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 PSA’s
about student issues
 Book reviews/reports
 Book Trailers
 Science projects and experiments (time lapse
photography, capture active experiments)
 Biographies (I am _________)
 Reenact scenes from class novels
 Voice-overs with still pictures
 Podcasts
 Current events reporting
 Book Fair commercials
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MMSMA9- Musical Biography iMovie or Animoto on iPad
SS6G7- Pollution in Canada PSA iMovie for iPad
SS8H2- Colonial Georgia Narrative Podcast
SS8H6 & 7- Georgia Studies movie trailers
ELACC6W4- Hatchet Body Biography Podcast
ELACC7R13- The Hobbit Diary Podcast
ELA678R1- Book Report/Review
ELA678W2- Poetry Slam! Podcast
See student examples on the website
Media Orientation video made using iMovie.
 Choose
someone with steady hands, prop
iPad on a stable surface with a tripod, or
create a glide cam with a book truck or cart.
 Look for good lighting, natural or artificial.
Cheap clip-on flood lights from a home
improvement store work well.
 Be conscious of the audio. Don’t cover up
the microphone, speak loudly.
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Touch the camera icon on the iPad
 On the bottom right, switch the button from the
camera icon to the film icon.
 To film things in front of the iPad, just touch the
red circle at the middle bottom of the screen.
 To film yourself, first touch the camera and
arrow icon at the top right of the iPad screen.
 You may want to put your finger over the camera
to film 4-5 seconds of slug (black film) to help
transition the video into the movie.
 To stop, touch the red button again.
 The film will automatically save to the camera
roll which can be accessed from iMovie.
 OR- you can film directly into iMovie
 Launch
iMovie on the iPad.
 Click on the plus sign on the bottom left on
the Marquee view and choose New Project.
 All media (film, still pics, audio) on your iPad
will show up on the top left or tap the
film/music note to insert media.
 You can also tap the camera button to record
from the camera directly into iMovie.
 Your timeline is at the bottom.
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Drop the video in to the timeline by tapping it
 You can increase/decrease your workspace by
pulling in or out on the timeline.
 To edit the film, move the film to the red line,
tap the video to highlight it. Take your finger
and run down the red line to splice. Do this
twice to isolate a clip you want to get rid of.
 Tap the unwanted piece twice and tap the red
delete clip button. This does not affect the
original stored in your camera roll.
 You can also edit film directly in the media pane.
 Anything
saved in your iPhoto or camera roll
will show up in the media pane.
 To add a picture, use your finger to move the
red line on the film in the timeline of where
you want the picture to go.
 Touch the picture and it will insert itself in
the position indicated.
 You can also take pictures within iMovie.
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 If
you don’t have enough room for text, you
can use Keynote.
Type up your slide
Make it full screen
Take a screen shot (Press the home button on the
top & the off button at the same time
Import the slide as a picture from the camera
Extras for iMovie is also a good
idea for picture with text or
rolling credits/text.
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transition will automatically be added
where you have deleted a piece of film or
added a still picture.
 If you double tap the transition you can
choose the length of the transition and a few
other options.
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 Click
on Safari to access the internet and
find a picture you want.
 Touch and hold the picture until a menu pops
 Touch the Save Image button
 The picture will save to your camera roll.
 Make sure you credit the picture at the end
of your presentation.
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Title Text Here
 Double
click on the film piece or still that
you want to add text to.
 Touch the Title Style button. Some options
will be given as to where you want the text.
Add a title at the beginning and credits at
the end.
 Touch the box that will appear and use the
keyboard to type your text.
 Tap elsewhere to exit the box.
 Cannot manipulate text style or size. (Will
change according to style)
To put additional audio in (theme music, sound
effects, even songs from an attached iTunes
account), click on the music note icon, the type
of audio, and the clip itself. It will add it on top
of what you have done.
 iMovie on iPad naturally takes care of music
volume when voices are introduced. To adjust
manually just double tap on the clip and slide to
adjust the volume.
 To add a voice-over, touch the microphone icon
on the right on top of the timeline, touch the
record option and speak into the microphone.
Touch stop when you are done. A new track will
be added to the timeline. (Volume can be
adjusted just as with the theme music)
 Touch
the gear icon in the top right of the
 All of the project settings will appear.
 You can choose to keep any theme
music/background music, and fades by
moving the button from OFF to ON.
 Simply touch the theme you want to apply.
 It will apply to any areas that you have
added text or themed transition (title, film,
stills, and credits).
Saves in mp4 format
 Cannot be imported to the MacBook to edit in
full iMovie program.
 Click on My Projects in upper left hand side to go
to the Marquee view.
 Slide the “spotlight” on to the video you want to
 Tap in the marquee to name the project
 Touch the “arrow in the box” icon in the middle
bottom of the screen.
 Can share to camera roll, YouTube, or iTunes.
 The project will remain in project form within
the program.
 On
the opening marquee screen, touch the
plus button and choose New Trailer.
 Look through the choices and touch the one
you want to use and touch the Create
 In the Outline tab touch any items you would
like to change.
 Go to the storyboard tab by touching it.
 The trailers take video and still pictures.
 To make changes to the words in the
storyboard, just touch the lines and type in
what you want.
To put in video, touch the video wells. Video can be
used from the camera roll by touching the film piece
in the bottom right work area.
 You can also film within iMovie trailers. The trailer
itself will suggest the type of shot to do (Action,
Group, Medium, Closeup). You must hold the iPad in
landscape when filming.
 When you tap a clip to add video to a video well,
iMovie automatically selects a portion of the clip
with the correct duration around where you tapped.
 You can edit it by tapping the video and moving the
yellow outline to the piece of video you want to use.
 Tap done in the lower-right hand corner of the Edit
Shot pane to finalize the edit or tap Next to adjust
the video in the next video well that contains video.
 The
default for the video clips is off. You
can turn it on for a certain clip by tapping
the volume control above the clip to the
 The trailer itself has music appropriate to
the template selected.
 The trailer saves the same as a regular
All final products save to the camera or film roll and can be
easily imported into iMovie. Unless noted, all apps are free.
Action Movie FX– Film in this app and add cool movie
effects like Car Smash, Demolition Rock, Rough Terrain, and
Missile Attack. (Additional 2-packs of effects are 99¢.)
Extras for iMovie- - add text and other features to
backgrounds, pictures, and clipart. Make scrolling credits.
Extreme FX– Film in the app and add movie effects and
music. Effects include Bazooka, Tornado, Plane Crash, and
Copter Crash. (Additional effects are 99¢.)
Funny Movie Maker– Film your mouth making Ben Franklin
or an orange talk!
Intro Designer- cool intros for your videos (free for lite or
$2.99 for full version)
Scrolling Credits- add credits to iMovie (99¢)
Teleprompter- $14.99
 InstaPic
Frame– add cool frames, text, and
effects to your pictures.
 PicJointer- use frames to fuse two to three
pictures together and add effects
 Vintique– add vintage effects and frames to
your pictures.