You don’t have to write the question today! Reflect on how you did on the test. What could you do differently next time in order to improve your score? Table of Contents Bellwork Pages Separate pages for bellwork, labeled, questions written and answered 0 1 2 3 4 Handouts Up to date, easy to understand, at least 1 entry for every day of notes 0 1 2 3 4 Body systems Organizer, Directional Terms, Chemical Reaction types 0 1 2 3 Notes 8/12 2 3 8/12 8/23 8/27 8/28 – Levels of organization (all written and described) 4 – Maintaining Life (notes complete) 0 1 2 – Energy types (listed and described) 0 1 2 – 3 questions from video 0 1 2 – 4 Structures of protein diagrams 0 1 2 0 1 3 4 3 4 3 3 4 Maximum of 3 times per semester Read the question for that chapter and answer it Must be typed Minimum 1 HALF page Must be written so that a non- A & P student can understand it (define unknown terms, explain concepts) To earn full points: Less than 3 spelling/grammar mistakes. Concepts/arguments must be explained fully When we begin to become dehydrated, we usually become thirsty, which causes us to drink fluids. On the basis of what you now know about control systems, decide whether the thirst sensation is part of a negative or positive feedback control system and defend your choice. Must book cite at least ONE source besides text An important buffer system in the human body involves carbon dioxide and bicarbonate ions. If a person became excited and exhaled large amounts of carbon dioxide while hyperventilating, how will the pH of their blood be affected and why? Must book cite at least ONE source besides text May do each one only ONCE per semester Points vary by type of assignment Anatomy Find an article (newspaper/magazine – may be online) about Anatomy and/or Physiology Type a 2 paragraph typed response to the article as follows and Physiology in the Media Paragraph 1: detailed summary of article Paragraph 2: Why did you choose this article? What areas of A&P are discussed in it? Why is it important? What are two interesting things you learned from it? To earn full points: 1 FULL page Less than 3 spelling/grammar mistakes. Concepts/arguments must be explained fully Anatomy and Physiology in the Media Watch an APPROVED show listed below: Type a 2 paragraph typed response to the show as follows: Dr. G Medical Examiner, ER, House, CSI, Grey’s Anatomy, Bones (Ask me about others) Paragraph 1: detailed summary of episode, what happened relating to anatomy and/or physiology? Paragraph 2: Choose at least 1 character from the show and describe how their job requires a background in A&P. What are two things you learned from watching the show? To earn full points: 1 FULL page Less than 3 spelling/grammar mistakes. Concepts/arguments must be explained fully Interview someone who has a career relating to A&P (Dr, nurse, PA, therapists, pharmacist, EMT, paramedic, coroner, dentist, psychiatrist – Check with me for others) Create a PPT presentation (at least 10 slides) and present to class What is a day in their job like? What was the schooling like? How does it relate to A&P? What is the average salary? What advice would they give to someone looking into that field? Must be at least 5 minutes Test corrections Organic molecules poster activity Double check notebook Begin extra credit opportunity Whatever you choose remember it must be SILENT because some people are working on test corrections!! ON YOUR OWN PAPER – Name & Period Make sure you label each section you are making corrections in (I, II, III, IV, V) Make sure you write the number of the question You may use your notebook When you are done, staple your corrections sheet to the FRONT of the test and turn in