Lord of the Flies Journal #3

Select any THEME from the novel and select four (4)
quotes that support that theme. Write down the theme
and the quotes (with page numbers)
and then fully explain how each quote supports the
theme. Also explain how the theme has developed
or changed in the novel.
Lord of the Flies
Journal #4
What is evil? List as many evils in the
world that you can think of. Does evil
exist only inside of humans, or are
there other sources of evil in the world?
Golding’s theory suggests that the
defects of a society result from the
inherent defects of human nature.
Explain the reasons that his theory may
or may not be correct. Provide
examples from real world events
(current and/or historical) that support
your point of view as well as 5 quotes
from the novel (MLA format) to prove
Golding’s theory of evil. (2 paragraphs
Lord of the Flies
Journal #5
 What does Golding wish for us to
believe about the effect of
anonymity on the individual?
Provide 4 examples from the
novel (MLA formatting) and
discuss in a 2 paragraph response.
Lord of the Flies
Journal # 6
 Discuss how a few of the
characters and the setting
in Lord of the Flies
demonstrates survival.
Explain using a
combination of direct and
paraphrased text.
Lord of the Flies
Journal #7
 The pig hunts that the boys
perform in Lord of the Flies
are presented as religious
ritual; in this way, Golding
critiques organized religion.
 Do you agree with this
statement? Why/Why not?
Discuss in 2 paragraphs
citing both direct evidence
and paraphrased
documentation to prove
your stance.
Lord of the Flies
Journal #8
 Without the masks that Jack
and his hunters painted on
their faces, Jack would have
never attained his position of
power on the island.
Ralph combats his fear by
dehumanizing the boys in his
 Support or dispute these
statements. Use specific
textual evidence (direct and
paraphrased) from the novel
to prove your point of view.
Lord of the Flies
Journal #9
 In Lord of the Flies,
ignorance always brings
In Lord of the Flies,
knowledge always brings
 Which statement do you
agree with? Why? Use
textual evidence (both
direct and paraphrased) to
prove your point.
 Create a chart in which you
analyze the development of
one of the allegories present
in Lord of the Flies (political,
religious or psychological).
 You must show the
progression of the allegory,
identify any symbols related
to along with its meaning
and find 10 quotes that
support what you believe to
be Golding's commentary on
the topic.