The Body Systems of Baseball

By: Lucas Da Silva
Actions in Baseball
Fielding and Catching
Muscular system
Voluntary muscles contract to throw the ball
 Tendons hold the joints together so the ball can be
thrown hard and fast
 Respiratory system
 When you through the ball you hold the breath so you
can focus on the targets glove and hit it hard so the
person that catches it can through it to the first second
or third basemen and hopefully get the base runner out
Fielding and Catching
Muscular System
Tendons keep the arm steady and the joints together so the
player can catch the ball.
Nervous System
When you are fielding your reflexes have to be at top level because
the ball could take a bad hop any minute and have to be prepared
to catch it
The neurons are firing in your brain telling your arms to get the glove
in position to catch the ball.
Excretory System
You are concentrating so hard to make the catch that you begin to
It can be really hot too when you play baseball in the summer and
you sweat. The sweat glands release fluid through your pores in the
Muscular System
Voluntary muscles contract in the arm- the biceps and triceps
and forearm muscles
 Tendons and fascia keep the arm straight to throw strikes
 Lower body muscles like the hamstrings help make the body
move to pitch with speed.
Skeletal System
The ligaments in your arms and legs should be warmed up
so you don’t hurt your elbow.
 The bones are connected to make the movement of the pitch
at the origin of where the ligaments hold the tendons and
muscles to the bones.
Muscular System
Circulatory system
Tendons keep the legs steady and locked over the plate
Hamstrings and calf muscles contract
Involuntary cardiac muscles increase the rate of your heart beat
because the adrenalin rushes through your veins when the ball comes
zipping past the plate
Nervous System
Neurons fire to tell you arms to swing when the ball is coming.
When you hit the ball neurons tell you that your hands might feel pain
When you hit the ball the nervous system sends signal to the brain to
Digestive System
Involuntary muscles in your esophagus work and do peristalisis to move
the liquid down to your stomach.
Water helps give energy back to the muscles and keeps the ligaments,
tendons and joints active.
The brain likes water and feels the cells in the brain tell the body what
to do when they are hydrated.
Immune System
Liquid like Gatorade can have special vitamins and effects on the
different body systems to keep you full of energy when you are playing
Excretory System
 When you sweat you loose water and if you drink it you hydrate your
muscles and body so you play better.
 If you drink a lot of liquid you may have to get rid of the waste.
The End