ASC Members` Forum 14,06,2014

Members’ Forum
14th June 2014
To njoy safe flying, friendship, and sharing our passion for aviation
Safety Management System (SMS)
Gawler – Duty Runway Operations
Airspace – Boundary Changes
YGAW – Proposed CTAF Radio Frequency
New LSA Flying Trophy
Gliding Operations Group (GOG)
Administration Matters & New Website
Open Discussion
Safety Management System - SMS
Based on GFA / CASA approved format
Proposed changes to CASR Part 141
Why do we have an SMS?
• It is a legislative requirement
• To maintain a safe environment for all persons
so far as is reasonably practicable
Safety Management System - SMS
What are the main linchpins of our SMS?
• The input and support from our members
• Incident / occurrence reporting
Site induction
Safety Management System (SMS)
Gawler – Duty Runway Operations
Airspace – Boundary Changes
YGAW – Proposed CTAF Radio Frequency
New LSA Flying Trophy
Gliding Operations Group (GOG)
Administration Matters & New Website
Open Discussion
Gawler – Duty Runway Operations
Complex operation
• Gliding
• Outside users
Gliding operations determine the Duty Runway
• ERSA - When gliding OPS in progress the Duty
Runway is the RWY in use by the Gliding
Gawler – Duty Runway Operations
The gliding Duty Instructor may opt to not use the
most into wind runway
The gliding Duty Instructor may prefer to use RWY
23 over RWY 13 even if there is a 5 knot SE wind
Potential for serious conflict - eg
Wind – light from the east
Glider operation using RWY 05 – left hand circuits
LSA opt use RWY 13 – right hand circuits
Conflict potential
In the air - downwind 05 / base 13
In the air - base 05 / downwind 13
On the ground – runway intersection
Gawler – Duty Runway Operations
It is not an acceptable practice to operate from other than
the Duty Runway unless
By prior agreement between Gliding and LSA instructors, eg
cross wind training
Landing on other than the Duty Runway is OK providing the
Duty Runway is not crossed on the landing roll
When landing on a non Duty Runway modify circuit
direction to comply with the directional flow of the Duty
If Duty Runway is 05 do a left hand circuit to land on 13
If a pilot has concerns with the Duty Runway
Talk to the gliding Duty Instructor
Don’t fly!
Safety Management System (SMS)
Gawler – Duty Runway Operations
Airspace – Boundary Changes
YGAW – Proposed CTAF Radio Frequency
New LSA Flying Trophy
Gliding Operations Group (GOG)
Administration Matters & New Website
Open Discussion
Airspace – Boundary Changes
New airspace boundaries
• Effective 29 May 2014
Airspace – Boundary Changes
Airspace – Boundary Changes
Laminated copies
available from the
Airspace – Boundary Changes
• Make sure you are familiar with the new
airspace boundaries and visual features
• You must fly with current charts (VTC/VNC)
• Please ask if you don’t understand anything to
do with airspace
Safety Management System (SMS)
Gawler – Duty Runway Operations
Airspace – Boundary Changes
YGAW – Proposed CTAF Radio Frequency
New LSA Flying Trophy
Gliding Operations Group (GOG)
Administration Matters & New Website
Open Discussion
YGAW – Proposed CTAF Radio Frequency
• The Gliding Federation of Australia has requested
Gawler (and other airfields) to cease using
frequencies allocated to gliding as the aerodrome
CTAF frequency
• ASC has written to CASA requesting a CTAF
change from 122.5 to another frequency (not
• Further advice will be provided once the change
is confirmed
Safety Management System (SMS)
Gawler – Duty Runway Operations
Airspace – Boundary Changes
YGAW – Proposed CTAF Radio Frequency
New LSA Flying Trophy
Gliding Operations Group (GOG)
Administration Matters & New Website
Open Discussion
New LSA Flying Trophy
The Darrel Ingham Memorial Trophy
History – the story
Awarded for
• The most meritorious flight or series of
flights by an ASC member in a powered
aircraft during the previous year
New LSA Flying Trophy
The Darrel Ingham Memorial Trophy
Safety Management System (SMS)
Gawler – Duty Runway Operations
Airspace – Boundary Changes
YGAW – Proposed CTAF Radio Frequency
New LSA Flying Trophy
Gliding Operations Group (GOG)
Administration Matters & New Website
Open Discussion
Gliding Operations Group (GOG)
Future structure of our fleet - member survey
Gliding scholarships
Promotions Officer – gliding
Maintenance – Form 2 inspections for club
single seaters
Flinders Camp – 2015
GOG members
Gliding roster
Safety Management System (SMS)
Gawler – Duty Runway Operations
Airspace – Boundary Changes
YGAW – Proposed CTAF Radio Frequency
New LSA Flying Trophy
Gliding Operations Group (GOG)
Administration Matters & New Website
Open Discussion
Administration Matters & New Website
LSA flight sheets
Office hours
Launch Point direction sign
Office staff – radio endorsement
New cleaners
Vehicle speed limits – damage to our internal tracks
Safety Management System (SMS)
Gawler – Duty Runway Operations
Airspace – Boundary Changes
YGAW – Proposed CTAF Radio Frequency
New LSA Flying Trophy
Gliding Operations Group (GOG)
Administration Matters & New Website
Open Discussion
Open discussion
Who’s first?
Our Motto
To Enjoy safe flying, friendship, and sharing our passion for aviation