Feng Shui

Feng Shui
Feng shui was developed over 3,000 years
ago in China. It is complex and deals with
balancing the energies of any given
space in order to guarantee health and good
fortune for people who live there. The ancient
Chinese believed that specific land's energy
could either make or break the kingdom!
Feng means wind and shui means water.
Feng shui is based on the Taoist vision and
understanding of nature, particularly on the idea
that the land is alive and filled with Chi. Chi is
the universal energy that flows through
everything ~ even us! Taoist’s also believe that
humans can only be happy and healthy if the
Chi around them is balanced and
flows freely.
The Chinese also believed this Chi energy is also
expressed in different colors, shapes, and in the
five elements: wood, fire, earth,
metal, and water.
Wood: Is creative and nurturing energy. It also
represents strong family ties.
Fire: Is energetic energy. It is associated with good
leadership, fame, and good fortune.
Earth: Energy is stable, reliable and all about
common sense.
Metal: Energy represents business and financial
success. It also represents clear thinking and a good
moral outlook.
Water: Energy symbolized knowledge, wisdom,
communication, and travel. It can also be gentle or
Just like Chi energy in the five elements are
expressed differently. Chi is also expressed as
female and male energy
called Yin and Yang.
Yin Yang states that everything in our
Universe is composed of two opposing, but
deeply interconnected forces - the Yin
(feminine) and the Yang (masculine).
They are opposite, but one cannot exist without
the other ~ they actually support each other.
YIN ~ (black ~ feminine energy)
Energy-wise ~ Yin is soft, slow, relaxed,
passive and silent. They believe that
feminine energy is demonstrated in the
softness of water, the mystery of the
Moon, the blackness of rich soil and the
deep silence of the night.
YANG (white ~ masculine energy)
Yang energy is expressed opposite to Yin
energy. Yang is the fiery directness of
the Sun, the aggressive speed of racing
cars, the rock, and the solid surface of a
Feng shui in the Home:
Chinese believe that you should do your best to
create a home that has a smooth flow of Chi
that has a balance of Yin and Yang energies. If
this is done, it will reflect itself in the flow of
Chi in your body.
What you don’t want:
Chi Blockages.
Most common feng shui Chi blockages in a
home are Chi blockages at the main door,
such as when the main door opens into a
wall, for example; as well as the Chi
blockages in cluttered garages , home
closets, and MESSY ROOMS!!
What you want:
YIN (passive energy) is the energy of
relaxation that you need in your bedroom
or in your bathroom. Yin is in the calm
colors around you, the soft music, the
sound of a water fountain and the
soothing, relaxing art.
What you want:
YANG (active energy) is the energy
characterized by strong, vibrant sounds and
colors, bright lights, upward moving energy,
etc. You want Yang energy in your home
office, your kitchen and in any room where
you may hold party with family and friends.
Assignment:(This is to be fun, so don’t create
negative Chi )
• Read the Basic Bagua Reference Guide. (A
“Bagua” is an energy map that is broken up into 9
• NEATLY ~ Map out your bedroom
according to what you have read on
the Bagua Reference Guide on the
blank/gridded bagua.
• Remember, start you map at your bedroom door.
Your door will fall in either square 7, 6, or 5.
• This is complicated, I didn’t tell you everything. If
you have any questions, ask me. Remember, have
fun and clean your room 