Implications of Unconscious Bias by Thomas Baker Outline: 1.Introductions 2.Definitions 3.Implications of Bias 4.Actions School of Engineering & Technology Definition: Bias bias, v. 1. trans. To give bias to (a bowl); to furnish with a weight or bias 2. transf. a. To give a bias or one-sided tendency or direction to; to incline to one side; to influence, affect (often unduly or unfairly). b. To incline to or towards; to cause to swerve. c. To influence or incline (one) to do anything. Oxford English Dictionary 3 Possibilities: 1. Conscious Bias 2. Unconscious Bias 3. Unintended, but perceived Bias Unconscious Bias (Barefoot, 2013) • “our unintentional people preferences that result from the process of socialisation and social categorisation” • Likely to be activated whenever we encounter people who are similar to us and those who are different to us. • For example, age based biases and ethnic based biases can impact on employment • Three types of bias: – Affinity (like me) bias; favours people like us – Confirmatory bias; search for information that confirm our existing perceptions – Social comparison bias; developing sense of individual and group identity – a need to see ourselves as better than other groups (Robertson, 2013) Laura Ellen , Blind Spot; what you can’t see might be murder) 3 Possibilities: 1. Conscious Bias 2. Unconscious Bias 3. Unintended, but perceived Bias Implications to Learning and Teaching 1. Can be an obstacle to learning 2. May reduce student performance (Gladwell, 2005 ; Steele and Aronson; 1995) 3. Can influence Student’s or Tutor’s bias 4 Possibilities of Bias in L&T Positive Bias Tutor Student Negative Bias 7 4 Possibilities of Bias in L&T Positive Bias Tutor Student Negative Bias 8 4 Possibilities of Bias in L&T Positive Bias Tutor Student Negative Bias 9 4 Possibilities of Bias in L&T Positive Bias Tutor Student Negative Bias 10 4 Possibilities of Bias in L&T Positive Bias Tutor Student Negative Bias 11 What can you do? Positive Bias ♦ Cultivate Positive Bias ♦ Maintain Positive Bias Tutor Negative Bias 12 What can you do? Ideas from practice: • Learn names • Shake hands • Respect & Learn customs 13 “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing” Edward Burke (Possibly!). 14 References • • • • • Useful resources Barefoot, H. BME Attainment Workshop at University of Hertfordshire, 23/01/2013 Gladwell, M Blink, London: Penguin Books (2005) Oxford English Dictionary, Online: accessed 1 May 2013. Robertson, D. (2013) Unconscious bias: business impact. In Equality Opportunities Review (232) Steele, C & Aronson, J “Stereotype threat and the Intellectual test performance of African Americans” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 69, No. 5 (1995) 797811.