Parallel TSP with branch and bound Presented by Akshay Patil Rose Mary George Roadmap Introduction Motivation Sequential TSP Parallel Algorithm Results References 2 Introduction What is TSP? Given a list of cities and the distances between each pair of cities, find the shortest possible route that visits each city exactly once and returns to the original city. 3 Introduction Problem Representation Undirected weighted graph, such that the cities are graph vertices and paths are graph edges and a path's distance is the edge's weight. 0 1 2 3 4 0 00 17 04 10 13 1 17 00 01 14 05 2 04 01 00 04 10 3 10 14 04 00 06 4 13 05 10 06 00 4 Roadmap Introduction Motivation Sequential TSP Parallel Algorithm Results References 5 Motivation Travelling salesperson problem with branch and bound is one of the algorithms which is difficult to parallelize. Branch and bound technique can incorporate application specific heuristic techniques One of the earliest applications of dynamic programming is the Held-Karp algorithm that solves the problem in O( n22n) Greedy algorithm, may or may not obtain the optimal solution with O( n2 logn) complexity. Parallel branch and bound optimization problems are large and computationally intensive. Increasing availability of multicomputers, multiprocessors and network of workstations 6 Applications TSP has several application even in its purest formulation such as : Planning Logistics Manufacture of microchips Genetics UPS saves 3 million gallons of gasoline per year. 7 Roadmap Introduction Motivation Sequential TSP Parallel Algorithm Results References 8 Sequential TSP with branch and bound Best_solution_node = null Insert start city node into priority queue (Q) While Q is not empty: node = // Node with least cost If node.cost >= Best_solution_node.cost // Bound If node is solution better than Best_solution_node Best_solution_node = node Else continue Explore children of node and insert in Q //Branch Display best_solution_node 9 Sequential TSP with branch and bound noOfVertices = 5 Children Generated = (5-1 )! With No bounding 10 Sequential TSP with branch and bound noOfVertices = 5 Children Generated < (5-1 )! With bounding 11 Lower Bound Estimate Cost of any node = path_cost + lower_bound_estimate lower_bound_estimate = MST ( unvisitied cities, startcity, currentcity) MST is calculated using Prim’s algorithm which takes O(n2) if implemented using adjacency matrix. Why MST is a good estimate? 12 Roadmap Introduction Motivation Sequential TSP Parallel Algorithm Results References 13 Parallel Algorithm Datatype Creation for Solution Node struct Node{ int nvisited; MPI_Datatype mpinode; int cost; MPI_Datatype type[3] = {MPI_INT,MPI_INT,MPI_INT}; int path[GRAPHSIZE]; MPI_Aint disp[3]; } // GRAPHSIZE = no.of.vertices disp[0] = (int)&root.nvisited - (int)&root; disp[1] = (int)&root.cost - (int)&root; disp[2] = (int)&root.path[0] - (int)&root; int blocklen[3] = { 1, 1, GRAPHSIZE }; MPI_Type_create_struct(nodeAttributes, &mpinode ); blocklen, disp, type, // Resulting datatype. 14 Parallel Algorithm Send & Receive At sender MPI_Isend(&node, 1, mpinode,i,50,MPI_COMM_WORLD,&req); node = variable of type Node 1 = send 1 variable Dataype = mpinode At Receiver MPI_Irecv(buffer, size, mpinode, MPI_ANY_SOURCE, 50, MPI_COMM_WORLD,&req); MPI_Wait(&req, &status); MPI_Get_count(&status, mpinode, &noOfNodesReceivedInBuffer); 15 Startup phase Distribution of initial nodes to processors. For noOfProcessors = 4 Round 1 (start round = 1) 0 generates children of start city, sends half to 1, keeps half in startupNodes Round 2 (last round = log(noOfProcessors)) 0 generates children nodes in startupNode, sends half to 2 1 generates children nodes in startupNode, sends half to 3 16 Parallel Algorithm 17 Roadmap Introduction Motivation Sequential TSP Parallel Algorithm Results References 18 Results Processors 1 2 4 8 Time 7.97 10.34 19.82 57.99 For n = 12 Speedup -0.77 0.4 0.13 Processors 1 2 4 8 Time 9.137 7.83 12.5 44 Speedup -1.16 0.73 0.2 For n = 12, all edge weights=10 except 1 19 Current State of the Art Algorithms LKH(Lin-Kernighan heuristic), was used to solve the World TSP problem which uses data for all the cities in the world. The best lower bound on the length of a tour for the World TSP is 7,512,218,268 The tour of length 7,515,778,188 was found on October 25, 2011. 20 References MPI Dynamic receive and Probe, TSP Test Data, World TSP, LKH(Lin-Kernighan heuristic), Used to solved the World TSP problem 21