ROI analyses using FSL March 27, 2013 Overview - - Creating ROIs - Creating atlas based ROIs - Creating functional ROIs - Drawing ROIs in FSLview Registering ROI in standard space to single subject space Extracting data from the ROI (mean intensity, variance, zstat, and timecourse) Creating an atlas based ROI - Each atlas is a single volume/mask, with regions delineated by intensities - Using fslview, open the 2mm MNI standard brain > fslview & > File > Open Standard > /usr/local/packages/fsl5.0.1/data/standard/ MNI152_T1_2mm_brain - Add the AAL atlas (aal_MN_v4.nii) from /usr/local/packages/MATLAB/WFU_PickAtlas_3.0.1/wfu_pickatlas/MNI_atla s_templates/ >File > Open > /usr/local/packages/MATLAB/WFU_PickAtlas_3.0.1/wfu_pic katlas/MNI_atlas_templates/aal_MN_v4.nii - Find the region you are interested in extracting (for example Right Precentral Gyrus) - You can also use the atlas tools to help you with your anatomy: >Tools > Toolbars > Atlas Tools * Note the intensity of the region you will need this value to extract Extract ROI from atlas - For example: Extract right precentral gyrus ROI from the atlas using fslmaths - Helpful hint: type fslmaths on the command line to see info on its usage - On the command line: fslmaths /usr/local/packages/MATLAB/WFU_PickAtlas_3.0.1/wfu_pickatlas/MNI_atlas_templates/aal_MNI_V 4.nii –thr 2 –uthr 2 right_precentral - Input is the full atlas image path - thr: threshold input image (zero everything below) - uthr: threshold input image (zero everything above) - right_precentral is the output name, will be in folder you run the command from unless you specify a full path Creating ROIs from Functional Activations - ROIs can be created in subject space using cluster masks from fsl 1st level analyses to create individual functional ROI for each subject - Example: from first level functional analyses > fslview & > File > Open > run02.feat/cluster_mask_zstat1.nii.gz * Note the intensity of the region you will need this value to extract Creating ROIs from functional activations fslmaths run02.feat/cluster_mask_zstat1.nii.gz –thr 6 –uthr 6 example_ROI Create ROIs from functional activations - ROIs can be created in standard space using cluster masks from fsl 3rd level analyses to create group ROIs that can be applied to each subject Drawing ROIs using FSLview - Can be done in subject or standard space This example is in standard space fslview File > Create Mask Use pencil button to fill in voxels you want to have a value of 1 File > Save Register ROIs to subject space If you create an ROI in standard space, and you want to extract information from the ROI in subject space (from a first level analysis), register the ROI to the subject’s preprocessed data Since feat was already run, we know the transformation between the BOLD data and the MNI brain: run01.feat/reg/example_func2standard.mat What we need is the inverse transformation matrix: convert_xfm inverse run02.feat/reg/example_func2standard.mat omat run02.feat/reg/Std2Example_func.mat Apply the transformation matrix to the ROI (for each subject separately) flirt -in test_ROI.nii.gz -ref run02.feat/reg/example_func.nii.gz -applyxfm -init run02.feat/reg/Std2Example_func.mat -out run02.feat/reg/reg_test_ROI Extracting data from ROIs - - This example uses the atlas based ROI after transforming to subject space Extract data from ROIs using fslstats using the following options: –k (mask) –m (output the mean) For example: fslstats run02.feat/stats/zstat1.nii.gz –k run02.feat/reg/reg_test_ROI –m gives you the mean zstat in that ROI for each subject - - Your inputs can be zstat images, magnitude of parameter estimate (cope images) variance of parameter estimate (varcope images) For DTI data, you can extract metrics such as mean FA on a subject by subject basis from a WM ROI Extracting data from ROIs - Extracting mean time series from ROI - Time series data comes from (preprocessed) filtered_func_data.nii.gz in a first level .feat directory - use function fslmeants fslmeants -i filtered_func_data -o meants.txt -m my_mask