READ THROUGH THE OUTLINE FIRST. THEN…. HI-LITE KEY WORDS/IDEAS FROM TEXT IN THE LEFT HAND COLUMN (In complete sentences) write: Three comments Two reminders Three questions Three pictures or memory devices Complete the “Summary” section Answer “Reflection Questions” 1-4 Get Out your “Pink History Packet and your “Blue History Outline” Now Please! You will use these notes for an informal script for our Socratic Seminar discussion today and turn in for points! RH.9 Compare and contrast treatments of the same topic in several primary and secondary sources. (Discussion Prep-Analysis of documents (DBQ)-rubric attached) SS 62. Propose, compare, and judge multiple responses, alternatives, or solutions to issues or problems; then reach an informed, defensible, supported conclusion. (Discussion-rubric attached) SS 63. Engage in informed and respectful deliberation and discussion of issues, events, and ideas. (Discussion-rubric attached) Rubric for Socratic Seminar: EXCEEDING 5 Your Critical thinking answers are detailed, clear and accurate with specific supporting details in complete sentences. You contributed to the discussion extensively PROFICIENT 4 Your Critical thinking answers are clear and accurate with supporting details in complete sentences. You contributed to the discussion. PROGRESSING 3 EMERGING 2 INSUFFICIENT 1 Your Critical thinking answers are clear with few supporting details. You minimally contributed to the discussion. Your critical thinking answers may not be correct or fail to address the question. You did not contribute to the discussion. There may be limited or no summary. Not prepared for the discussion Socratic Seminar Ground Rules 1.Everyone will switch into an “inner circle” seat. 2.Only students in the inner circle can speak/debate at first. 3.You must RAISE YOUR HAND to speak- I will call on you. 4.Teacher (Mr. Kirby) is not allowed to interject personal opinion on subject 5.No blurting-no interrupting. 6.SERIOUS TONE- NO PUT DOWNS 7.You must fill out your scorecard completely while in the outer circle. Socratic Seminar Questions: Round 1 1. In your opinion, what is the most important reason for studying history? Please cite specific examples from the two documents you were given in class. 2. Explain the meaning behind this quote, give your opinion of it and try to give an example from history: “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it… A country without a memory is a country of madmen!” -George Santayana Socratic Seminar Questions: Round 2 1. In your opinion, what is the most important reason for studying history? Please cite specific examples from the two documents you were given in class. 2. Explain the meaning behind this quote, give your opinion of it and try to give an example from history: “We learn from history that we learn nothing from history.” -George Bernard Shaw Socratic Seminar Questions: Round 3 1. In your opinion, what is the most important reason for studying history? Please cite specific examples from the two documents you were given in class. 2. Explain the meaning behind this quote, give your opinion of it and try to give an example from history: “History must be written of, by and for the survivors.” -Anonymous Socratic Seminar Questions: Round 4 1. Think of a class or an activity that enjoyed from your schooling that focused on history. Explain the class or activity and why you liked it. 1. Think of a history class or social studies class you did not like. Explain what you did that made it unappealing or uneventful to you. Rubric for Socratic Seminar: EXCEEDING 5 Your Critical thinking answers are detailed, clear and accurate with specific supporting details in complete sentences. You contributed to the discussion extensively PROFICIENT 4 Your Critical thinking answers are clear and accurate with supporting details in complete sentences. You contributed to the discussion. PROGRESSING 3 EMERGING 2 INSUFFICIENT 1 Your Critical thinking answers are clear with few supporting details. You minimally contributed to the discussion. Your critical thinking answers may not be correct or fail to address the question. You did not contribute to the discussion. There may be limited or no summary. Not prepared for the discussion