Reading Lesson Using our Fitzroy. Why Fitzroy? Phonetics based Complements a whole language programme Ensures reading success due to learning being built slowly. Ensures children learn their alphabet and letter sounds thoroughly. From the Beginning: Children need to know at least 13 alphabet names and sounds before they begin the first book. Reading is based on alphabet activities when the children first begin. Our first book is “The Fat Cat” There are 60 books in the programme and each builds on to skills learnt and introduces another. A Typical Lesson Reading Warm-up Big Book Group Tumble Fitzroy Lesson New letters (for early readers) or new sounds (diagraphs or single letter sounds) Special words and any New words whose meaning may need to be explained Reading the book together Follow-up sheets Typical Tumble FITZROY TUMBLE: P.WATKIN FITZROY TUMBLE: P.WATKIN FITZROY TUMBLE: P.WATKIN GROUPS Blue Stars Magenta Green Stars Magenta Red Stars Yellow Stars DAY DAY 59 1 Flashcards Pre-test spelling Teacher toofwork words we from with know the reader group on Students Student follow-up Comprehension read book Mark coverWorksheet activities forSheet F C Student worksheets follow-up booklet Sheet D DAY DAY DAY10 62 Introduce Recover Other reading known & work on words-flashcards resourcenew words Ready to Students Student Read series follow-up read book Mark SheetWorksheet Student A follow-upD Student related activity follow-up to Sheet book E DAY DAY 11 73 Comprehension Introduce Other reading new discussion sounds & diagraphs resourcetop Ready of to Sheet Teacher Read series F reads text Students Scan textfollow-up Student to read book play dough related activity matsto Mark Brainstorm book Worksheet chartsE Student Mark Worksheet follow-up A Thinkers Student follow-up Keys activities Sheet B based on book DAY DAY12 4 8 Post-test Special Phrasingwords &onfluency book: Scan spelling focusreader & dictated Syllabification sentence Students read book Flash cards Student follow-up Listen/say/write read Sheettext G to a peer Students read book as a group When NB: MarkatWorksheet end of a B decade Student of books follow-up special assessment Sheetsheet C is used. KAURI 1 MONDAY Red Stars WEDNESDAY N/A THURSDAY Homereading Let’s Go Homereading Hickory Dickory Dock. Fitzroy-alphabet sheet C.Wheel- Let’s Go Fitzroy-alphabet sheet C Wheel- Let’s Go Fitzroy- alphabet sheet C Wheel- Let’s Go Homereading Power Point Book. Homereading The Boat Fitzroy Day 9 C Wheel- The Boat Ready to Read – Emergent Homereading Old Tuatara FitzroyDay 10 C Wheel- Old Tuatara Homereading What do I see? Homereading LunchBoxes Fitzroy Day 11 C WheelWhat do I see? FitzroyDay 12 C Wheel- LunchBoxes WALT: Make links between illustrations & print Fitzroy Book: N/A Here is the classroom, here are the kids. Fitzroy-alphabet sheet C Wheel- Let’s Go WALT: Sounding out the individual sounds in a word to identify the word. Book 1 FRIDAY POETRY RESPONSE Here is the beehive. Ready to Read - Emergent Homereading Here is the beehive. Fitzroy Book: Yellow Stars TUESDAY Term 1 WEEK 4 WALT: Relate pictures to print. Front & back of book Fitzroy Book Blue Stars WEEKLY READING GROUP PLAN BIG BOOK RESPONSE Greedy Cat is Hungry. Acting out the story as a play. Running Records Ready to Read - Big Book Greedy Cat is Hungry. Critical Thinking How do you think the family felt when they found out that Katie had fed the cat? Print Conventions Fullstops Vocabulary Finding here. Poem Here is the Beehive. Anthology Talking & Listening When are there capital letters? Rhyming Alphabet Magenta 1. Web Site Book Power point story based on style of the Let’s Go. -for school - for swimming.