Differentiating Instruction

D E N I S H A S T R E E T E R , S T E P H A N I E S I LV E R , R I K E L L A L E W I S , A P R I L
MTE 532
FEBRUARY 18, 2012
There are increasing numbers of English language learners, a growing achievement
gap for minority learners. Special education has moved toward inclusion which
mandates students spend more and more of their day in the regular classroom and
the needs of the gifted students who can work at a much quicker pace need to be
addressed (Tomlinson, 2003). If public schools fail to meet the challenge of
accommodating this population it could cause the demise of the public school system
in the United States (George, 2005). Today, differentiated instruction is the most
popular method of instruction in regards to teaching. This presentation focuses on
group types of differentiation in instruction, which are: choice activities, centers,
flexible grouping, and varying assessments.
Choice activities
This Action Research Project (ARP) systematically studies the potential benefits
of providing differentiated instruction with student choice. Choice activities give
students options. Students’ interests and learning styles are taken into heavy
consideration when preparing choice activities. Even the content to be learned
may be part of the choices students get to make. They could be learning facts,
concepts or a variety of useful and practical knowledge.
Flexible grouping.
Flexible grouping can be used effectively in an array of subject areas. There are
two styles of flexible grouping. The first style of grouping is teacher led groups.
These are very useful when introducing new material is the main goal. A less
traditional method of grouping gives much more control to the pupils. One
common way of forming these student led groups is putting students together
based on their need to develop understanding or practice what has been taught
(Chapman & Gregory, 2002).
Learning centers are an excellent way for teachers to make sure that students are
actively engaged in their learning, especially while teachers are working with small
groups or individual students (Hall, Strangman, & Meyer, 2003). Implementing learning
centers in the classroom promotes independence, helps students become more
responsible, and allows them to learn through self-discovery (Chapman & Gregory,
Varying Assessments
There are a lot more interesting and engaging ways to teach and assess. Once the
teacher has selected the ways students will address topics in the curriculum, he or she
can select one of many tools for assessment (Lazear, 2001). Students who are up to it,
and working ahead of the others, might enjoy an independent study assignment.
Presenting it to the class could be part of assessing what they have learned.
Assessments can be formal or informal. Types of varying assessments includes:
observation checklists, likert scales, open-ended and guided responses, and teacher
made quizzes and tests. Learning strategies may include tiered assignments and
Choice Activities can be great motivators for both math and science students
(Tillman, 2003). Teachers of both subjects encourage student participation.
Students can be given options based on their learning styles and interests.
Centers can serve to reinforce concepts previously learned (Tillman, 2003). Some
classrooms provide math and science centers for students to learn to work
independently or in small groups; they also allow students to work at a pace they
are comfortable with (Tillman, 2003). Math involves steps by step processes and
building content that might require additional practice with manipulatives for
instance. Science centers could allow for experimentation, research, and
additional exploration as needed.
Flexible Grouping also works for both math and science. Groups are based on preassessments and vary with topic. The various group types include: whole class, small,
collaborative, performance-based, and others. “Teachers are discovering that
informally grouping and regrouping students in a variety of ways throughout the school
day can make a teacher’s job easier and students more productive” (Valentino, 2000).
Varying Assessment “By varying the types of assessment procedures all children can
be given an opportunity to show their learning” (Tillman, 2003). This can save
time in content areas where timing is a critical element in the planning,
implementation, and assessment processes. Students who learn math and
science in ways unique to their own personal learning style should also be
assessed that way.
Trend: Choice
Teachers should always allow students to have choice when completing an objective. The assignment choices should include
at least three different learning styles. For example, teachers can give students the choice to complete a journal entry, story
or a graphic organizer. Giving students the opportunity to choose from various assignments gives them a sense of ownership;
therefore, their creativity will be enhanced. With this trend, teachers can use choice boards to assist students in making their
own decisions about meeting the requirements of a particular assignment.
Trend: Flexible grouping
This trend allows students the opportunity to work in a variety of small groups depending on the task and their individual
mastery of the content. This trend also allows students the chance to work with a diverse group of peers. Working in diverse
groups often minimizes the labeling of students. Also, students work better with different groups depending on the learning
activity. Flexible grouping allows students to use their strengths. Focusing on strengths allows the whole group to excel and
ensures maximum learning.
Trend: Centers
Having a variety of centers makes the classroom more appealing to the different
learning styles. This trend also gives each student a voice in the classroom. With this
trend, students are able to choose which center they are interested in which allows
them to excel in the activities that are aligned with their learning style.
Trend: Varying assessments
Teachers should always vary their assessments in order to meet the needs of diverse
learners. The variety of assessments should include a variety of difficulties for low
level or upper level learners. The variety of assessment options should always match
learning styles.
Fourth Grade
Length: 1 week
This lesson is the final lesson in a series where the students have learned about
energy pyramids, food webs, and how organisms meet their energy needs. The
lesson utilizes the idea of centers for differentiated instruction. Students will be
able to demonstrate their understanding of the content learned through the use
of a project, a game, and a writing assignment. Students will have the
opportunity to research for the project and writing assignment on the computer
and at a reading center.
Students will demonstrate their understanding of the content vocabulary through
a game
Students will understand the difference between an energy pyramid ,a food web,
and a food chain.
Students will be able to classify organisms in the following ways:
• Omnivore, herbivore, carnivore
• Producer, consumer, decomposer
Students will be able to identify how a variety of organisms meet their energy
Students will be able to determine how different organisms function within an
environment in terms of their location on an energy pyramid.
GLE 0407.3.2 Investigate different ways that organisms meet their energy needs.
SPI 0407.3.1 Determine how different organisms function within an environment in
terms of their location on an energy pyramid.
0407.3.1 Create a food web that illustrates the energy relationships between plants
and animals and the key issues or assumptions found in the model.
0407.3.2 Classify organisms as carnivores, herbivores, or omnivores.
0407.3.3 Identify how a variety of organisms meet their energy needs.
5: The student will use a variety of technologies to improve classroom learning,
increase productivity, and support creativity.
6: The student will use technology as a tool to conduct and evaluate research and to
communicate effectively information and ideas.
7: The student will use technology resources to develop problem solving strategies,
improve decision-making, and support real world applications
Books for research (Appendix B)
Copy paper
Pictionary game with appropriate •
vocabulary for the content
Dry erase markers
Energy Pyramid Template
(Appendix A)
Vocabulary game cards
White board
The teacher will begin a review of the vocabulary used during previous lessons with a
game of Taboo.
• The teacher will divide the class into four teams
• The students will remain in their seats until it is their turn.
• The teacher will select one student from the first team to sit in a chair at the front of
the class. The teacher will stand in front of the student and show the remaining team
members a vocabulary word. The student seated in the chair should not be able to see
the word.
• The object of the game if for a students team to give clues to the word enabling them
to guess the vocabulary word. The teacher will allow one minute for each vocabulary
word. Should the student guess the word that team will earn one point. Should the
vocabulary word be used as part of a clue, that team forfeits their turn.
• The game will be played until every student in the class has had a turn to guess a
• When the game is over, the team with the most points will have first pick at the
stations available followed by the remaining teams in descending order.
Center 1: Make an energy pyramid , a food web, or a food chain
• The student will draw or use clippings from magazines to develop an energy pyramid
or food web.
• The web must contain the following labels: herbivore, carnivore, omnivore,
scavenger, decomposer, producer,
• Center 2: Life Science Pictionary game
• Students in this group will use the vocabulary from the lesson to play Pictionary.
• The teacher will provide game cards. Each card will have the vocabulary word and
the definition. The students will use the white board and dry-erase markers to play
the game.
• Center 3: Writing Assignment Choices
• Choice 1: Students will choose one organism. The student will research the organism.
The student will write three paragraphs covering the following topics:
• Habitat
• Classification (herbivore, omnivore, carnivore)
• How the organism meets their energy needs
Center 3: Writing Assignment Choices Continued
• Choice 2: The student will research one habitat and write three paragraphs
describing three organisms and how they relate to one another’s energy needs.
• Choice 3: The student will research the different roles in the cycle of energy:
consumers, producers, and decomposers. The student will chose one organism
for each role and write three paragraphs describing why each organism is
classified as a consumer, producer, or a decomposer within that particular food
Center 4: Reading Center
• Students will have the opportunity to read about food chains, food webs, and
different habitats. The readings will supplement the research done on the
computer. The readings can narrow a students search to a particular region or
animal without having to navigate the computer. Through reading nonfiction,
students will be engaged in multiple research means.
Appendix A: Food
Energy Pyramid
Exploring Habitats by Barbara Taylor
Tropical Rain Forest Habitats, Temperate Forest Habitats, Urban Wildlife Habitats,
Coastal Habitats, and Polar Habitats
• Follow that Food Chain by Rebecca Hogue Wojahn and Donald Wojahn
• A Savannah Food Chain, An Australian Outback Food Chain, A desert Food Chain, A
Rain Forest Food Chain, and a Tundra Food Chain
Food Chains in Action; Who eats who at the Seashore? and Who eats who in the
Grasslands? by Moira Butterfield
Food Chains in Action; Who eats who in Rivers and Lakes? and Who ests who in the
Desert? By Andrew Campbell
Food Chains in Action: Who eats who in City Habitats? by Robert Snedden
The Library of Food Chains and Food Webs; Food Chains in a Meadow Habitat and Food
Chains in a Pond Habitat by Isaac Nedeau
The Library of Food Chains and Food Webs; Scavengers and Parasites in the Food
Chain by Alice B. McGinty
Food Chains by Peter Riley
What are Food chains and Webs? By Bobbie Kalman and Jacqueine Langille
The food web or
food chain is
The food web or
food chain is
mostly complete
The food web or
food chain is
The food web or
food chain is not
The food web or
chain is labeled
correctly and
The food web or
chain is mostly
labeled correctly
and completely
The food web or
chain is
labeled correctly
and somewhat
The food web or
chain is not
labeled correctly
or completely
presentation is
neat and easy
to read
presentation is
mostly neat and
easy to read
presentation is
somewhat neat
and easy to
presentation is
not neat or easy
to reae
Chapman, C. & Gregory, G. (2002). Differentiated instructional strategies, one size doesn't fit all. Thousand
Oaks, CA.: Corwin Press, Inc.
George, P. A ., (2005). Rationale for differentiating instruction in the regular classroom. Theory Into Practice,
44(3), 185-193. Available from: EBSCO MegaFile.
Hall, T., Strangman, N., & Meyer, A. (2003). Differentiated instruction and implications for UDL
implementation. National Center on Accessing the General Curriculum.
Lazear, David G. (2001). The rubrics way: Using multiple intelligences to assess understanding. Tucson,
Arizona: Zephyr Press.
Tillman, M. (2003). "Differentiated instruction". Retrieved February 14, 2012
from: http://www.3villagecsd.k12.ny.us/instructional_Technology/TchLrn/Differentinstructoverview.htm
Tomlinson, C. (2003). Differentiation in practice. Virginia: Association for Supervision and Curriculum
Development. Retrieved on February 15, 2012.
Valentino, C. (2000). "Flexible Grouping". Houghton Mifflin Company. Retrieved February 14, 2012
from: http://www.eduplace.com/science/profdev/articles/valentino.html