Gagne and Instruction

Gagne and Reconsideration of
Learning Theories
EDU 553 – Principles of
Instructional Design
Dr. Steve Broskoske
• What can we learn from Behaviorism and
• Gagne’s Model realized in CBT.
• Remote activities and next week.
Reconsideration of
Learning Theories
• How do people learn?
– Learn by doing, and through reinforcement.
• What are learners like?
– Learners are passive and reactive.
• What is knowledge?
– Knowledge consists of stimulus-response bonds.
Pavlov’s dog
• What is education?
– Teaching consists of carefully arranging stimuli, set up for
inducing proper responses, and reinforcement. During
learning, minimize the effect of distracting stimuli and
eliminate competing stimuli.
• Educational strategies?
– Teach in small steps/blocks of instruction, use drill and
• How do people learn?
– Learn by constructing your own knowledge (schema).
• What are learners like?
– Learners are active and play an important role in learning
• What is knowledge?
– Knowledge consists of individual schemata constructed by
• What is education?
– Teaching consists of helping students to recall what they already
know about a topic, providing new information to students, and
they construct (add/remove/reconnect nodes) in their individual
schema. [retrieval—reconstruction—restorage]
• Educational strategies?
– Concept formation, problem solving, decision making, lifelong
Behaviorism vs. Constructivism
• Learning deals with
changes in overt
• Tie response to stimulus.
Use knowledge of
both Constructivism
and Behaviorism in
planning, teaching,
and assessment.
• Learning entails
construction (and
reshaping) of mental
• Emphasize teaching how
to think.
• Focus on concept
formation, problem
solving, decision making,
lifelong learning.
Taking Behaviorism
into the Classroom
• State objectives of the instruction as learner
behaviors. (Learning is inferred from student behavior.)
• Use cues to guide students to the desired
behavior. (Behavior is determined by the stimuli that precede it.)
• Select consequences that will reinforce the
desired behavior, and have them immediately
follow behavior. (Whether a behavior will be repeated
depends on the consequences that follow it.)
• Teach in small steps/blocks of instruction.
• Use drill and practice to teach skills that require
instantaneous recognition of signals or require
extreme proficiency (prerequisite info.).
Taking Constructivism
into the Classroom
• Begin instruction by helping students recall
prerequisite knowledge.
• Use thoughtful discussion.
– Ask open-ended questions, listen to ideas, and
provide alternative proposition.
• Use metaphors to build bridges to new
• Use graphic organizers.
– Show how new material fits in with previously
presented material.
Bloom’s Taxonomy
• Knowledge
– Ability to recognize and recall information. Memory.
• Comprehension
– Ability to translate, explain, or interpret knowledge.
• Application
– Apply knowledge to address new situations.
• Analysis
– Scrutinize information knowledge and explain its significance.
• Synthesis
– Form new ideas.
• Evaluation
– Offer opinions and make value judgments.
Use Bloom’s Taxonomy to help students scaffold learning
and build & fortify neural networks.
Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences
1. Linguistic: writing journals,
making speeches, advocating,
retelling, and reading.
2. Musical: singing, performing,
reading and writing poetry, and
playing instruments.
3. Logical-mathematical:
outlining, calculating, analyzing
statistical information, and
creating timelines.
4. Visual-spatial: drawing, using
guided imagery, making
mindmaps, and using graphic
organizers, maps, charts, and
5. Body-kinesthetic: role-playing,
enacting simulations, playing
games, and using
6. Intrapersonal: doing selfreflection tasks, practicing
higher-order reasoning,
questioning, and taking
personal inventories.
7. Interpersonal: participating in
group work, practicing
cooperative learning,
mentoring, tutoring, and
conducting field interviews.
8. Naturalistic: fishing, hiking,
camping, farming, and
investigating the natural world.
Use Multiple Intelligences to help students build more
robust neural pathways (connections).
Applying Gagne’s Model Into
Computer-Based Instruction
Gagne’s Nine Significant Events
Model of Instruction
1. Gain Attention: Focus learners.
Do this as often as necessary.
2. Inform Learner of Objectives: Provide
an advanced organizer: tell learners what
will be learned. Get learners’ brains
prepared for learning new material.
3. Help Learner Recall Prerequisites:
Link previous instruction to new learning.
Gagne’s Nine Significant Events
Model of Instruction
4. Present Stimuli: Present new material
to be learned. Teach.
5. Provide Guidance: Help students learn
material through examples and
6. Elicit Performance: Exercise student
learning in order to improve it.
7. Provide Feedback: Help students see
what is right and wrong and why.
Gagne’s Nine Significant Events
Model of Instruction
8. Assess Performance: Test: determine if
students have learned the material and
are ready to go on.
9. Enhance Retention and Transfer: Help
students retain material and apply it to
new situations. Connect to prior and
future learning.
Gagne in Computer-based
Gain Attention
Inform Learner of Objectives
Help Learner Recall Prerequisites
Present Stimuli
Provide Guidance
Elicit Performance
Provide Feedback
Assess Performance
Enhance Retention and Transfer
The Process of Instruction
• After Gagne events 1-3, present a small
block of instruction (one concept).
– Present some information.
– Present an example.
– Elicit performance from learner, and provide
• Embed a question, with helpful feedback.
• Provide some type of practice.
The Process of Instruction
• If the information is complex, present another
block of instruction (Gagne events 4-7).
• Test the learner’s knowledge of the material
presented, as described in the objectives.
• Review material learned.
In the classroom, events 1-7 represent 1 class
period. In CBT, these events are used in 1 block of
instruction (presenting 1 concept).
The Process of Instruction
• During instruction, remember to include:
– Gain and maintain learner attention: critical.
– Involve students actively in learning.
– Don’t cognitively overload learners (remember the
Magic Number 7±2).
– Use metaphors and analogies to bridge existing and
new knowledge.
– Utilize mnemonics.
– Eliminate aspects of negative emotion.
– Engage learner emotions to enhance memory.
Media Selection
• When might the following media be an
appropriate choice in instruction?
– Graphics.
– Video.
– Audio.
– Interactive (blog/wiki/discussion).
– Online game.
– Link to a Website.
– Other.
Remote Class and Next Week
• In small groups, let’s explore several free
or inexpensive platforms for offering CBT:
– Camtasia Studio (also for Mac)
– Visual Basic 2010 Express
– WebSoft CourseLab
– Easy Tutor
• Expensive options:
– Director
– Lectora
Remote Class and Next Week
• Evaluate the platform:
– Ease of use (user-friendly environment)?
– Allows various media to be utilized?
– Allows interactive activities?
– Allows links to outside Websites/ tools?
– Training can be saved for use on any
computer (without buying the product)?
– Cost of product?
– Other comments on usability?
Remote Class and Next Week
• We will explore using PowerPoint as a
platform for delivering computer-based
Remember: No in-person
class next week!