Project on mapping skills and qualification systems in

Sectoral Social Dialogue Paper
Preparatory Meeting
of the Worker’s Delegation
for Working Group meeting on
7 March 2013
Jorma Rusanen
Working group meeting agenda
1. Objectives of the working group meeting
2. Draft agenda, draft minutes (plenary 12/10/2012, steering group
3. State of play and future of the paper& pulp industry in Europe, Berry
Wiersum, CEO of Sappi Fine Paper Europe
4. Future skills supply and demand in Europe: prospects of the paper
sector, Jens Bjornavold, Senior Policy Analyst at CEDEFOP
5. Introduction to the planned project on mapping skills and
qualification systems in the European paper sector, Bernard de
Galembert CEPI
6. Discussion of approach, expertise, expected results
7. Follow-up of the H&S report – outcomes of the feedback survey
8. Dates and events for SSD Paper; working groups 30.05.(?) and 11.09.,
plenary 22.10.
8. AOB
4&5. Project on mapping skills and qualification
systems in the European paper sector
• industriAll brought this subject to the agenda
• The CEPI Roadmap 2050 is a good starting point for the
• Future skills supply and demand in Europe; prospects of the
paper sector
– We have also proposed to invite a HR representative of a paper
company to present what could be the companies’ strategy towards a
changing work environment and the adaptation of tasks and skills
• Application for a project funding from Commission in 2013:
mapping excercise or something ”more”?
• The other SSD’s experiences; how they address this issue
– Currently 15 SSD committees working on this issue
Project on mapping skills and qualification
systems in the European paper sector
Education/ skills needs
Skills needed in 2025 are not the same as today?
What do we want to achieve; what do we already have
What do the education institutions provide us; current
What skills the paper industry needs now; future skills
Do the current skills and the future skills needs match
How to attract young people to choose a career in paper
Make the education fit to the needs
Project on mapping skills and qualification
systems in the European paper sector
• Project application to get EU financing; date?
– Consulting company?
• Desk research on education systems
Professional education
Vocational training
• Plant level questionnaire and activities; skills needs, skills
7. Follow-up of our
Best H&S Practice Guide Project
- A report of good health and safety practices in the
European pulp and paper industry “No paper
without skilled, healthy and safe people” (60 pages,
22 practices)
- Copies still available (EN, FR); also in WEB
- Follow-up questionnaire sent in January 2013
- Reasonable amount of answers (till now): 30 (17 from
workers, 13 from employers)
- In general all found that report is useful
- We asked also for more good practices to be sent in
A guide of good H&S practices in the
European pulp and paper industry
Follow-up of our
Best H&S Practice Guide Project
• General impressions
– Hilfreich fuer die eigene Praxis, Gute Ideen, Brauchbar,
Sehr gute Aufmachung, Allgemein verständlich, Practices
already familiar
– Do you work as safe or safer as report, Worth to be
discussed at plant level
– Very good that ideas are shared, What are good practices
in other sectors, Increasing pressure on the works floor
(more workload, less personnel)
– Information is coherent, concrete and easy to read, More
translations needed
Follow-up of our
Best H&S Practice Guide Project
• Missing practices?
Es wäre vermessen zu behaupten «wir hätten alles erfasst»
CPI will gather further good practice
Gesundheitsschutz und Prävention etwas underpräsentiert
Regular safety days, accident cases
Spreading the information inside the company about accidents
All employees go through H&S issues which concern their own job
once a year
– H&S auditing in other place than in workers own work section
once a year
– H&S conversation between employee and foreman once a year
8. Meeting of 2013
• SSD Paper: 1 plenaries and 3 working group meetings
– Preliminary agreed 2013 meetings: Plenary 22 October; working group
7 Mars, 30 May (22 April postponed) and 11 September
• Decrease of resources of the Commission => changes!
– The number of SSDC meetings has been reduced
– In 2013 all SSDCs receive the same number of meeting
• 1 plenary (27+27 participants, 6 languages) and
• 3 “other” meetings
– Working group meetings (15+15 participants, 3 languages) and/or steering
group meetings (5+5, no translation)
Work Programme
Health and Safety:
• EU-OSHA’s Healthy Workplace Campaign 20122013; collect feedback from use of the report on
Health and Safety Practices and compilation of
additional Good Practices
• Output:
– Communication and promotion of the report (autumn
2012/spring 2013)
– Survey on the use of the report (spring 2013); new
Work Programme (2)
Demographic change, skills and jobs:
• Mapping exercise on education, training and
qualifications systems in the sector, based on similar
exercises in other sectors
• Start process to define project on how to attract
young people to choose a career in the paper industry
• Output:
– Project application (spring/autumn 2013) in order to work
on a study on the training and qualification systems
– Promotion leaflet with facts and stories about the industry
Work Programme (3)
European energy and raw material policies
• Consider issues of common interest
• Joint positions on crucial issues
• Discussion of certification schemes (e.g.
• Output:
– Impact assessment and formulation of joint