Strike VOTE

Strike Vote
A favourable Strike Vote is an indication by the members that
they are willing to support OECTA in bargaining by providing it
with a mandate to take job action which can include a full strike
Makes the option of striking available to the Association
Publicly demonstrates the resolve of Teachers
Provides the BT with leverage at the bargaining table
Tells the employer that Teachers must be respected and dealt
with fairly
The Strike Vote will be conducted electronically
Members must have personal email address for contact by OECTA to
receive voting credentials and information
What Triggers A Strike Vote?
The tabling of the comprehensive proposal of
OCSTA and the Government
Within 2 days of the tabling of the proposal, OECTA will send a
synopsis to the members
Within 5-6 days the provincial executive shall approve the
conducting of a Strike Vote
On Day 7, Strike Vote Rallies will begin around the Province
(taking 8 days)
The Strike Vote will occur within 3 working days of completion of
all the Strike Vote Rallies
Communication to Members
Provincial OECTA will provide technical analysis of the key issues
on a daily basis through email blasts
Association Reps will post all email blast contents on the OECTA
bulletin board in school
Information will be provided at the local level on how the
management proposal affects specific aspects of our CA
These communications will continue up to and including the date of
the Strike Vote
Communication cont’d
Provincial OECTA shall provide a reminder email blast to all
members 48 hours prior to the Strike Vote Rally
Provincial OECTA will provide information to members concerning
the actual Strike Vote
The District Tactical and Information Committee (DTIC) will also
provide a reminder of the date of the Strike Vote
Between now and the Strike Vote
Ask questions
Keep apprised
Discuss with your colleagues
Provide any accurate information you have
Encourage everyone to register and participate
Emphasize the importance of this round of bargaining
Come out to the Strike Vote Rally