The Crucible - Entire unit

By Arthur Miller
Higher Study
Arthur Miller
What is an overture?
A piece of music at the beginning of a show
that shows excerpts from the play – hints at
what’s to come.
Knowing this, what does it make you think
about/expect of the play?
What does an overture do?
Introduces Parris – What do we think of him?
Tells us about Salem and the people who live
there. Sets the scene and helps us to
understand what life was like. How would this
society make you feel?
Based on the info from the overture, what do
you think the tension level is at the start of the
Allocate parts within your group.
Focus on one part of scene (roughly a page).
Take notes and report back to class.
Each group takes notes during feedback to ensure
you have whole scene analysed.
Remember – make note, underline important
points and find evidence (quotes) to support.
Consider – why is this scene important? What
does it do? How does it affect tension level? How
does it affect audience?
In the same groups as last time take notes on
the character you have been allocated and
answer, as fully as you can, the questions on
the following slide.
Characters: John Proctor, Parris, the Putnams,
Rebecca Nurse and Giles Corey, Abigail, the
girls and Tituba.
Whole class discussion of additional notes on
Diabolism and modern ‘taboos’.
How are the themes of religion, society, politics
relevant to us?
“wheels within wheels...fires within fires...”
To what extent is our society still struggling
with the balance between ‘order and freedom’?
And other societies around the world?
To what extent do you think the involvement of Tituba and
Abigail differs from that of the other girls: (a) in the forest and (b)
in their reactions to being caught?
How might Proctor have been said to have behaved badly towards
What do Parris’ complaints reveal about his character? (Focus on
dialogue here, not Miller’s intro.)
Examine the relationship between Ann Putnam and Rebecca
Nurse. What hints are we given that Goody Putnam will bring
trouble to Goody Nurse later?
The Interrogation – think back to the stage directions and character
intros throughout Act 1. What other possible outcome, if any,
could there be at this juncture and why?
How does the resulting hysteria at the end of Act 1 affect Abigail?
Create a tension graph for Act 1 including quotes/pictorial
represetnations representations for moments when the tension is
extremely high.
For the following quote make as many notes as
you can. Aim to include details on character,
plot, setting and tension.
“…put knowledge in my heart”/”You love me
Highlights Abigail’s obsession with John and
creates understanding of how her campaign of
hatred began.
Staging – An exemplar paragraph:
Act 1 takes place in ‘a small upper bedroom’ with ‘a narrow window’. Towards
the end of the Act this room is populated by: Betty, Reverand Parris, Reverand
Hale, Abigail, Tituba, Mr and Mrs Putnam. Miller uses staging well here to create
tension in the scene. To have so many characters in such a small space during
what is clearly an emotional and rather aggressive interrogation, Miller allows the
audience to appreciate the pressure on all of the characters. This, in turn, allows
the audience to sympathise with Tituba’s fear. She is surrounded by powerful
men and women who are mercilessly seeking answers.
Not only does this allow us to understand why Tituba confesses but it also
represents Puritan society as a whole. Those who had sinned could feel the
pressure of the town bearing down on them and used the hysteria as a means of
ridding themselves of sin. Therefore Miller’s staging in Act 1 enables the
audience to gain a deep insight into how easily the hysteria began and how
quickly it got out of control.
The fact that it’s a “narrow window” also reflects the lack of enlightenment (in
terms of science, understanding of the world) and reminds the audience of the
dark, dangerous times the Puritan’s were living in (the “savages” and wild
animals of the frontier, religious oppression, lack of individual freedom etc). This
helps us empathise with the constant fear of the dark unknown and what lies
outside the village. This can help us understand why some of the Puritans attack
Tituba so strongly. They feel she is the “root” of the problem here in Salem, the one
chink of light they can cling to for an explanation and to blame. To not have
anything to blame/believe in is all the more frightening. After all, we’re all afraid
of the dark.
To fully respond to the type of question you will face in the exam, you
must have a sound understanding of all of the themes and characters in
the play.
You will be required to explain how the relationships between characters
develop throughout and how individual characters’ personalities or
circumstances change.
For each of the points on the next slide ask yourself:
Could I find quotes to identify and explain these features of the play?
Could I explain their significance to my understanding of the play?
If I had to, right now, could I mindmap or bullet point significant details?
How am I going to remember what these characters were like at the
beginning of the play?
How will I remember the way in which the themes were introduced?
 should begin to use your ‘Analysing a Scene’ mindmaps to
make notes on Act 1 for your own reference throughout the year.
Keep these safe!!!
The following themes have been introduced in Act 1:
 Religion
 Hysteria
 Power
The following characters have been introduced in Act
 John Proctor
 Abigail Williams
 Reverand Parris
 The Putnams
 Rebecca Nurse and Giles Corey
 Reverand Hale
What role does sexual repression play in The
Points you may wish to include:
Setting and Theme – Salem, Religion, Puritanism
Character – Abigail and John’s relationship, the
girls’ fear of being caught
Success Criteria:
 Accurate spelling, punctuation and sentence
 Answer the question
 Appropriate length
Use technical vocabulary
Analyse key quotes
Evaluate how well the themes of the play are
John and Elizabeth have a strained relationship
because of John’s affair with Abigail.
Theme – religion. Elizabeth is hurt and is judging John
over his affair:
“The magistrate sits in your heart that judges you. I never
thought you but a good man, only somewhat bewildered.”
Although Elizabeth is hurt she still believes John to be
a good man.
John feels that his affair i.e. his flaw, is preventing him
from coming to God and being loved by God. This
emphasises that in the Puritan society of Salem there
was no outlet for sin or forgiveness.
Theme – hysteria. This is reinforced when Mary tells the
Proctor’s that Elizabeth has been accused and that 39
people have now been arrested. (dialogue)
Mary Warren is a minor character but without her the
plot would not move forward (poppet).
She shows contempt at being treated like a child/slave.
“I’ll not stand whipping no more.” showing that Mary
now has the power to stand up to Proctor.
John Proctor – major character. Has conflicting emotions.
Loves Abigail but is also unwilling to accuse Abigail of
lying in court. Wants to go to court but knows that this
means admitting in public that he has committed
Language – persistent use of biblical language
reinforce the power of religion in this society.
John talks to Mary as though he is superior and
she is a silly child.
How has power changed in this household due
to the trials?
Why has Hale come to question the Proctors?
After being so reluctant, why does Hale become suspicious
of the Proctors?
To what extent does Mary’s role in the trials become more
significant in this Act?
In what way does Miller use Maryas a plot device?
What is the audience's reaction to the news that Rebecca
Nurse has been charged?
Miller cleverly uses Hale's reaction to this news to
manipulate the audience's expectations of what is to
follow. Explain.
What impact does 'conscience' have on this Act? and on the
tension levels throughout it?
How do the witch trials empower individuals who were
previously powerless?
Choose a play whose main theme concerns one
of the following: power, corruption,
Explain how the dramatist introduces the
theme and discuss to what extent you found
the way it is explored in the play enhanced
your understanding of the theme.
‘introduces the theme’ - refer to the beginning of the play,
the first time the theme is introduced.
‘to what extent’ – you can both agree and disagree but you
will often find it easier to agree.
‘the way it is explored in the play’ – main character will be
key here as they show how the theme happens in the play.
It may also be useful to draw comparisons/parallels with
minor characters to intensify your points.
Setting may also be important (esp. in The Crucible as the
theocratic society is the very thing which attributes power in
a certain way.)
‘enhanced your understanding of the play’ – throughout
your answer you must imply/state that a particular aspect
i.e. Setting added to the effect or atmosphere thus
emphasising the theme, making its impact clearer. This
means you are evaluating as you work through your
 Another example
 Furthermore
 In addition to this
 As well as this
 Similarly
•Key Scene
 On the other hand
 It can also be argued
 However
 As well as this
•This very
effective scene/
speech/ image...
•impressive use
Identify the theme.
Is it introduced by characters? If so, who? And
Is the theme illustrated through the characters’
strengths and weaknesses (action, dialogue)?
Is there a key scene which makes clear to you how
the characters are dealing with the issues?
Does setting or atmosphere add to the idea of
What about the effects of theatrical devices, like
staging, on your appreciation of the theme?
Part 1 – Beginning of scene to Mary beginning
to give evidence.
Part 2 – Mary’s evidence to just before Yellow
Bird scene.
Part 3 – Yellow Bird scene to end.
New characters are seen for first time:
Hathorne, Danforth and Martha Corey.
What does this scene hint at beyond events of
the play itself?
“Thomas Putnam is reaching for land” –
without fully understanding Abigail’s role,
how does Giles Corey here help us to
understand yet another contributing factor to
the hysteria?
What do we see/learn of Hathorne’s character in
this opening scene?
Why does Danforth remind Francis Nurse and
Giles Corey of his power?
How is Hales’ character further developed?
Deposition not accepted but Mary Warren says she
‘never saw no spirits’.
Danforth, Parris and Hathorne are fearful of the
court’s power being challenged and turn this into
an attack on the court which leads to them
challenging Proctor’s intentions. How does this
link back to the theme of power and to setting?