
Word Study Instruction
Using Words Their Way
How do you teach spelling words?
Many teachers teach spelling by giving students a list on
Monday and a test on Friday with practice in between.
This type of drill and practice has earned traditional spelling
instruction a reputation for being boring. That there is no big
picture and no ultimate goal makes it all the more tedious – as
soon as one spelling list is tested, another list takes its place.
Luckily, there is an alternative to traditional spelling
instruction called "Word Study" which is not based on the
random memorization of words. A word study program is a
cohesive approach that addresses word recognition,
vocabulary, and phonics as well as spelling.
What is Word Study?
Purpose of Word Study
 The authors of Words Their Way: Word Study for Phonics,
Vocabulary, and Spelling Instruction determined that the
purpose of word study is twofold.
 First, students develop a general knowledge of English
spelling. They learn how to examine words through active
exploration using a hands-on, manipulative approach.
Students also discover generalizations about spelling, instead
of just spelling rules. They learn the regularities, patterns, and
conventions of English orthography needed to read and spell.
 Second, word study increases students’ specific knowledge of
words. Specific knowledge relates to the spelling and meaning
of individual words.
Stages of Spelling Development
When implementing word study in the classroom, it is important to understand
the progression of the stages of spelling development. It will help teachers
determine which word study activities are most appropriate for students. The
methodology of Words Their Way: Word Study for Phonics, Vocabulary, and
Spelling Instruction is based on the progression of these developmental stages.
The stages of spelling development are
Letter Name-Alphabetic Spelling
Within Word Pattern
Syllables and Affixes
Derivational Relations
These stages describe students’ spelling behavior as they move from one level of
word knowledge to the next.
Synchrony of Literacy Development
Pre-K to middle of 1st
K to middle of 2nd
Letter Name - Alphabetic
Grade 1 to middle of 4th
Within Word Pattern
Grades 3 to 8
Syllables & Affixes
Reading Stages
Grade Range
Spelling Stages
Grades 5 to 12
Derivational Relations
Emergent Stage
Emergent Stage (Pre-K to middle of 1st):
In the Emergent Spelling stage students are not yet reading conventionally.
Spellers in the emergent stage may write with scribbles, letter like forms, or
random letters and numbers. In most cases, they have not been exposed to
formal reading instruction. During this stage, children learn to recognize and
write the letters of the alphabet. They play with the sounds in letters and words.
By the end of the level, students understand the concept of words and begin to
match picture cards to the words that represent their names.
Alphabet Sort for Different Forms of A and B
Picture Sort for Initial F and T
Letter Name-Alphabetic Stage
LNA Stage (K to middle of 2nd):
Students in the Letter-Name Alphabetic Spelling stage have been instructed
formally in reading. Spellers in this stage use letter/sound matches to spell the
most obvious sounds in words. Often, beginning and ending consonant sounds
are in place before vowels begin to appear. At the beginning of this stage,
students apply the alphabet principles to consonants.
By the end of the stage, they are able to correctly represent most short-vowel
patterns, consonant digraphs, and consonant blends.
Picture Sort for ch, sh, and th Digraphs
Word Sort for the it, ip and ill Families
Within Word Pattern Stage
WWP Stage (Grade 1 to middle of 4th):
At the beginning of the Within Word Pattern Spelling stage students spell most
single-syllable, short vowel words correctly. Throughout this stage, they move
away from the sound-by-sound approach of the letter name and begin to include
patterns or chunks of letter sequences that relate to both sound and meaning.
Spellers in the within-word pattern stage know a great deal about short vowels
and the short vowel pattern, the consonant-vowel-consonant (CVC) pattern. In
this stage, students begin by exploring the common long vowel patterns.
Word Sort for Long-a Patterns, Compared to the Short Vowel Pattern
Diphthongs and Other Vowels
Syllables and Affixes Stage
SA Stage (Grade 3 to 8th):
By the Syllables and Affixes Spelling stage students can spell most one-syllable, short and
long vowel words correctly. So, the focus for instruction in this stage is multisyllabic words
and patterns. Students also learn to sort by specific vowel combinations, inflected endings,
and vowel patterns in accented syllables.
In the Middle-Late and Affixes Spelling stage students begin with the study of how
syllables divide in words with open syllables, such as cli/mate and re/act, and closed
syllables like sup/ply and hun/dred. The level also includes a thorough study of patterns
of unaccented syllables. It ends with the study of less common prefixes and suffixes such
as fore– and –ness and two-syllable homophones like cellar and seller.
Word Sort for Doubling Before -ed
Word Sort for Prefixes
Derivational Relations Stage
DA Stage (Grade 5 to 12th):
At the beginning of the Derivational Relations Spelling stage students spell most words
correctly. The focus in this stage is on the meaning connection. In this stage, they learn
how to sort words by pattern and meaning with an emphasis on meaning and related word
parts. They will discover how spelling preserves meaning even when there are changes in
sound. Students will also learn common prefixes and suffixes, examine the meaning of
bases and roots, and learn about the classical origin of polysyllabic words.
Prefix Sort for astro-, photo-, bio-, chlor-, eco-, hydro-, and hypoMillennium Word Study and Sort
Supplementary Sort: -um, -ium
Developmental Spelling Analysis
The Primary Spelling Inventory, or PSI, can be used in kindergarten through third
The Upper-Level Spelling Inventory, or USI, can be used in upper elementary, middle
school, high school, and postsecondary classrooms.
If a school system wants to use the same inventory across all elementary grades, they
can use the Elementary Spelling Inventory, or ESI. This surveys a range of spelling
features throughout the elementary grades, specifically first through sixth grade.
Administering the Spelling Inventories
These inventories are administered like traditional spelling tests, but there are some
significant differences. Unlike traditional spelling tests, students should not study the
words before the assessment. They should also be reassured that they are not graded
on the activity.
To begin a spelling inventory, students are asked to number their paper. If students are
in kindergarten or early first grade, teachers can prepare a numbered paper for
Each word is called aloud and repeated once. The words are spoken naturally, without
emphasis on phonemes or syllables. If necessary, teachers can also use a sentence with
the word in it to make sure the students know the exact word.
If students struggle with the inventory, teachers can administer a lower-level inventory.
The inventory can be given to students as a whole group or in small groups. The results
of the inventory can be used to get a general picture of each student’s spelling
Word Study in Action
Word sorts are the heart of the program. Students use word sorts to group
words into specific categories. As students complete the sorts, they compare
and contrast word features, make discoveries, and form generalizations about
the conventions of English orthography or spelling.
Video of Word Sort:
PowerPoint Presentations of Word Sorts:
Cool Sites
Words Their Way Resources:
PowerPoint Presentations for Word Sorts
Companion Website for Words Their Way
Words Their Way Online Tutorials
Word Sorts
Vocabulary Ideas and Videos:
Spelling City: