Think of time that you have been exceptionally motivated O What was the context of the behavior? O Think of as many details as possible… O Why were you so motivated at this time? Think of a time when you were exceptionally unmotivated O What was the context of this behavior? O Think of as many details as possible… O Why were you so unmotivated? O What could have made you more likely to be motivated? O Complete motivation self assessments Sports Psychology 5 Key Elements for increased performance Goal Setting O Why? O DIRECTION O FEEDBACK O SUPPORT O Results in a change in behavior O Training is more productive O Competitive behavior is more focused O Preparation becomes more focused Relaxation O Anxiety often interferes with performance O Focus negative thoughts toward something else O Preserves energy O Methods: biofeedback, diaphragmatic breathing, mindfulness, meditation, progressive muscle relaxation. Self-talk O We have a tendency to have negative, unhealthy thought patterns O Self-talk is used to reframe situations Imagery O Vivid recall of the positive O Remembering mistakes and correcting them with imagination O Counting in your head to regain focus Concentration O Do nothing for 1 minute… O Preventing distractions O Directs attention to task Instrinsic vs. Extrinsic Motivation O Instrinsic O Extrinsic O Internal O Motivated by O Motivated by external factors O i.e., grades, trophies, recognition, titles, etc… personal rewards Locus of Control O Internal O External O Reading: 40 O Sense of Studies O Sense of personal action O Have the capacity to influence events helplessness O Good things are not tied to behavior O Pawns of fate O Believe in ability to influence events Explanatory Behaviors O ANSIE SCALE O Global/Specific O Stable/Unstable O Internal/External Five theories O 1) Hedonic principle: experience pleasure/avoid pain O Very Freudian/psycho analytic O Thanatos/Eros Five Theories O 2) Instinct Theory— evolutionary/inna te behavior O Rooting instinct Five theories O 3) Drive Theory –we are motivated to reduce a drive to return to homeostasis...i.e., food, sex, temperature O Hull’s drive reduction theory O What is NOT explained by this theory? O Watching sad movies O Climbing mountains O Attending college O Read books O Etc... Five Theories O 4) Arousal Theory—we are driven to experience stimulation—even if we are not hungry, have no desire to mate, and are perfectly physiologically content....we still do stuff. O 8A-2 and 8A-3 Five theories O 5) Humanistic Theory: humans strive to obtain self-actualization O Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs O 8A-4 and 8A-5 The need to belong Aron Ralston--127 Hours Complete handout 8A-13 O Fear of Failure Why are we unmotivated? O Learned Helplessness