KEA Jump Start - AFT and NEA Online Renewal Support Team

National Board Renewal Guidelines
 Component
2 features an indepth look at the classroom
application of one of the PGEs
from Component 1.
Teachers are professionally obligated
to become better at what they do.
 NBCTs demonstrate their knowledge
of students and accomplished
teaching standards in their classrooms
to make a positive impact on student
You may only begin the renewal process if you are
in your 8th (no earlier than September 1), 9th, or
10th year of certification.
Choose 1 PGE from component 1 and develop a
lesson appropriate for students within your
content and developmental level.
Prepare a video recording of your lesson
Video must be 10 minutes, unedited and date stamped
May be continuous OR a maximum of 3 unedited
4 pages of written commentary responding to the
specific prompts
A PGE is an activity in which you learn something
new that has influence within or beyond the
classroom and has a DIRECT or INDIRECT on
student learning.
 For EACH of your PGEs you must respond to the
following prompts:
1. Provide a context of the professional situation
that indicates what need you are addressing.
2. Describe the PGC. How does it demonstrate a
response to identified needs of students, the
professional community, parents, and/or self?
One of the hardest things about the Renewal
Process for most NBCT’s is narrowing down
the initial selection of PGEs for Component 1.
If you are reading this - Congratulations- you
have already done that work.
The selection of a PGE for Component 2, you
will find much easier! I guarantee it!
Look at your PGEs from Component 1 and ask
yourself these questions:
◦ Which PGE is best represented by the work I do in my
◦ Which PGE would best be translated to a lesson
written for my students?
◦ Which PGE will allow me to emphasis and focus on
translating my learning and professional growth
directly to my classroom?
◦ Which PGE is most directly related to my standards
and promotes the rigorous high standards that exist
in my NBCT classroom?
◦ Which PGE will allow me to focus on providing the
most comprehensive evidence I can to show my
growth professionally and my impact on students in a
“reach out and touch” it fashion.
After considering the previous questions you should know
or at least have a better idea of which PGE to select for
Component 2.
If you still have some concern, take a moment and look at
the remaining components.
Because component 4 allows you the opportunity to
critically examine your work and growth as a NBCT, you
will be given the opportunity to analysis the connections
and patterns that have emerged as you have grown.
This component allows you to work with all your PGEs and
doesn’t require a focus on one singularly.
Component 3 offers you the option of supplying another
video or a series of learner work samples that show your
growth and the impact you have on student learning.
Again, look at your original four PGEs, which of those
would best fit with the options you have with Component
You are the best judge of which choice is best
for Component 2 and 3.
Consider that each of these components are
“evidence” of your professional growth and
go with the ones that in your NBCT-judgment
work best!
Equipment needed:
New, blank VHS videotape of blank DVD-R
Extension cord
Masking or duct tape
Headphones to monitor the sound being
External microphone
Practice often
Make sure to get students’ faces in the video
Place camera and microphone to capture the
best sound quality possible
Make certain you appear in the video (or at
least one of the video clips if using segments)
Have a student or colleague video your class
Videotape often—you never know when that
great moment will be captured!
Before recording, check equipment
Eliminate noises that may interfere with
recording (background noises may reduce
sound quality)
Record in SP (Standard Play) mode only
After each video session, jot down some
 Any particular instructional challenges
 Lesson objectives
 Overall success and evidence
Analyze the video segments to choose the
segment that presents your teaching to the
best advantage.
 In order to analyze the video you may want
1. Watch and listen
2. Listen only
3. Watch only
4. Watch and listen
Use the Video Analysis Checklist to analyze
each video
Washington Education Association 2012
You may submit your video in VHS format or
Standard single-sided DVD-R
If using DVD-R, use a silver or metallic
colored disc
If your camera does not allow for datestamping, an administrator may sign a Video
Recording Date Attestation Form that verifies
the date on which the recording was made
and that it was not recorded earlier than
September 1 of your 8th year.
Work with a copy of the 5 Core Propositions at your
fingertips as you should be using the verbiage of
them in your writing. This gives you the opportunity
to describe analysis and reflect with these five
propositions connected to your writing.
Review the PGE related terms and use them in the
context in which they are defined by National Board.
Sometimes your understanding of a term or use in
your area may differ and point a scorer in the wrong
Use connects to your content specific standards when
Have a copy of “What Teachers Should Know and Be
Able to Do” handy. Your writing should continuously
reflect those all-important items.
Remember this is about you and your teaching and
impact, don’t spend valuable words on the “others that
may have been on the team or led you to this point”.
You are the emphasis and your students the
Answer the prompts. Don’t allow your writing to
wander from those specific questions.
Prompts 1 – 3 address your lesson goals, why you
selected it and how it fits in your students learning
both content and age appropriately. They also allow
you to address the issues of diversity, equity and
highlight the positive environment in your classroom.
Don’t overlook this opportunity to highlight these
things and connect to the 5 Core Propositions
Prompts 4 and 5 focus on the impact of your teaching
on your students and allow you to reference the video
specifically for more evidence. Cite specific examples!
Be thoroughly and specific. When writing about something
in the video make the connections to the event saying “the
girl in the red shirt asked…”
Point out in your writing any event or actions on the part of
you or your students that strengthen a response. Reading is
knowing but seeing is believing!
Spell check, grammar check and read and reread. Writing in
a professional manner is another way you show how
important your profession is to you and the students.
Make a reader file like you did in your original certification.
If you are unfamiliar with a file than simply take a manila
folder and paste a copy of the requirements and prompts on
it and put your work inside. Select several readers whom
your value their expertise and honesty and ask them to read
your work. Try one for grammar and proofing and one that
will focus on the prompts. Temper their opinions with your
own NBCT knowledge!
When writing for component 2, review the
types of writing under “Writing About
Teaching” on page 29 of your Renewal
From “Specific Prompts” on page 21, make
certain to answer each question completely.
Refer to the standards addressed in your
lesson for key verbs that describe what
accomplished teachers know and do.
Use the language of the standards to describe
your practice.
Plan early. Refer to the Five Core Propositions
and the Architecture of Accomplished Teaching
and get to know your students.
Make certain that your classroom meets the
content and age requirements of your original
certificate. If it does not, you may want to teamteach with another teacher.
Choose a lesson/unit that meets an identified
need of your students that demonstrates how
your teaching made a positive impact on student
Step away for a few days and refocus when you feel
you can and try again.
Type the prompts in and just type. You may end up
with 8 pages instead of 4 but you can pare down the
work later after you find your voice.
Remember that National Board gave you specific
prompts and that answering those is your focus not
writing the next publishing phenomenon.
Most people I have talked to hit the same wall when
sitting down to write. I did and so did most of my
renewed friends. Notice I said “renewed” friends.
Call someone you know who has been through the
process, listen to their story and laugh with them.
They will offer encouragement and kudos – it’s the
NBCT way!
Use the “Writing Triangle” when writing about
your PGE.
Describing the PGE should take the smallest
part of your writing.
About 25% of your writing should address the
identified need of your classroom.
The majority of the writing should deal with
the positive impact your teaching had on your
of PGE
What need is being filled?
How is need being
Adapted from ????? 2012
I have shown students how to do a
math problem.
I modeled the correct procedure
for completing the math problem.
My student worked in small groups
to list ideas for their commercial.
My students brainstormed
commercial ideas in small
cooperative groups.
I decided how to organize my
lesson based on the students’
disabilities in my classroom.
I differentiated my instruction in
order to accommodate each of my
student’s needs.
Students did not do well on the
test. I decided to work with those
students and help them better
prepare for the final test.
After analyzing the formative
assessment results, I designed
individualized tutoring sessions for
my students scoring at 70% or
lower. Because of this, students
had the opportunity to prioritize
and pursue ways to strengthen
their knowledge.
KEA Jump Start 2012
Hints and Tips For Formatting
One-inch margins—top, bottom,
left and right.
Use only 12 point Times New
Roman Font and write only in
Print on only one side of paper.
Paper no larger than 8.5” x 11” in
Explain/Define all acronyms. No
staples. Group and paperclip as
instructed in the Assembly
Double space entire entry with the
exception of verification forms.
Do not use italics or special fonts
for the entire text. They may be
used to offset or highlight areas.
Header—Place ID# on the right of
all pages. Reference the
Component # on the left.
Remove references to specific
names and places in your writing.
Number pages sequentially within
each separate component. You
may include page numbers within
a footer.
Do not number cover sheets.
Do not exceed the total number of
After you have completed the component –
celebrate! You are well on your way to
renewal success! A few other last minute
Lay the component aside and continue
working on the remaining items.
Save your work in several places – stuff
Send your final work out one more time for a
last look by different eyes.
And don’t forget to thank your readers!
Because your portfolio is scored holistically, when you
have completed Components 3 and 4, take a little time to
reread all your components. Ask yourself these
◦ Did I provide my scorer with overwhelming evidence that I have
continued to grow professionally?
◦ Did I provide my scorer with overwhelming and significant
evident that what I do significantly impacts student learning?
◦ Did I show my growth with my students both in and out of the
◦ Did I show my effort to be a lifelong learner and continue to
seek opportunities for myself that strengthen me professionally?
◦ Did I show my effort to maintain the high and rigorous
standards of National Board Certification?
◦ Do I evaluate my professional work using the “What Teachers
Should Know and Do” as a standard?
◦ Do I reference my standards and the Architecture of Teaching
throughout my portfolio of work?
◦ Do I connect my PGEs in my written reflection in Component 4?