NJC pay 14: Vote yes for strike action

Vote Yes for
strike action
Vote Yes for strike action
The unions’ 2014-15 pay claim
A minimum increase of £1 an hour on scale point 5
to achieve:
the Living Wage and….
The same flat rate increase on all other scale points
The Living Wage outside London has risen to £7.65 an hour.
We would now need an increase of £1.20 an hour to reach
the Living Wage on scale point 5
Vote Yes for strike action
The employers’ final offer
1% for pay points 11- 49 (90% of workforce)
Lowest pay points 5-10 have been offered over 1% to avoid
falling below the National Minimum Wage
New Hourly Rate
£580 on pay point 5
£550 on pay point 6
£400 on pay point 7
£275 on pay point 8
£200 on pay point 9
£175 on pay point 10
Vote Yes for strike action
It’s time to stand up for fair pay
The employers’ offer is another pay cut – not a pay rise.
It follows a 3-year pay freeze and a below-inflation pay increase
of 1% last year. You deserve better.
Before you vote remember that:
Inflation is running at 2.5%
Fuel, travel, food and childcare costs keep rising
Average earnings are increasing by 2.6%
Falling pay means a loss of pension for the rest of your life
It’s time to stop the rot...before it gets any worse!
Vote Yes for strike action
It’s time to vote “YES” for strike action
Don’t accept a pay cut for the fifth year in a row! The
employers want to offer the lowest paid as little as possible –
with next to nothing for everyone else
Pay for most school and council workers will be worth 20%
less than in 2010 – enough is enough!
The landslide in your pay will continue unless we act together
Voting ‘no’ will NOT save jobs and services
Vote Yes for strike action
Our claim is affordable
Councils are choosing to stash the savings made by cutting jobs and pay
In the last two years they have put an extra £2 billion in reserves, taking
the total to over £19 billion
The £2.6 billion the employers saved on basic pay in 2012 alone would pay
for a 10% pay increase!
And over half the cost of our claim would be re-couped in taxes and
national insurance
In the last three years, half of council savings have come from cuts to pay,
conditions and jobs
Our members are keeping schools and local services going, but bearing
the brunt of the cuts and being taken for granted.
Vote Yes for strike action
Vote “YES” for strike action!
71% of UNISON members rejected the employers’ offer in our
own pay consultation
The industrial action ballot has been given the
YOU are worth much more than this pay offer –
and so are those who rely on you
600,000 UNISON members in local government and schools
Unite is also balloting for strike action –
GMB pay consultation ends in mid-May.
Vote Yes for strike action
Ballot timetable
Ballot opens on 23 May
Ballot papers will be sent to members’ home addresses
We need every member to vote - and vote “YES”
The first strike day will be 10 July
The employers’ offer will not be increased without real
pressure on them – especially before the local elections
UNISON is asking you to vote “YES”
If the employers don’t improve their offer, further strike action
will follow
Vote Yes for strike action
We can do it…together in UNISON!
Tell your workmates about the pay offer –
make sure they vote!!
Recruit non-members - we’re stronger together
Lobby your councillors and make them listen!
If they want your vote in the local elections on
22 May, they need to support a decent pay offer
for you
Your branch can help you lobby them.
There are model letters on UNISON’s web site too
Vote Yes for strike action
Ballot papers
If you have not received a ballot paper by 29 May, ask for
one on line at unison.org.uk/my-unison/welcome or
call 0800 0 857 857 by 12 noon on 18 June
Wherever you work, whatever job you do – make sure you
vote and vote “YES” for strike action to get an improved pay
Vote Yes for strike action