
Goldfish Investigation
The effect of temperature on the
rate of cellular respiration.
Recall-How does bromothymol blue
work again?
• Why has the fish’s
water turned
• Explain the gases
“Temperature and Cellular Respiration Lab”
(Label a new piece of paper)
PRELAB Questions:
• 1. The reactants of cellular respiration are _____________. The products
of cellular respiration are _________________.
• 2. Where in the cell does cellular respiration happen?
• 3. Define homeostasis (new word).
1. Scientific Question: Will temperature effect the rate of cellular respiration
in gold fish?
2. Hypothesis: (MAKE YOUR OWN… IF/THEN)
3. Materials: 1 fish, 1 beaker, bromothymol blue, water, stop watch
4. Variables and Procedures…
Independent Variable:
Dependent Variable:
Once your hypothesis and
variables have been checked
you are ready to begin the lab!
“Temperature and Cellular Respiration Lab” Continued…
4. Variables & Procedures
Independent Variable: I am testing how TEMPERATURE effects cellular
respiration in fish.
Dependent Variable: I am measuring the rate at which the fish breaths and
how the color of the indicator changes.
1. There are 3 fish in 3 different temperatures. They are set up at different
2. Record how many times the fish breathes in one minute (by watching it
open and close it’s mouth). Repeat 3 times (3 trials at each station).
3. At the end of the lab, make an observation about the color of the
bromothymol blue indicator.
4. You will have 2 data tables!
Temperature and Cellular Respiration
5. Data Table
Try to creat your own.
3 fish… 3 temperatures…what can you come up with?
Slightly Warm
Trial 1
(# of breaths)
Trial 2
(# of breaths)
Trial 1
Trial 2
Trial 3
(# of breaths) (# of breaths) (# of breaths)
Trial 3
(# of breaths)
Having problems creating a
data table?
Use one of these!
Slightly Warm
Data Analysis and Conclusion
Data Analysis• Create a graph to represent your findings in the lab.
Conclusion (the hard part…)• Determine whether your hypothesis was right or wrong. You
must back up your claims with data from your investigation.
• Explain the full process of cellular respiration and how it was
effected by the changing temperatures. Be sure to include
how reactants and products of photosynthesis were effected
in this investigation.
• How are your findings in the lab relative to real world
– How was cellular respiration effected by the temperature change?