Smart Science Education Inc. REAL SCIENCE - ONLINE! Background Information Harry Keller, President B.S. Chemistry, Caltech Ph.D. Chemistry, Columbia University Lab Reports Online Science Labs and Activities Smart Science Real Online Labs Smart Science has You Covered In Smart Science labs students measure their own real data from pre-recorded videos of science experiments. Their measuring technique determines the quality of their data, which they can then analyze in both data table and graphical format. Smart Science has over 180 online labs available, covering most first year college science courses such as biology, physics, chemistry, environmental science and more. We are filming labs for anatomy this summer and fall. 1. 2. Title. Ideally this is a reduction in repeatable grades. Title. Another positive outcome. Sample chart to replace (Make sure it’s 300 DPI resolution! Smart Science Labs were invented by Dr. Harry Keller in 1999 with the help of his wife Jayne Keller. After many months spent researching best practices in science education going back over 100 years to the days of Nobel prize winner Edwin Hall, the Kellers began to code their first prototype for what would become Smart Science labs. Caption Lessons Learned His vision of easily accessible and repeatable science lab experiences delivered through the cloud was well ahead of the time. But what really makes Smart Science Labs unique and true to the best hands-on lab experiences is the measurement technology allowing students to intereact with real videos. Collecting and analyzing data in the way that real scientists do with the same complexity and ambiguity as the real world has. 1. 2. Lesson One. Additional benefits to students. Lesson Two. Additional benefits to students Smart Science Technology Smart Science labs are available anytime on any device. Our cloud delivery means students can do their labs 24/7 and because the system is fully HTML5, the labs can be performed on any computer, laptop, tablet or even a smartphone. That’s flexible modern technology at its best. Testimonial Dr. Geoffrey W. Marcy, Professor of Astronomy, Renowned Planet Hunter University of California, Berkeley "I am deeply impressed with your wonderful Smart Science® education program. Smart Science® labs have the feel of exploratory, References and Resources Sample reference here. Sample reference here. Sample reference here. Sample reference here. Sample reference here. Sample reference here. creative thinking so important for a young person to experience." Acknowledgements This project was supported by the CSU Enrollment Bottleneck Solution Course Redesign with Technology program.