Hunger Attack Webinar Powerpoint - Expanded Food and Nutrition

Revised Hunger Attack
Designed to educate teens about:
• Nutrition
• Food Safety
• Saving Money on Food
Hunger Attack Teen Guide
• Colorful Magazine-Style
• Articles
• Fun quizzes
• Healthy snack ideas
Hunger Attack
Leader’s Guide
• Background Information for Teachers
• Learning Objectives
• Additional Resources
• Glossary of Terms
• Evaluation Tools
• Assessment Tools
• 12 Activities
12 Activities
1 – MyPlate My Way
7 – The Clean Scene
2 – Label Lingo
8 – You’ve Grown
3 – Nutrition Facts Labels
9 – Dating Advice
4 – Sugar Savvy
10 - Quick Facts – Unit Pricing
5 – Fat Facts
11 – Smooth Calculations
6 – Targets to Aim For
12 – Food Tic-Tac-Toe
Activities Include:
• Activity Summary
• Getting Ready Checklist
• Learning Objectives
• Supply List
• Estimated Activity Time
(20 – 150 min)
• Discussion Questions
• Answer Keys
Activities Include:
• Handouts
• Visuals
Evaluation Tools
Use the National EFNEP pre and post
evaluation tool that are posted on the State
EFNEP website.
Activity 1: MyPlate My Way
• It is recommended the educator teach Activity 1
and Activity 6. The pre-test will be administered at
the beginning of Activity 1 and the post-test at the
end of Activity 6.
Activity 1: MyPlate My Way
Share background information with the class.
If teacher has internet capabilities:
Go to www.ChooseMyPlate and the teacher will
demonstrate how to create a sample profile.
Depending on the teachers preference, the class can be
broken down into small groups or the class as a whole can
discuss the plan.
Activity 1: MyPlate My Way
• If the class is not able to access
then the educator can provide students with copies
of 2000 and 2400 calorie plans.
Activity 1: MyPlate My Way
• Project Visuals 1A and 2B on the board for students
to see.
• Have students fill out the activity Handout 1C.
Have some students share their barriers to
achieving their goals.
Healthy Eating Guidelines
Make Half Your Plate Fruits & Vegetables
Limit 100% fruit juice to no more than ½ cup per day
Switch to Fat Free or 1% Milk & Milk Products
Make Half Your Grains Whole
Cut Back on Added Sugar
Cut Back on Fat—especially solid fats like butter and lard
Visual 1A
Activity 1: MyPlate My Way
Activity 1: MyPlate My Way
• Share with the class the Portion Guide Handout.
Activity 2: Label Lingo
• Teacher will:
• Summarize the “Reading and Understanding Food
Labels” from the background information.
• Handouts can either be projected on the board or
copied and passed out to teens.
Activity 2: Label Lingo
• Explain ingredient labels are required on food
products. Ask teens if they have used ingredient
• Using the sample ingredient labels on handout 2A
have teens answer the questions on handout 2B
Activity 3: Nutrition Facts Label
• Teacher summarizes the “Reading and Understanding
Food Labels” from the leaders guide.
• Project handouts #3A and #3E on the board.
• Pass out handouts #3B, #3C, #3D.
• Handout #3A explains the Nutrition Facts Label
Activity 3: Nutrition Facts Label
• Using empty boxes of ready-to-eat cereal have the
teens fill out answer the “Recommended Serving
Size” questions on the top of handout #3B.
• Have different size bowls and have a student or
teacher measure how much cereal they eat. (You can
either use real cereal or shredded paper. Have the
class calculate “My Serving Size” on handout #3B
Activity 3: Nutrition Facts Label
• Handouts #3C, #3D, #3E are optional and can be
assigned as homework
Activity 4: Sugar Savvy
• Summarize the “added sugar” information from the
leaders guide.
• Provide teacher rethink your drink SSB visuals (include
regular soda, sweet tea, energy drink, sports drink.
• Using the ingredient labels ask teens to identify the
sugar. Display Visual 4A.
Activity 4: Sugar Savvy
Activity 4: Sugar Savvy
Brown Sugar
Raw Sugar
Powdered Sugar
Invert Sugar
Corn Sweeteners
Natural Sweetener
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Corn Syrup
Maple Syrup
Cane Syrup
Cane Juice Sugar
Evaporated Rice Syrup
Barley Malt Syrup
Any ingredient name ending in “-ose” (such as dextrose, lactose, glucose, fructose, sucrose)
Visual 4A
Activity 4: Sugar Savvy
• Display visual #4B. Using the Nutrition Facts label, have
the teens identify the serving size and the number of
servings in the bottles or cans.
• Next have the teen identify how many grams of sugar
are in a serving.
• Have teens convert the grams of sugar to teaspoons of
sugar using handout #4 C.
Grams to
4 grams =
1 teaspoon
Visual 4B
Activity 4: Sugar Savvy
• This lesson can be done in 2 days
• Day 2: Provide the teacher with a variety of sugar bags. If
the teacher wants the student to measure the sugar then
provide the supplies.
• Have teens complete handout #4D. This can be done as
• Show the “Buzz in a Bottle” DVD
Activity 5: Fat Facts
• Summarize the “Switch to fat free or
1% milk and milk products” section
• Project the handouts #5A through
• Have the teens complete handout #5
Visual 5G
Activity 5: Fat Facts
• Once the teens have completed the handout #5F go
over the answers as a group.
• If time permits, display #5G, and ask the teens the
questions in the leaders guide .
Activity 6: Targets to Aim For
• Review the background information on “Healthy
Food Choices”
• Distribute copies of fast food nutritional
• Project handouts #6A and #6B.
Activity 6: Targets to Aim For
• Have some students select food for breakfast, lunch or
• Have students calculate the quantities for the following :
total fat, sodium, calcium and calories.
• Have students compare their choices to the
recommended daily intake.
• This activity can be done in groups.
Additional Resources
• Marissa Neelon and her staff have already
implement the new Hunger Attacks Curriculum.
• I have used some of thier resources in this
• These resources will be shared with you.
• It is very important for you to teach this curriculum.
• During the summer months find a group and teach.
• This will give you valuable insight as to teaching
the curriculum and give you credibility when
training teachers.
• Health Teachers
• Career to Work Teachers
• Renaissance Teachers
• Culinary Arts Teachers
Focus on what we offer:
• Printed Material
• Kits with supplies to teach the class
• Teen guides
• Staff teaches first and last lesson, administers pre and
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