HOW TO ANALYSE THE DATA NO INDICATOR DEFINITION 1 PRODUCTIVITY Reflects the amount of wealth created by company relative to the number of employee it has . 2 LABOUR COST COMPETITIVENESS HIGH RATIO LOW RATIO • Management Efficiency • Work Attitudes • Demand for the product • Price effect (pricing strategy) • High BIGS • Wastage of time and materials • Inadequate salary/wage rates 2.1 Added Value per Labour Cost Added Value per Labour Cost measures how much added value is produces by each unit of labour cost. Added value generated per ringgit of labour cost that we spent. The higher the ratio, the more competitive is the industry in terms of labour cost. A low ratio implies low level of productivity or high labour cost unmatched by productivity growth. 2.2 Labour Cost per Employee Labour Cost per Employee measures the average wage rate per employee High ratio means high returns to individual workers. vice-versa 2.3 Unit Labour Cost Proportion of labour cost to total output. Unit Labour Cost measures the labour cost incurred in producing one ringgit worth of output per employee A high ratio indicates high labour cost which could be due to labour scarcity and high labour turnover. It could also be due to a lack of skilled labour or poor labour mix. vice-versa Transformation . Innovation . Partnership 1 Productivity Linkages - Competitiveness Ratio Growth 12-13 What is Tells This ratio indicates how competitive. The enterprise in terms of LC Added Value per Labour Cost -26.42 % Labour Cost Per Employee 91.5 % This ratio measures the average remuneration per employee 60.61 % This ratio indicates the proportion of labour cost to total output. 40.90 % Reflects the amount of wealth created by the company, relative to the number of employees Unit Labour Cost Added Value per Employee Overall analysis indicates that this company is NOT COMPETITIVE Transformation . Innovation . Partnership 2 Productivity Linkages - Competitiveness Ratio Growth 12-13 What is Tells Added Value per Labour Cost 6.5 % This ratio indicates how competitive. The enterprise in terms of LC Labour Cost Per Employee 8.3 % This ratio measures the average remuneration per employee -2.4 % This ratio indicates the proportion of labour cost to total output. 2.9 % Reflects the amount of wealth created by the company, relative to the number of employees Unit Labour Cost Added Value per Employee Overall analysis indicates that this company is NOT COMPETITIVE Transformation . Innovation . Partnership 3 Productivity Linkages - Competitiveness Ratio Growth 12-13 What is Tells Added Value per Labour Cost 7.22 % This ratio indicates how competitive. The enterprise in terms of LC Labour Cost Per Employee 1.86 % This ratio measures the average remuneration per employee -9.09 % This ratio indicates the proportion of labour cost to total output. 9.71 % Reflects the amount of wealth created by the company, relative to the number of employees Unit Labour Cost Added Value per Employee Overall analysis indicates that this company is COMPETITIVE Transformation . Innovation . Partnership 4 Transformation . Innovation . Partnership 5