Mallory Chastain - Student Web Server 2

Candidate Teaching
Capstone Presentation
By: Mallory L. Chastain
Spring 2010
“It’s easy to make a buck. It’s a lot tougher to make a difference.”
-Tom Brokaw
My E-Mail
My Website
Mallory L. Chastain
Early Childhood Education major
Conducted Candidate Teaching at Harmony Elementary School
Placed in the 2nd grade
Collaborating Teacher(s): Mrs. Renee LeMieux & Mrs. Kristine
• Taught all subjects including:
• Reading
• Math
• English Language Arts (Grammar & Spelling)/Writer’s
• Science & Social Studies (When allotted time)
Harmony Elementary School
• Home to approximately 740 students in grades K-5
• Located in Jasper, Georgia
• Zoned to contain many different middle-class subdivisions
and neighborhoods along with several middle/low-income
apartment complexes
• Newest school in Pickens County
• A 2009 Title 1 Distinguished School
• Current Principal is Sherry Mullins
• Current Assistant Principal is Beth Simonds
My Class
• Composed of 19 students
• Diversity:
– 12 Males
– 7 Females
o 16 Caucasian students
o 2 African American students
o 1 Hispanic student
 1 Gifted Student
 1 Special Education Student
 6 RtI Students
• 4 Tier 2 Students
• 2 Tier 3 Students
My Daily Schedule
7:30: Teacher Arrival
7:40-8:00: Morning Procedures
8:00-9:30: Reading (Mrs. LeMieux’s Room)
– 18 Students
9:30-11:00: Math (Mrs. LeMieux’s Room)
– 18 Students
11:03-11:33: Lunch
11:35-11:55: O.P.A. (Organized Physical Activities/Recess)
12:00-1:30: Language Arts/Writer’s Workshop (Mrs. Elrod’s Room)
– 18 Students (1 Gifted Pull-out at the End of Class)
1:30-1:35: Transition to Homeroom
1:35-1:55: Homeroom (Science/Social Studies/C.R.C.T.
Practice/D.E.A.R./A.R./Success Maker/Study Island/Make-up
Work/Remediation/Study Hall/Handwriting/Prepare for N.E.S.T./Pack
Backpacks/Distribute Homework)
– 19 Students (1 Special Education Student Joins Us)
2:00-2:50: N.E.S.T.
2:50: Prepare for Student Dismissal
3:00: Student Dismissal
3:30: Teacher Dismissal
My Thoughts, Feelings, Fears, Strengths, and
Weaknesses As I Began Candidate Teaching
• Taken directly from my Week One Journal Entry:
– “I have experienced SO many different emotions this week. I have
been overwhelmed, excited, stressed, busy, surprised, challenged,
successful, and touched. I have always thought of candidate
teaching as this mystical light at the end of the tunnel. Candidate
teaching has always seemed like it has been worlds away, almost like
an unattainable goal. Now that it is here, I cannot believe it!”
• I feared I would be inadequate in the classroom.
• I was confident that my Reinhardt education had prepared
me for the challenges I would soon face.
• I was afraid that my weakness would be behavior
• I was afraid I would have too many questions!
Evidence of
Development of
Proficiency #1,
The Planning Process
• Mrs. LeMieux-Mrs. LeMieux allowed me to be very independent
in the planning process. We would meet and discuss the
topics/chapters of choice, then she would set me free to use
resources and my own imagination to create innovative lessons.
• Mrs. Elrod-Mrs. Elrod allowed me to be very independent in the
planning process when it came to spelling and grammar. Much
like with Mrs. LeMieux, we would meet and discuss the important
topics/chapters and then I would go use other resources to plan
mylessons. With Writer’s Workshop, Mrs. Elrod and I shared in
a collaborative planning process. We followed the Writer’s
Workshop path she created the previous year, making
adjustments along the way.
• In all of my planning I made an effort to consider each student
and their collective and individual learning needs. I took into
account academic levels, emotional capabilities, multiple
intelligences, learning styles, and much more in order to create
the best paths to reach the same learning destination.
Domain I: Planning for Differentiated
Instruction & Assessment
Proficiency 1.0: The teacher candidate uses knowledge of curriculum, learner differences,
and ongoing assessment data to plan for student access to the same essential content.
Reflective Analysis: How did you use knowledge of curriculum, learner differences, and
ongoing assessment data to plan for student access to the same essential content?
To include in oral presentation: Present your three plans or your unit plan.
• Lesson Plan Observation One
• Lesson Plan Observation Two
• Magical Multiplication PowerPoint
• Lesson Plan Observation Three
• Quaint Quadrilaterals PowerPoint
• Lesson Plan Collaborating Teacher Observation
• Combining Solid Figures PowerPoint
• Lesson Plan Observation Four
• Helping Verbs PowerPoint
• Plane Shapes & Solid Figures Unit Plan
Evidence of
Development of
Proficiency #2,
Domain II: Providing Differentiated
Instruction and Assessment
Proficiency 2.0: The teacher candidate utilizes a variety of strategies to differentiate
instruction and assessment.
Reflective Analysis: How did you utilize a variety of strategies to differentiate instruction
and assessment?
To include in oral presentation: How did you decide which strategies to use and how did you
provide for inclusion students?
• Performance-Based Tasks/Problem-Based Activities & Student Work Samples
• Observation Plan Performance-Based/Problem-Based Activities
• Magical Multiplication PowerPoint/Problem-Based Activity
• Magical Multiplication Student Work Sample
• Quant Quadrilaterals PowerPoint/Problem-Based Activity
• Shape Sorting Sheet Student Work Sample
• Combining Solid Figures PowerPoint/Problem-Based Activity
• Mr. Mouse’s House Sheet Student Work Sample
• Unit Culminating Performance Task
• Unit Culminating Performance Task Instructions
• Unit Culminating Performance Task Completed Rubric Example
• Unit Culminating Performance Task Student Work Sample
Domain II: Providing Differentiated
Instruction and Assessment
Proficiency 2.0: The teacher candidate utilizes a variety of strategies to differentiate
instruction and assessment.
Reflective Analysis: How did you utilize a variety of strategies to differentiate instruction
and assessment?
To include in oral presentation: How did you decide which strategies to use and how did you
provide for inclusion students?
• Various Assessment Activities: Center Card Examples
• Observation Two
• Observation Three
• Collaborating Teacher Observation
• Observation Four
Technology Integration
• Links to Favorite Websites Used
• Daily PowerPoint Examples
• Reading “Locating Important Information” PowerPoint
• Math Lesson 13.2 “Sort Plane Shapes” PowerPoint
• ELA “Words That Compare” Game
My Classroom(s)
• Physical Diagram of Mrs. LeMieux’s Room 215
• Physical Diagram of Mrs. Elrod’s Room 214
Classroom Management
• Money System
• Pod Points/Group Checks
• Target Market
Evidence of Development of
Proficiency #3, Impacting
Student Learning
Domain III: Impacting Student Learning
Proficiency 3.0: The teacher candidate uses systematic formal/informal assessment as an ongoing
diagnostic activity to measure student growth and to guide, differentiate, and adjust instruction.
Reflective Analysis: How did you use systematic formal/informal assessment as an ongoing diagnostic
activity to measure student growth and to guide, differentiate, and adjust instruction?
To include in oral presentation: Present an example of one lesson, reflection, and use of assessment results
to adjust instruction.
Completed Assessment Tools
• Rubrics
• Observation One
• Observation Two
• Observation Three
• Collaborating Teacher Observation
• Observation Four
• Weekly Subject Observational Checklist Examples
• Observation One
• Observation Three
• Observation Four
Analysis of Impact on Student Learning Reflections
• Observation One
• Observation Two
• Observation Three
• Observation Four
Evidence of Use of Assessment Results: Adjusted Lesson Plan-Observation Two
• Original Plan
• Adjusted Lesson Plan
Evidence of
Development of
Proficiency #4,
Domain IV: Professional Responsibilities In
Support of Differentiated Instruction and
Proficiency 4.0: The teacher candidate displays a professional commitment to the teaching
philosophy of differentiated instruction to support students’ diverse learning needs and to
maximize learning.
Reflective Analysis: How did you display a professional commitment to the teaching philosophy of
differentiated instruction to support students’ diverse learning needs and to maximize learning?
To include in oral presentation: How did your teaching philosophy change during candidate teaching?
• Old Teaching Philosophy-2008
• New Teaching Philosophy-2010
• Evaluations from College Supervisor
• Observation One
• Observation Two
• Observation Three
• Observation Four
• Evaluation from Collaborating Teacher
• Collaborating Teacher Observation
• Examples of Weekly Conference Forms
• Week 2, Week 4, Week 6, Week 8, Week 10, Week 12, Week 14
• Meetings Attended During Candidate Teaching
In Conclusion…
“I have come to the frightening conclusion that
I am the decisive element in the classroom.
It is my daily mood that makes the weather.
As a teacher, I possess a tremendous power
to make a child’s life miserable or joyous. I
can be a tool of torture or an instrument of
inspiration. I can humiliate or humor, hurt or
heal. In all situations, it is my response that
decides whether a crisis will be escalated or
de-escalated and a child humanized or dehumanized.”
-Dr. Hiam Ginott
In Conclusion…
What are your future challenges as a teacher?
– Getting it “all done”
– Classroom Management
– Testing Pressures
How do you think that being a teacher will be different from being a candidate teacher?
– More Responsibility
– There will be no one there to “guide” you through every step
What advice would you give to future candidate teachers?
– Savor every moment
– Absorb every bit of information/advice you can get your hands on
– Stay organized
– Listen, listen, listen
What is your plan to continue to develop as a professional?
– Continue the job search-My Resume (Copies can be readily available )
– I just passed Special Education General Curriculum GACE; therefore, I will be dual
certified in Early Childhood and Special Education
– Pursue Gifted Endorsement
– Obtain Master’s Degree
– Join Professional Organizations-PAGE
– Continue to be a lifelong learner
– Attempt to make a drop in the bucket of changing the world
•Microsoft Office Online-PowerPoint Template
•Microsoft Office Clip Art
•Mrs. LeMieux/Mrs. Elrod
•Many wonderful Reinhardt College faculty, staff, and students
•Harmony Elementary School
•Brain Pop
•Brain Pop Jr.
•Pete’s PowerPoint Station
•Renaissance Place
•Reinhardt College
Thank You!
Words cannot express my gratitude to this college. Over the
past few years you all have supported me, educated me, and
molded me into the person I am today. Over the past few days
you all have helped me through the most difficult and sudden
loss of my daddy. The place that Reinhardt College holds in my
heart is near and dear and the place that you all hold in my
heart will never be replaced.
Meetings Attended During
Candidate Teaching
Monthly Faculty Meetings
Weekly Grade Level Meetings
Yearbook Committee Meeting
Numerous Parent-Teacher Conferences
• Including RtI Information Meeting
• In-service/Furlough Days
Links to Favorite Websites Used
• Simply click on the icon and follow the link!
Renaissance Place
Pete’s PowerPoint Station
Unit Culminating Performance Task
Student Work Samples