Introducing the PPLC & the Powerful Practice 2014-2015 Morrill School PPLC Flex Day Agenda September 23, 2014 “Purposing our Powerful Practice” Explain purpose of the PPLC Explain reasoning behind Powerful Practice and how it came Brief definition of Access Points and Breakout sessions “Getting to Know Our Powerful Practice: An Introduction to each access point” Purpose & Modeling: Monica & Lettie Close Reading: Monique & Kristin Collaborative Conversations: Sherry & Lupe Independent Reading: George & Jeannine Assessing Performance: Akiba & Anthony Share Out and Wrap Up Each member/group will recap and share the big ideas from the breakout session for their access point. The PPLC is a group of teachers that represent the staff of Morrill School. They meet bi-monthly to share ideas/concerns having to do with instruction. Mrs. Medellin Kindergarten Mrs. Blathras Kindergarten Ms. Stephens 3rd Grade Ms. Moss 3rd Grade Ms. Rivera LSC/4th Grade Mrs. Morrow 4th Grade Mrs. Edwards 5th Grade Mr. Mcmahon 6/7th Grade Mrs. Readouz 7/8th Grade Mr. Abata LSC/Physical Education The purpose is to help determine instructional practices and communicate best practices with the staff. Communicating with all teachers and sharing ideas centered on teaching is critical. The PPLC will lead Professional Development once a month. PD will be based on our powerful practice. To make instructional shifts, we have found that it is best to determine a powerful practice the whole school shares. Access to Complex Text Purpose and Modeling Close & Scaffolded Reading Instruction Collaborative Conversations An Independent Reading Staircase Demonstrating Understanding and Assessing Performance Why did we choose Text Complexity? Last year, the PPLC studied the shifts of the Common Core in Literacy. It was decided that the shift towards addressing Text Complexity was the most rigorous and the one we would need the most support. Literacy CCSS Shift #2: In order to prepare students for college & career readiness, each grade level requires growth in text complexity Purpose: The purpose flex days dedicated to our Powerful Practice: A. The PPLC will provide our team research based instructional strategies and enriched conversations that will support all students k-12 in achieving proficient understanding of complex texts, and to see how that carries over into other subject matters. B. To have open and honest conversations that will allow the work of the PPLC to be what is desired from all teachers on this team. Establishing the purpose of the lesson, or the learning target, and explains the way that teachers can model their critical thinking for students as they read. How do we do this? Think Alouds Interactive Shared Readings This practice emphasizes repeated readings, discussion, and critical thinking, requires scaffolded instruction. The intent is to foster critical thinking skills to deepen comprehension. How do we do this? Text-Dependent Questions Prompts & Cues Teacher Supported Experience Peer-led learning experiences require tasks that encourage students to interact and to apply what they have learned through close reading to develop deeper understandings of complex texts. How do we do this? Student to Student Collaboration Literature Circles & Roundtables Reciprocal Teaching Focuses on students’ ability to access a figurative reading staircase as they apply what they have learned and read increasingly complex texts independently. How do we do this? Use Text that Builds Background Knowledge Peer-Conferencing Strategies Assessing performance concerns itself with demonstrating understanding and assessing performance. These practices are not only for the teacher to use when measuring mastery but also for students to use to propel future learning. How Do We Do This? Model expectations Ask text-dependent questions Formative Assessments 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Purpose & Modeling K/1 2/3 7/8 7/8 4/5 Close Reading 2/3 K/1 6/7 4/5 7/8 Collaborative Conversations 4/5 6/7 K/1 6/7 Independent Reading 6/7 4/5 2/3 K/1 6/7 Assessing Performance 7/8 6/7 4/5 2/3 K/1