Unit 9, Section Four Notes 2014

Cotton, Cattle, and Railroads
Unit 9, Section 4 Notes
European Immigration to Texas
Germans Settle in Central Texas
The largest European group to settle in Texas
was the German, who first began arriving in
the 1830’s looking for better economic
opportunities. A group of wealthy Germans
formed the German Emigration Company and
they hoped to make a profit by encouraging
Germans to settle in Texas. They acquired land
in the Texas Hill Country and began building
German Settlements in Texas
The German Immigration Company set up a
port, called Indianola, for incoming settlers.
They then sent groups of peasants to the
Texas Hill Country to create settlements. They
established New Braunsfels along the Comal
and Guadalupe Rivers, one of today’s most
often visited “German” towns.
German Heritage in Texas Today
By 1847, the German Emigration Company had
sent more than 10,000 immigrants to Texas.
These people helped establish Fredericksburg,
Boerne, and Comfort, and aided in the
continued growth of cities like Houston and
San Antonio. Today, many Texas towns in the
Hill Country reflect their German heritage
through food, architecture, and language.
French Immigrants in Texas
In 1840, France and Texas signed a treaty that
encouraged French immigration to Texas. Many
of the first French settlers to Texas were from
Alsace, France. They founded the town of
Castroville in 1844. By 1846, over 2,000 French
settlers lived along the Medina River, and most of
them became farmers and ranchers. Their French
culture can still be found in the customs,
architecture, and churches of Castroville and
surrounding towns.
Irish Settlers in Texas
Before Texas was even a Republic, Irish settlers had
been coming to Texas. They were brought to
Texas by the Irish potato famine, in which many
Irish people experienced extreme poverty. Many
Irishmen received empresario contracts in the
1820’s, including James Hewetson, who worked
with Stephen F. Austin. Many fought on the side
of Texas at the Alamo, Goliad, and the Battle of
San Jacinto. Most settled near the Rio Grande in
towns like San Patricio, Refugio, and Victoria.
Other European Immigrant Groups
Many Polish and Czech immigrants made their
way to Texas and settled in South and Central
Texas. Immigration from Poland and
Czechoslovakia increased as economic and
political conditions worsened in their
homeland. Many were looking for a place to
start over, while others came looking for good
farmland so they could make money.
Immigrant Groups – Where and Why
• Mexicans
Where – South Texas
Why – Bordered Mexico, there were vast
amounts of land for ranching
• Germans
Where – New Braunsfels, San Antonio, Central
Why – good climate and cheap land
Immigrant Groups – Where and Why
• Americans
Where – East Texas, Central Texas
Why – financial opportunities
• Swedish
Where – Williamson County
Why – financial opportunities
• Irish
Where – Rio Grande Valley
Why – potato famine, extreme poverty
Immigrant Groups – Where and Why
• French
Where – Castroville
Why – Colonization Law of 1841
• Polish
Where – Panna Maria
Why – economic opportunities
• Czech
Where – Cat Spring, Fayette County
Why – cheap land, poverty in homeland
Immigrant Groups – Where and Why
• Italians
Where – urban communities along the Texas
Why – economic depression in homeland
• Chinese
Where – El Paso, Houston, and other urban
Why – helped build the railroads