Finals - Parsons

This is the study guide for the Fall Semester Final for 10 European Studies/History. The test will consist of multiple-choice
questions and 1 essay. This study guide gives you a great starting point and acts as a skeleton for your studying and you
will need to add additional information for each bullet.
Middle Ages
 Feudal System
o Definition
 Political system
 Hierarchy
 Nobles granted use of land that
belonged to the king
 Give loyalty and military service
 Well defined social classes
 King, noble, church official,
knights, peasants, serfs
 Magna Carta
o Who signed it
 King John
o Major provisions
 Limit powers
 Forced to sign it
 Power of the Catholic Church
o Canon law
 Church law
 Everyone was subject to the rules
 Three-field system
o New technologies
o More food, population, specialization
 Crusades
o Outcomes
o Effects
 Better for women
 Trade expanded
 Lessened power of the pope
 Hatred between Christians and
 Black Plague
o Basic background
o How many died – 25 million
o How did it spread
 Hundred Years’ War
o Fought between which two countries
o France and England
 Medici Family
 Where did it start? Why there?
o Rebirth
o Moved north
o Changes
 Printing Press
o Spread knowledge
o Faster and efficient
o Education, reading
 Humanism
o Definition
o Intellectual movement and human potential
 Brunelleschi
 Renaissance Man
o Da vinci
 Pre-Reformers
o Erasmus
o Wycliff
o Hus
 Indulgences
o Tetzel
o Selling for salvation
o Corruption
o Luther against
 Luther
o motivation
 Calvin
 Knox
o Followers
o Presbyterians
 Huguenots
o French protestants
 Henry VIII
o Motivation
o Wives
o Children
 Act of Supremacy
 Edward, Mary, Elizabeth
 Counter Reformation
o Goals, outcomes
o Catholic needed some changes as well
o Helping Catholics remain loyal
 Jesuits
o Ignatius Loyola
 Council of Trent
o Goals, outcomes
 Predestination
o John Calvin
o Destined to be saved or not
Absolute Monarchs
 Religious territory conflicts
 Growth of armies
 Heavy taxes
 English Civil War:
o Who? Result?
 Divine Right
 Glorious Revolution
o Country, why
o England
o Constitutional monarchy
 English Leaders
 Philip II of Spain
o Catholic
 Louis XIV of France
o Versailles
o Cardinal Richelieu
 Limit the nobles
 Jean-Baptiste Colbert
o Financial advisor
o Self sufficiently
o Military
 Hobbes
o Philosophy
o Major quotes
 Locke
o Philosophy
o Major quotes
 Rousseau
o Philosophy
 Philosophes
o Ideals
o Paris
 Salons
Scientific Revolution
 Heliocentric
o Sun is the center
 Geocentric
o Everything runs around the earth
 Copernicus
 Kepler
 Galileo
 Newton
French Revolution
 Old Regime
o Who had the power
o The estates general, voting 2-1
o Taxing nobles – possible ?
 Causes
o Debt
o Food
o Estates
o Am. Revolution
 3- estates
o % of pop for each
o land owned
o who belonged to them
 Louis XVI
 Marie Antoinette
 Tennis Court Oath
 National Assembly
 Storming of the Bastille
o Why
o Bastille Day
 Maximilien Robespierre
 September Massacre
 Dec. of the Rights of Man
 Guillotine
 National Convention
 Jacobins
 Reign of Terror
 Committee on Public Safety
 New Directory
 Early Years
o Corsica
o Military School
 Rise to power
 Domestic Policies
o Concordat
 Napoleonic Code
 Coup d’état
 Emperor Napoleon
 Exile
 100 days
 Waterloo
 Plebiscite
 Lycees
Congress of Vienna
 Purpose
 Countries
Industrial Revolution
 Where did it start and why?
 Urbanization/Impact
 Labor Unions/Reform
o Combination Acts of 1799 and 1800
o Factory Act of 1833
o The (Coal) Mines Act of 1842
o The Ten Hours Act of 1847
 Laissez Faire (Definition)
 Adam Smith
 Irish Potato Famine
 Capitalism vs. Socialism
 Karl Marx (Communist Manifesto 1848)
 Define nationalism
 Rise of Nationalism/Types of Nationalism
 Unification of Italy
 Unification of Germany
 Crimean War