What is Science

Chapter 3
Lesson 1
Erosion is the process by which natural
forces move weathered rock and soil from
one place to another.
Mr. Parr: Weathering and Erosion (no facts)
Earth materials consisting of small, solid pieces
of material that come from rocks or the
remains of organisms is called sediment.
3 types of rock- a science song (no facts)
Stormwater Strategies:
Erosion & Sediment Control
(3 facts)
Deposition is the process in which
sediment is laid down in new locations.
Gravity is the force that moves
objects downward.
Mass movement is any one of several
processes by which gravity moves
sediment downhill.
You Tube: Outrunning a Landslide (2 facts)
YouTube: Mass Movement (2 facts)
12 facts so far
Lesson 2
Runoff is water that flows over
the ground surface carrying
particles with it.
As runoff travels, it forms tiny
grooves in the soil called rills.
A gully is a large groove, or
channel, in the soil that carries
runoff after a rainstorm.
A stream is a channel along which
water is continually flowing down
a slope.
A tributary is a stream or river
that flows into a larger river.
A flood plain is the flat, wide area
of land along a river.
What is Floodplains by Design? (3 facts)
A meander is a loop-like bend in
the course of a river.
An oxbow lake is a meander that
has been cut off from the river.
What is a meander? (3 facts)
A landform made of sediment that is
deposited where a river flows into an
ocean or lake is called a delta.
An alluvial fan is a wide, sloping
deposit of sediment formed where a
stream leaves a mountain range.
Groundwater is water that fills the
cracks and spaces in underground
soil and rock layers.
A deposit that hangs like an icicle
from the roof of a cave is known
as a stalactite.
A stalagmite is a columnlike form
that grows upward from the floor
of a cavern.
Karst topography is a region in
which a layer of limestone close to
the surface creates deep valleys,
caverns, and sinkholes.
Demo of erosion by water (no facts)
Water Erosion (2 facts)
Bill Nye: Erosion (5 facts)
39 facts so far
Lesson 3
A glacier is any large mass of ice that
moves slowly over land.
A continental glacier is a glacier that
covers much of a continent or large island.
Times in Earth’s history during which
glaciers covered large parts of the surface
are called ice ages.
A valley glacier is a long, narrow glacier
that forms when snow and ice build up
high in a mountain valley.
Plucking is the process by which a glacier
picks up rocks as it flows over the land.
The mixture of sediments that a glacier
deposits directly on the surface is called
A ridge formed by the till deposited at the
edge of a glacier is a moraine.
A kettle is a small depression that forms
when a chunk of ice is left in glacial till.
Good luck
Credits to Anjali and Emily
Lesson 4
A headland is a part of the shore that
sticks out into the ocean.
A beach is an area of wave-washed
sediment along a coast.
Longshore drift is the movement of water
and sediment down a beach caused by
waves coming in to shore at an angle.
A spit is a beach that projects like a
finger out into the water.
Lesson 5
Deflation is the process by which
wind removes surface materials.
A sand dune is a deposit of windblown sand.
Loess is a wind-formed deposit made
of fine particles of clay and silt.