Civil society

Diversity of Cultural Expressions in Asia:
Challenges and Perspectives on the
Implementation of the 2005 Convention
Quadrennial Periodic Reporting:
Reporting on Awareness-Raising and
Participation of Civil Society
Bangkok, Thailand
4-6 March 2014
Danielle Cliche, Secretary of the 2005 Convention
Diversity of Cultural Expressions in Asia : Challenges and Perspectives on the
Implementation of the 2005 Convention
Reporting on Awareness-Raising and Participation of Civil
Society (Section 3)
Parties reports on
how they have
involved civil society
Civil society reports
on activities that they
have undertaken for:
the promotion,
implementation and
monitoring of the
2005 Convention
Diversity of Cultural Expressions in Asia : Challenges and Perspectives on the
Implementation of the 2005 Convention
Civil society
For the purposes of this Convention, civil society
 non-governmental organizations
 non-profit organizations
 professionals in the culture and creative
 groups that support the work of artists and
cultural communities
Diversity of Cultural Expressions in Asia : Challenges and Perspectives on the
Implementation of the 2005 Convention
By ratifying the Convention, Parties:
 acknowledge the fundamental role of
civil society in protecting and
promoting the diversity of cultural
expressions, and
 Commit to encourage their
participation in activities, designed to
achieve the objectives of this
Diversity of Cultural Expressions in Asia : Challenges and Perspectives on the
Implementation of the 2005 Convention
Information to be provided by Parties on how
they have involved civil society in:
 promoting the objectives of the Convention
through awareness-raising and other activities
 collecting data and sharing and exchanging
information on measures to protect and promote
the diversity of cultural expressions
 developing policies while providing spaces where
the ideas of civil society can be heard and
 implementing Operational Guidelines of the
Diversity of Cultural Expressions in Asia : Challenges and Perspectives on the
Implementation of the 2005 Convention
Information to be provided by civil society on
what they have done to implement the
 promoting the objectives of the Convention
through awareness-raising and other activities
 Bringing the concerns of citizens, associations
and enterprises to public authorities, including
those of vulnerable groups
 Monitoring policy and programme
 contributing to the achievement of greater
transparency and accountability in the
governance of culture
Diversity of Cultural Expressions in Asia : Challenges and Perspectives on the
Implementation of the 2005 Convention
Civil society may also wish to share
information on:
 activities they have planned for the
next four years to implement the
 main challenges encountered or
foreseen and solutions found or
envisaged to overcome those
Diversity of Cultural Expressions in Asia : Challenges and Perspectives on the
Implementation of the 2005 Convention
Good Practice: National Consultation in
 2-day consultation involving Ministry of Culture /
UNESCO / civil society
 Informing civil society about the situation of the
cultural and creative sectors in the country:
presentation of a detailed baseline study
 elaborating a road map for the creative sector with
the participation of civil society
Diversity of Cultural Expressions in Asia : Challenges and Perspectives on the
Implementation of the 2005 Convention
Thank You