connection between sender
and receiver by using radio frequency (RF) technology, a
frequency within the electromagnetic spectrum associated with
radio wave propagation.
Types cont.…
WiMAX (Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave
Access) is a telecommunications protocol that
provides fixed and fully mobile internet access.
The current WiMAX revision provides up to
40 Mbit/s with the IEEE 802.16m update expected
offer up to 1 Gbit/s fixed speeds.
The study targeted all registered students and staff
members in the University.
Twenty five students and twenty five staff members were
selected randomly from four different faculties.
A survey to gather data in a real-life setting was used in the
Both qualitative and quantitative methods were used.
The study used questionnaires, 50 questionnaires were
distributed, 25(2.1% of 2010 enrolment) and handed to
students and other 25 (6.6% staff in 2010) were handed to
staff members of the University in order to collect
This quantitative methodology was chosen in the light of
the purpose of the study, the kind of information that was
required and the available resources.
Data processing
After all the questionnaires had been received, the
important task was then to reduce the mass of data
obtained to a format suitable for analysis.
The respondents’ responses were coded.
Frequency distribution was used.
The awareness of wireless technology
at the University.
The study reviled that students are most aware
than staff.
Statistics shows that 40% both students and staff
are not aware about wireless technologies.
Access points of wireless
Computer laboratories
Main Campus hall
In some students residence
The advantages of using wireless
Both student and staff responded by the following answers:
Wireless Internet provides super fast broadband speed.
Wireless Internet is more affordable and more reliable than satellite
broadband , since satellite signals typically have to travel tens of
thousands of miles,
Wireless Internet is also incredibly responsive, when you call up web
pages, download emails, and engage in teleconferencing or video
conferencing over the net, your wireless Internet system will yield ultra
fast transmission, Weather, radio frequencies, and traffic congestion can
all impede wireless Internet flow,
The wireless Internet broadband service offers rural Web surfers a way
to tap into high speed telecommunications without laying down fiber,
wireless Internet is a wonderful way to optimize
your surfing time,
no cable require to connect in order to connect
to the internet,
you do not have to be in the computer labs all
the time,
You can access lectures online.
Wireless technologies knowledge
For what purposes do students
and staff communicate with
wireless technology
to connect to the internet for accessing information from online
to search for information on the internet for study purposes such as
completing assignments,
for research and socialization in websites such as facebook, twitter,
badoo and skpe.
freedom of accessing internet where ever you are within the University
for searching and retrieval of information,
for teaching and learning (e-learning) purposes, for personal research.
Support concerning wireless
The 5% of students responded by yes about getting support base on
wireless technology, here are their following responses:
Request the ICT department for any help base on connecting
Free access of internet
The 65% of students responded by “no”, most of them emphasized that the
University do not give any support about wireless technology. What they
know they find in their way out. No printed documentation provided by the
University concerning wireless technology.
The 1.3% of staff responded by ‘yes’ the responded staff member are
working for ICT department, their provided with the following answers:
benefit from using internet at no cost but university expenses. The 98.7%
staff members responded by “no”.
Conclusions and Recommendations
The University should provide with information literacy to all
students so that they do not find any difficulties in using wireless
technologies (internet).
By doing the pass rate will increase because they will be having most
skill of searching and find information where ever they are.
Also staff members must be provided with enough skills in computer
literacy so that will be more efficiency and productive.
The availability of information sources should
accessible to all students and staff.
The wireless performance should be increase.
ICT department should provide support in
both students and staff about wireless