“What are the limits of cultural and social pluralism for the operational integration and symbolic coherence of liberal democratic societies? Is such an integration and coherence necessary, is it desirable, and is it, finally, possible to achieve? These are the larger issues that lend significance to the proliferation of deviant populations and their organized activities to claim legitimation.” J Kitsuse Deviance as Rebellion; Rebellion as Deviance http://www.islamtimes.org/images/docs/000006/n00006141-r-s-000.jpg Previously on Social Control… Idea In other words Deviance normal… So always present …but not constant or universal Need research on who, when, why …culture of lack… Don’t learn to be social …they want what we have… Merton’s strain …deviance as pain avoidance… Victims who fight back Deviance functional… Unite v. scapegoats, canary in coal mine, innovation What if we take these ideas (and the “deviants”) seriously? And now… • Combine Coser and Merton on innovation, retreat, and rebellion… • …with Agnew’s observation about pain avoidance… • …to look at deviance as affirmative social act Innovators, Retreaters, and Rebels from the Wikimedia Commons http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Mertons_social_strain_theory.svg Lecture Trajectory 1. How to take functions of deviance seriously …without giving up on social order 2. Lessons learned from delinquent kids 3. When deviants fight back 4. Comedy as functional deviance 5. Deviance, Social Control, and Occupying Wall Street 6. Debate: How much pluralism can society handle and still be a society? Willis Learning to Labour Katz “Ways of the Badass” Badass as the Ultimate Sociologist http://i3.kymhttp://theselvedgeyard.files.wordpress.com/2010/01/la-gang-sign-members-cholo.jpg cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/005/637/Honey -Badger-Dont-Care.jpg http://rockhall.com/media/assets/inductees/default/ramones.jpg http://pleatedjeans.files.wordpress.com/2009/10/badass -biker.jpg http://www.islamtimes.org/images/docs/000006/n00006141-r-s-000.jpg http://qph.cf.quoracdn.net/main-qimg1b7f435608da3943b70877cef17b8dae http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/244/1/f/ badass_punk_by_miki2k-d2xtnef.jpg http://beatlesource.com/savage/evermore.jpg http://www.majesticdetroit.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/thesosoglos1.jpg Who are these people? Kitsuse “Coming Out All Over” http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_CijcaA9yq58/Sj0czgkUwQI/AAAAAAAACfU/oeBnTPdUEkA/s400/stonewall+rioters+throwing+things.jpg http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_ww90pQP-08Y/SkpfvWJG7bI/AAAAAAAABPY/Iw1a_Ub19Fs/s400/Stonewall4.jpeg http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_ww90pQP-08Y/SkpfWzmJUDI/AAAAAAAABPA/rYK__d6i15U/s1600/Stonewall1.jpeg Lafer “Why Occupy Has Left Washington Behind” • “What makes OWS different …that this protest is not, at its core, voicing an appeal to lawmakers.” • OWS is clearly inspired by Tahrir Square. …Egyptians succeeded … not because they occupied the square but because their occupation exerted direct pressure on the country’s most powerful business interests. • …something similar—nonviolent action that directly challenges the economic elite—is required here …. • …there is a precedent. Before there were civil rights laws, people broke the back of Jim Crow by picketing, boycotting, getting beaten and arrested by the tens of thousands, in direct action against the most powerful forces of their society.” Bruce “So Who’s Deviant?” http://www.freeinfosociety.com/media/images/36 14.jpg http://static.guim.co.uk/sys-images/Technology/Pix/pictures/2009/5/20/1242822406798/Lenny-Bruce-001.jpg http://empirephotoarchives.com/pix/lennybruce_sept09_emparchives.jpg http://ironicsurrealism.com/files/2010/09/danish_muslim_cartoons.jpg http://www.bendib.com/newones/2006/february/small/2-5-Denmark-cartoons.jpg http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_Yy3nxANArBw/S_yZ1AVUxdI/AAAAAAAABi0/v521t6G2Ymo/s1600/Muslim+Cartoons+and+Comics+697.jpg Room for Debate “What are the limits of cultural and social pluralism for the operational integration and symbolic coherence of liberal democratic societies? Is such an integration and coherence necessary, is it desirable, and is it, finally, possible to achieve? These are the larger issues that lend significance to the proliferation of deviant populations and their organized activities to claim legitimation.” J Kitsuse