HOW TO DBQ Question: Using documents, discuss the effects of the development of the Atlantic trade and its impact on the participating civilizations from 1450-1750. Keep in mind what kinds of additional documents you need to assess the consequences of this economic endeavor. Planning Chart Doc 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Europe, Latin America, Africa PERSIAN Elements Positive or Negative impact Silver, Sugar, Slaves Document 1 “I do not know if coffee and sugar are essential to the happiness of Europe, but I do know well that these two products have accounted for the unhappiness of two great regions of the world: America has been depopulated so as to have land on which to plant them; Africa has been depopulated so as to have the people to cultivate them.” - from Volume 1 of J.H. Bernardin de Saint Pierre’s Voyage to the Isle de France, Isle de Bourbon, The Cape of Good Hope… (1773) Bias/Perspective: Doc 1 Europe, Latin America, Africa PERSIAN Positive or Negative impact Silver, Sugar, Slaves Document 2 Bias/Perspective: Doc 2 Europe, Latin America, Africa PERSIAN Positive or Negative impact Silver, Sugar, Slaves Document 3 - Anonymous advisor to King of France Doc 3 Europe, Latin America, Africa PERSIAN Positive or Negative impact Bias/Perspective Silver, Sugar, Slaves Document 4 Source: Antonio Vazquez de Espinosa – Compendium and Description (c.1620) Doc Europe, Latin America, Africa PERSIAN 4 Bias/Perspective: Positive or Negative impact Silver, Sugar, Slaves Document 5 Bias/Perspective: Do c 5 Europe, Latin America, Africa PERSIAN Positive or Negative impact Silver, Sugar, Slaves Document 6 Bias/Perspective: Doc 6 Europe, Latin America, Africa S.P.R.I.T.E. Positive or Negative impact Silver, Sugar, Slaves Document 7 Doc 7 Europe, Latin America, Africa PERSIAN Bias/Perspective: Positive or Negative impact Silver, Sugar, Slaves Document 8 Bias/Perspective: Doc 8 Europe, Latin America, Africa PERSIAN Positive or Negative impact Silver, Sugar, Slaves Developing a Thesis Question: Using documents, discuss the effects of the development of the Atlantic trade and its impact on the participating civilizations from 1450-1750. Keep in mind what kinds of additional documents you need to assess the consequences of this economic endeavor. After you analyze the sources provided, what conclusion can you make about the impact of the Atlantic Trade? 1. Search for facts in each document. Pay attention to who the authors of each document are. Are they reliable sources? 2. Look for common trends or information. Is there overwhelming evidence that supports one aspect over another? 3. Find ways to dismiss or downplay opposing viewpoints. 4. Make sure your thesis answers the question and attempts to prove something. Missing Voice Document After you analyze the sources provided, what additional document/s would you need to help prove your thesis about this situation! DBQ Essay Structure I. Introduction and Thesis statement II. Body Paragraph #1 Topic sentence – First subtopic grouping Group Documents to prove your thesis Analyze documents (Don’t just summarize) Why did author say what they said? How does each document prove a point? Why are these sources reliable or not? III. Body paragraph #2 Transition sentence – second subtopic grouping Group Documents to prove your thesis Analyze documents (Don’t just summarize) Why did author say what they said? Why are these sources not reliable? How can you dismiss them? IV. Missing documents – What documents would you need to help prove your thesis? Should provide two! V. Conclusion – restate thesis and conclusion. Try to broaden to larger themes.