Names_Nombres - jaguar-language-arts

By Julia Alvarez
Meet the Author
 Julia Alvarez was born in the
Dominican Republic.
 Her family fled the country
when she was just 10 years
 Alvarez felt out of place in
her new community, New
York City.
 How might Alvarez adjusted
to her new community?
Key Reading Skill: Evaluating
 Sometimes when you
evaluate a short story,
you form an opinion
about how well an author
tells the story.
 Is the story meaningful?
Why or why not?
 Is the story believable
and realistic? Why or why
 For example, I’m going to
evaluate “The Weird Watsons,”
or share my opinion about
how the author tells the story.
 I think the story is
meaningful, because it
illustrates a community most
of us are familiar with, family.
 I think the story is believable,
because it tells a humorous
and realistic portrayal of a
“weird” family that is not
really weird at all. The
Watsons are like any other
family that has its “weird”
Connect to the Reading
 In “Names/Nombres,” Julia Alvarez talks about
the names she’s used throughout her life.
 Her names say different things about her.
 As you read, think about your names or
o What does your name say about who you are?
o If you moved to another country, would you be
okay with people changing your name? Why or
why not?
Purposes for Reading
 Find out why names are important to
Julia Alvarez.
 Identify characteristics of
autobiography based on the selection.
 Find out what communities Alvarez is a
part of.
What are some characteristics of an
After You Read
Evaluate: Would you recommend this
story? Why or why not?
What is one characteristic of this story
that shows it is an autobiography?
Name one community Alvarez is a part
of in this story.
What are two communities that overlap
in this story? What is the result?
How has being a part of overlapping
communities shaped Alvarez’s story or
who she is today?
Make a connection with this story.
Comprehension and Critical Thinking
 On pages 792-793, answer questions 2-
7 on your paper.
 Write in complete sentences.
 Turn into the tray when you are done.
 Check your bell work definitions by
comparing them with the definitions on
p. 784.