File - Morell, US History

a. Asia
b. Europe
c. South America
d. Australia
Where did most of the Irish
immigrants settle?
 a. The Northeast
 B. The mid-Atlantic
 C. The South
 D. The midwest
What were the Americans who
opposed immigration called?
 A. Politicians
 B. Citizens
 C. Migrants
 D. nativists
b. Condos
c. Duplexes
d. townhouses
The temperance movement,
efforts at prison reform, and the
abolitionist movement were all
elements of
 A. Social reforms of the mid 1800s
 B. The Second Great Awakening
 C. Transcendentalism
 D. The women’s rights movement
Which of the following is not an
example of propaganda?
 A. A flyer protesting new tax laws
 B. An ad about a political candidate
 C. A radio announcement sponsored by an interest
 D. A list of camping rules from a park
This was the first public meeting
about women’s rights held in the
United States.
 A. World’s anti-slavery convention
 B. Declaration of Sentiments Union
 C. Seneca Falls Convention
 D. American Women’s Rights Convention
African American students in
the North
 A. Had less opportunity for education than those in
the South
 B. Did not benefit from educational reforms
 C. Had opportunities to attend black colleges formed
in the 1840s
 D. Usually attended the same schools as white
What led to the flood of Irish
immigrants entering the United
States in the mid 1840s
 A. Potato blight
 B. Unsafe working conditions
 C. Religious persecution
 D. Violent revolution
Which of the following is true
about women’s rights in the
 A. Large cities allowed women to vote in local elections.
 B. Women could not serve on juries.
 C. Women asking for equality were punished under the
 D. Only married women could manage their own property.
What effect did Nat Turner’s
Rebellion of 1831 have on
southern society?
 A. Many slaveholders freed their slaves.
 B. People stopped discussing slavery openly.
 C. Mob violence over the slave issue increased
 D. More whites began hiding fugitive slaves.
Why were many African American
schools established in
Philadelphia in the mid -1800s?
 A. Of all northern U.S. cities, Philadelphia had the largest
African American population.
 B. As a center of Quaker influence, Philadelphia strongly
supported the education of African American children.
 C. Laws in other northern cities barred freed African
Americans from receiving any kind of education.
 D. Philadelphia’s citizens believed that establishing
African American schools would help the abolitionist
The majority of German
immigrants who entered the
United States in the late 1840s
were attracted by
 A. the supply of high-paying skilled jobs.
 B. economic opportunity and freedom from
government control.
 C. protection of freedom of religion
 D. political refuge and support for revolutionaries at
One of the benefits of women’s
reform work was that
 A. Some men became involved in the women’s
 B. Most people began raising money for the women’s
 C. More women began educating their children at
 D. Women began controlling their father’s property.
Which of the following was
common in American cities in the
 A. Criminal activity
 B. Public fire departments
 C. Crowded subways
 D. Sanitation services
The growth of industry and cities
in the United States led to the
development of a new social class
called the_____.
 A. Working class
 B. Middle class
 C. Yeomen
 D. Rural poor
The ________was a movement of
Christian renewal that swept
through the United States during
the 1790s and the early 1800s.
 A. Great Awakening
 B. Second Great Awakening
 C. Fourth Great Awakening
 D. American Anti-Slavery Society
a. Declaration of Sentiments
b. Declaration of the Rights of Women
c. Declaration of Independence
d. Bill of Rights
Reformer ______spoke to the state
legislature of Massachusetts about the
fact that the mentally ill were housed
with criminals in the state’s prison
 A. Margaret Fuller
 B. Horace Mann
 C. Dorothea Dix
 D. Ralph Waldo Emerson
The _______was an organization that
fought for the immediate
emancipation of slaves and for racial
equality for African Americans living in
the United States.
 A. Temperance Society
 B. American Anti-Slavery Society
 C. Know-Nothing Party
 D. Abolitionist Society
3. _____founded the American Anti-Slavery Society and
published the newspaper The Liberator.
4. ____Started an all-female academy in Hartford, Connecticut.
5. ____leader of the common-school movement, an advocate
for public education.
6. ____founded the first free school for hearing impaired people
in 1817.
7.___escaped slave, who became an important African
American leader .
 A. Horace Mann
 b. Catherine Beecher
 c. Thomas Gallaudet
 d. William Lloyd Garrison
 e. Frederick Douglass
8. ___Anti-slavery activists from a slave holding family.
9. ___women’s right activist who was one of the organizers of
the Seneca Falls Convention.
10. ____escaped slave who succeeded in leading over 300 slaves
to freedom on the Underground Railroad.
11. ____wanted to limit people’s consumption of alcohol.
12. ____organization designed to help fugitive slaves escape to
the North.
 A.Harriet Tubman
 B. Grimke sisters
 C. Elizabeth Cady Stanton
 D. American Temperance Society
 E. Underground Railroad