
The Question
The US Congress has debated a variety of campaign
finances reforms over the last decade. The proposals
included the following:
 Eliminating soft money
 Limiting independent expenditures
 Raising limits on individuals contribution
The Question
Select one of the listed proposals and do the following:
 Define the proposal
 Describe an argument that favors the proposal
 Describe an argument that is against the proposal
 1 point is earned for the definition of the proposal*
 1 point is earned for the description of the argument in
favor of the proposal
 1 point is earned for the description of the argument
against the proposal.
 *The response may get description points without the definition
points, but the description must reference the particular proposal.
Eliminating Soft Money
 Prohibiting or regulating campaign contributions to
political parties and/or contributions for party
building activities
Eliminating Soft Money
Arguments in favor for:
 Soft money is often used to circumvent limits on hard
 Levels the playing field
 Lessens concern about undue influence of “fat cats”/
buying influence
 Provides more disclosures and transparency
 Decreases overall cost of the campaign
Eliminating Soft Money
Arguments against:
 First amendment
 Contrary to ruling in Buckley v. Valeo*
 Party money is one step removed between contributor
and decision-maker
 Weakens political parties
 Might lessen grassroots participation
Limiting Independent Expenditures
 Limiting money spent by individuals and groups not
directly affiliated with the candidate or the party
Limiting Independent Expenditures
Arguments in favor for:
 Can be used to circumvent limits on hard money
 Levels the playing field
 Possibly reduces negative issue ads.
 Candidates want to control their own campaign
 Lessens concern about undue influence of “fat cat”/
buying of influence
Limiting Independent Expenditures
Arguments against:
 First Amendment
 Contrary rule in Buckley v. Valeo
 Might lesson grassroots participation
Raising Limits on Individual
 Prohibiting or regulating campaign contributions to
political parties and/ or contributions for party
building activities
Raising Limits on Individual
Arguments in favor for:
 Limits are not indexed inflation
 Candidates can spend less time fundraising
 Decrease influence of PACs
 Decreases restrictions under First Amendment rights*
 Decrease reliance on less-regulated forms of campaign
Raising Limits on Individual
Arguments against:
 Allows the rich to have/buy more influence
 Too much money in the process already
 Drives up the cost of campaigns
“And may the odds ever be in your favor.”