Implications of Mobile Technology


Chapter 3

 Help you understand how to answer open ended questions which could be asked of you in the exam in relation to the implications of mobile technology.

 Discuss questions are open ended questions which rely on your knowledge which you should have acquired by reading news articles and experiencing technology.

 This topic relies on you having good knowledge in the following areas:

Wireless Networks

Cellular Networks

Satellite Communication Systems.

 This type of question is the daddy of all questions

(worth the most amount of marks) and usually appears once or twice in the exam paper.

 It is usually an essay question that should take you about 20 minutes to write.

 You will need to discuss the impact and consequences of something, with at least one advantage and disadvantage and include a conclusion.

 It is a very open question in which you will be marked by the quality of your answer. There are loads of ways this type of question could be answered.

 You should avoid .

E.g. Discuss the impact that tv has had on people.

An answer that bounces might look something like this:

 People watch tv, get hooked, get fat because they aren’t exercising, drain the NHS, cause the Government to raise taxes, people have to pay more in taxes, they can’t afford nice tvs, they lead a boring life.

 In a past paper this question was asked:

Discuss the impact that ICT has had on airline travel.

 Good answers chose a topic and looked at the advantages and disadvantages and concluded their answer.

 Bad answers listed out as many things as they could!

 To help you answer these questions you could use the following writing frame:

Describe +ve or –ve

Or a point of view.


This is the effect.

How does it relate to me?


What happens as a result of the impact?

Immediate impact.

Long term.

E.g. House is on fire and burns down – I have to run out quickly!

E.g. I have to find a new house to live in.

 Discuss the impact of ICT on airline travel.


Security camera’s which are able to xray you safely.

+ve or –ve


Impossible to hide any weapons on you as they clearly show up on the xray machine.


Invasion of privacy as a stranger is able to see you naked in the scanners.


Airport security able to move passengers through security at a greater rate compared to when they needed to enforce stop and search procedures.


Improvement in airline security but could cause problems for some people, especially in some religions.

Would it be right to have two security systems in place or should there be only one?

The way you write your answer would determine how many marks you are likely to receive.

0-3 (Low Band) | 4-7 (Middle Band) | 8-11 (High Band)

 Discuss the implications for a child of using a laptop and mobile telephone while on a school trip.

 You could focus on the following things:

Ability to send and receive messages even when abroad.

Can contact parents if needed.

Child can link mobile to laptop.

 For each of those points you would need to be able to discuss the implications of being able to do those things.

For example, a child can take pictures with their mobile phone and then upload them to their laptop so they can write a field report using their own images instead of downloading them!

The cost of connecting to the internet using a mobile phone abroad is expensive so by doing it this way no extra cost is involved.

 Discuss the implications for a manager of a large company being able to communicate with the company while on a business trip to Japan using mobile technology.

 Discuss the implications of a person sailing around the world being able to communicate using mobile technology with family, friends and their support team.

 Discuss the implications for army troops in the desert being able to communicate using mobile technology with their commanding officer based at the barracks.
