Today 8/26/11 • Hooray! No Quiz today! • You need: – Bellwork – Cornell Notes – Your homework – Your portfolio Bellwork #9 8/26/11 COPY ALL! QUESTION AND ALL ANSWER CHOICES 9. Which of the following is not a problem that led to the fall of Rome? a. Barbarian Invasions b. High Taxes c. Influence of Greeks d. Political Corruption Bellwork #8 8/25/11 COPY ALL: QUESTION AND ALL ANSWERS Which of the following was not a Roman contribution? a) Aqueducts b) Strong Buildings c) Gunpowder d) Written Laws Cornell notes: Fall of the Western Roman Empire Questions Class notes Summary The Big Idea Problems from both inside and outside caused the Roman Empire to split and the western half to collapse. Main Ideas 1. Problems threatened the Roman Empire, leading one emperor to divide it in half. 2. Barbarians invaded Rome in the 300s and 400s. 3. Many factors contributed to Rome’s fall. Remember what the Romans achieved: Government: Republican government, Senators, and a strong Emperor. Written laws gave citizens protection. Engineering: Roads, Aqueducts, Bridges Architecture: Open spaces and columns borrowed from the Greeks, Arches, Dome, Large buildings, stadiums, theaters Art: Realistic art which included mosaics, sculptures, and paintings. The Roman Empire became very large and even though they had advanced technology, they couldn’t solve all their problems! I. Problems in the Empire • The Roman Empire had problems: a) Political Corruption• government stealing money • many wealthy citizens left Rome b) Diseases killed many people c) Government raised taxes d) Problems from both inside and outside caused Roman Emperor Diocletian to split the Roman Empire into two halves: East and West. The Empire is too big for one ruler! Because of the empire’s size Diocletian had to split the empire in two, later Constantine moved the capital to Constantinople . Can you find Constantinople on the map? The Eastern Capital: Constantinople II. Barbarian Invasion a) Barbarians invaded the western Roman Empire b) Huns from Central Asia invaded Europe & attacked a tribes of Germanics called the Goths and the Slavs. c) The Goths fled from the Huns into western Roman territory and created their own kingdoms. Why didn’t Rome stop the Barbarians? 2.Next, scared of the Huns, barbarian tribes move into the western Roman Empire! 3.Finally, tribes like the Franks set up their own kingdoms within the western Roman Empire. 1. First, the Huns start in Asia but make their way west attacking many barbarian tribes as they go. III. The destruction of Rome a) The Goths attack and destroy Rome b) The Roman Empire in the East continued to rule for another 1000 years. c) Historians renamed The Eastern Empire the “Byzantine Empire” to distinguish it from the Western Empire. The Fall of the Western Roman Empire IV. The Fall of Rome a) The large size of the empire made it hard to control. b) Barbarian invasions weakened the empire. c) Political corruption led to a weak/ineffective government d) The population decreased Rome, 5 mi Rome Barbarians The Roman Empire has fallen. We will set up our own kingdom. • The final emperor, Romulus Augustus, was forced to give his crown to the Barbarian King Cornell notes Interactions 1. Map: Draw a rough map of the Roman Empire, and place symbols for Barbarians, diseases, and high taxes. You can use page pg 30-31 as a reference 2. Haiku: Pick an idea from the notes, and write a Haiku poem. (5-7-5) Gaul Spain Europe Italy Asia Mediterranean = high taxes Sea = diseases Egypt = barbarian attacks 3. Suggestions: Pretend you are the Roman Emperor. Write three ideas for how you would stop the Barbarians from attacking. More fighting is not an answer. R O M A N Christianity in Rome Strengths of Rome Rome’s Contributions Weaknesses of Rome The Empire Divides Into Two The Fall of the West The Empire divides into two a) Trying to fix Rome’s many problems, Emperor Diocletian divided the empire into two pieces b) Diocletian ruled the Eastern half c) A co-emperor (Maximian) ruled the Western half d) This made it much easier to control (for now….) The Fall of The West Make a chart, using your notes: • List four reasons why Rome collapsed, include pictures The Fall of the West Suggestions: Pretend you are the Roman Emperor. Write three ideas for how you would stop the Barbarians from attacking. More fighting is not an answer. Summary • Write a one sentence summary of each slide