T HE F RENCH R EVOLUTION U NFOLDS I. P OLITICAL C RISIS L EADS TO R EVOLT National Assembly (1789-1791) the 1st and moderate phase of the French Revolution 1789 there was a terrible famine in addition to the other problems Great Fear- a time when rumors of attacks set off a panic and revolts Peasants set fire to noble manor houses and stole grain II. PARIS C OMMUNE C OMES TO P OWER Marquis de Lafayette “hero of two worlds” led a National Guard Paris Commune- took over Paris, could mobilize people to protest or riots Q UESTIONS What caused French Peasants to revolt against the nobles? The Peasants revolted because… III. T HE N ATIONAL A SSEMBLY A CTS Some more reform minded clergy and nobles joined the National Assembly Nobles vote to end their own special privileges Felt they already had lost them because of revolts Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen- based on the Dec. of Independence All men equal under the law Natural rights Olympe de Gouges- resented women not being included Q UESTIONS Why did the nobles willingly vote to end their privileges? The nobles ended their privileges because they thought it would end the __________ ______________. How is the Dec. of Rights of Man an Enlightenment Idea? It is an enlightenment idea because it achieves ____________ under the ______. IV. W OMEN M ARCH ON V ERSAILLES King Louis XVI and his wife, Marie Antoinette, still led a life of luxury Women upset with bread prices marched on the palace of Versailles to see the King They demanded the King return with them to Paris Q UESTIONS Why were the women of Paris so angry? The women of Paris were angry because … V. T HE N ATIONAL A SSEMBLY P RESSES O NWARD Church is placed under state control Constitution of 1791- Limited monarchy Legislative assembly Elected lawmakers Louis and Marie try to escape in 1791 Made him look like a traitor to the revolution VI. R ULERS S PREAD F EAR OF R EVOLUTION Other European Nobles saw the revolution as the “French Plague” Cut off borders Emigres- nobles who had fled France Declaration of Pilnitz- King of Prussia and Emperor of Austria threatened the French if they harmed the king or queen Q UESTION Why did other rulers see the French as having a “plague” Other rulers saw the French as having a plague because they feared that it would… VII. R ADICALS TAKE O VER Legislative Assembly ruled for less than a year Economic crisis Food shortages Sans-culottes- working men They demanded a republic Jacobins- middle class who also wanted a republic These radical groups declare “war on tyranny” Declare war on Austria and then later Prussia and Britain Q UESTIONS Why are the Sans-culottes and the Jacobins “radical” They are radical because the both believe France should have a _____________, rather than the traditional ____________.