Scenario 6 â** Effective sanctions

Resources to support Charlie Taylor’s Improving Teacher Training for Behaviour
Behaviour Scenarios
Scenario 6: Effective sanctions
This Scenario has been developed for Initial Teacher Training (ITT) to enable trainees to
demonstrate knowledge, skills and understanding of behaviour management
Behaviour2Learn has developed 17 Scenarios focusing on the 8 areas highlighted in the
Teaching Agency's document Improving teacher training for behaviour. These are:
Personal Style
School Systems
Classroom Management
More Challenging Behaviour
Theoretical Knowledge
Improving teacher training for behaviour has been developed by Charlie Taylor, the
Government’s expert adviser on behaviour, to complement the new Teachers’
Standards that all teachers have to demonstrate from September 2012.
Scenario 6
Effective sanctions
Some pupils in your class are constantly distracting one another. You are
becoming upset and angry with them. They ignore your threats of
sanctions for misbehaviour.
How do you improve their attitude to work and keep them on task?
Key Learning Outcomes
• Knowledge of how to apply rewards and sanctions to improve
• Understanding the effect your responses, both verbal and non-verbal,
can have on pupils’ behaviour
• Understanding how agreed rules can help to build good relationships
and depersonalise stressful situations.
• Practice in managing your own emotions when you are teaching.
• Increased ability to use sanctions sparingly but effectively and to keep
a focus on the positive.
What do you do?
Consider these responses and choose the best one(s):
1. If pupils misbehave, redirect their behaviour (“OK Stuart, we’re answering
the questions on this sheet”).
2. Develop a hierarchy of sanctions to use progressively as behaviour gets
3. Ask a more experienced member of staff to sit in on your lesson and give you
feedback on using sanctions effectively.
4. Choose the worst behaving pupil and make a dramatic example of him or
5. Use the language of choice (“I want you to do this. If you choose not do it,
this will happen. It is your choice.”).
6. Tell the class how angry you feel and say that the next person to misbehave
will cause the whole class to be in detention.
7. Allow take-up time (“I’m going to help that group, then I’ll be back to see
how you’re getting on”).
What may be the best choice?
1, 5 and 7. Redirect behaviour, use the language of choice, allow take-up time
4. Ask for feedback and advice
It may be tempting to concentrate on punishments when everything is going wrong,
but ever-escalating sanctions do not work. They may damage, rather than restore
relationships. You need a range of sanctions, not a slippery slope for pupils to slide
Standing over someone, waiting for them to do what you ask, may encourage
Creating a more positive climate (especially if it includes clear warnings and choices
that give pupils the chance to put things right and avoid being punished) is more
effective than emphasising the negative.
Having clear, agreed ground rules for class behaviour helps to de-personalise the
situation and build good relationships.
You are not alone, you are part of a team and should use the help that colleagues can
How might you prevent a recurrence?
Ensure that praise and rewards are used to reinforce good behaviour as
frequently as possible ( a reward may simply be a smile, an encouraging
word or a thumbs-up signal.)
Ensure that basic needs for effective learning such as pace, challenge,
clarity of instructions etc. are appropriate for the pupils.
Never make threats. Ensure that sanctions are presented as an inevitable
consequence that will follow if pupils choose to misbehave.
Recognise that minor sanctions will often be enough, especially if
explained assertively and not aggressively.
Include a restorative opportunity in the sanction, something that the
pupil can do to put the situation right.
Ensure that you follow up; it is essential that you stick to your word and
are fair and consistent.
Underlying Principles
• Using the language of limited choice involves pupils in disciplining
themselves and encourages them to take responsibility for their actions.
• A range of sanctions may well be needed – but if you can deal with
conflict in a restorative way this can help to prevent repeat offences.
• Sanctions in themselves don’t solve problems. However, they may provide
a breathing space in which more positive behaviour can be restored and
• Focusing on those who are doing things right helps to create a positive
climate and ensures that those who misbehave do not get all the
Rights and Responsibilities
• Schools are required to have a Behaviour Policy which should have an
emphasis on rewards rather than sanctions. Teachers should ensure that
they follow the policy. They should use praise effectively.
• Because a consistent approach throughout a school is likely to be more
effective than individual efforts, and because pupils will consider it to be
fair, teachers owe it to colleagues and pupils to be consistent.
• Being consistent does not mean being inflexible. Teachers should use
professional judgement when applying rules.
• Only the headteacher, or a delegated representative, has the right to
exclude pupils. Parents and pupils have the right of appeal against such
Activities to try
When observing a lesson, keep a tally of sanctions and positive
comments/praise for work and behaviour. What is the effect when
sanctions are threatened or used or when rewards or praise are given?
In your classroom, try praising twice as much as normal (this will be
difficult if you are already very positive!) Note the effect and discuss it
with a colleague. The praise does not have to be excessive, it can be
quite low-key but must be genuine.
Bearing in mind what you have learned about effective sanctions, make a
list of sanctions that you could use to avoid a recurrence of a
misbehaviour. Include restorative opportunities – things that pupils can
do to put the situation right - wherever possible.
Sanctions in themselves don’t solve problems. However, they may provide a
breathing space in which more positive behaviour can be restored and
Practising techniques such as redirecting behaviour, using the language of
limited choice and allowing take-up time helps to manage the emotions
raised by challenging situations.
An agreed Code of Conduct also helps by focusing disapproval on unwanted
behaviour, not on pupils themselves.
Sanctions should be clear and presented as an inevitable consequence that
will follow if pupils choose to misbehave.
You should investigate restorative approaches and experiment with including
restorative aspects in the sanctions you use.
Developed in partnership with