LEQ / DBQ Crash Course
• W R I T E T H E S I S S T A T E M E N TS F O R A L L 4
General Thesis Writing
 Follow the formula,
thinking about the
“Goldilocks paradox”: each
thesis point can’t be too
specific, or too broad. It
needs to be “just right.”
What does that look like?
 Rule of thumb: if you can
ask “what about it”, it’s too
vague. If you already know
the answer, it’s too specific.
 The cause was taxes.
Too specific:
 The cause was the 1873
treaty’s paragraph 4, in
which war taxes were
exponentially increased.
Just right:
The cause was a public
controversy over Cuban
taxation policy.
4 Kinds of Prompts
 Causation- What are the causes and/or effects of a
major development? Which was the strongest?
 Continuity and Change over Time- How did a
development stay the same and change over a period
of time? Which was more?
 Comparison- How are multiple developments
similar and different? Which was more?
 Periodization- How can an era be defined? OR
How can an event serves as a turning point of a
larger development? (Only on LEQ)
Causation (Cause AND/OR Effect)
More so Caused/Effected
More so Didn’t
Even though _________________
had been present and serves as an
underlying causes of…. (X),
____________________ (A) and
_______________________ (B)
occurred which caused ………. to
happen which…….. (Y).
Even though _________________
certainly increased …… (X),
___________________ (A) and
_______________________ (B)
had already been occurring ……….
which…….. (Y).
Evaluate the political, cultural, and economic causes of
the Revolutionary War.
To what extent did the Revolutionary Era affect the status
of women, African Americans, and lower class
Sample thesis
Evaluate the political, cultural, and economic causes of
the Revolutionary War.
Web ideas. Then write your thesis.
Sample, good thesis:
The causes of the Revolutionary war included
increased taxation on colonial imports and the spread
of Enlightenment ideals to government and religious
Continuity AND Change Over Time
More so Continued
Even though _________________
changed in…., (X),
___________________ (A) and
_______________________ (B)
remained constant ………. which……..
More so Changed
Even though ________________
remained constant …… (X),
___________________ (A) and
______________________ (B)
were dramatic changes ……….
which…….. (Y).
Evaluate the shift of unfree labor during the 17th century
in the British American colonies.
Evaluate to what extent was the Constitution a dramatic
change from the Articles of Confederation.
 Evaluate the shift of unfree labor during the 17th
century in the British American colonies.
Think about the following:
 If you’re given dates, what
happened during that time
 Is the question leading you
towards an idea? Use
context clues (who/what,
where, when)
 Identify your task.
What happened? British
colonized North America
When: 17th century: 1600s
Where: British colonies
Who: unfree labor
What: changed
Task: explain why unfree
labor changed between 16001699
 Unfree labor in America
started in 1607 with
 These laborers were
indentured servants
 By 1699, most of those
laborers were Africans.
 Rewrite the question:
Explain why labor in the
American colonies shifted
from indentured servants
to African slaves between
Now what?
 If you weren’t given
explicit instructions on
what to do in the
question (aside from
“explain”, “analyze”)
then you need to use
your three categories:
 Create a brief list of all
you know related to this
information. You don’t
have to use all three
categories, but aim for
two at the minimum.
 Now, write your thesis!
What caused this shift?
Comparison (AND Contrast)
More so Similar
Even though ________________
and ___________________ were
different in …., (X), ____________
(A) and __________________ (B)
had strong similarities ………. Which
…….. (Y).
More so Different
Even though _________________
and ___________________ were
similar in …., (X), ____________
(A) and _________________ (B)
had strong differences ………. Which
…….. (Y).
Compare and contrast the origins and development of the
New England and Chesapeake colonies.
Compare and contrast the reforms efforts of the
abolitionists, women’s rights, and temperance
movements between 1831 and 1860.
More so Described As
More so Not Described as
Even though ________________
was occurring which was counter to…
(X), ___________________ (A)
and ___________________ (B)
were strong during ………. which
allows __________________ to
be considered…….. (Y).
Even though ______________
was occurring which exemplified…
(X), ___________________ (A)
and _______________________
(B) were strong during ………. which
weakens __________________ to
be considered…….. (Y).
Some historians argue the Seven Years War was a turning point in
British colonial society and their relationship with England. Support,
modify, or refute this contention using specific evidence.
To what extent was the Era of the Common Man accurate
titled as such?
 Required on DBQ, Suggested on LEQ  DO IT!
 Opening sentence  Setting the Stage, Zooming Out
 Who / What / When / Where of general era and/or
era preceding topic  Connect to narrowed essay
 Before…. During…. Between…. For most of….
Evaluate the shift of unfree labor during the 17th century
in the British American colonies.
Compare and contrast the reforms efforts of the
abolitionists, women’s rights, and temperance
 Required on LEQ and DBQ  DO IT!
 Conclusion  Closing remarks, Aha! connection
 Relate/compare to a previous or future development
 Much like…
Over time/eventually…
Dates as far back as…
Evaluate the shift of unfree labor during the 17th century
in the British American colonies.
Compare and contrast the reforms efforts of the
abolitionists, women’s rights, and temperance
Topic Sentence
 Include category label & hint, X/A/B status, your
 Politically, Congress’s use of compromise only “kicked the
can down the road” only postponed the issue of slavery,
causing the strongest cause of the Civil War…..
 Only slightly less defining, cultural differences regarding
demographics and social beliefs helped create distinct
Compare and contrast the reforms efforts of the
abolitionists, women’s rights, and temperance
Step 1: Deconstruct, Brainstorm (3-5 Minutes)
 Identify the Who / What / When / Where / Skill
 Decide Categories / Position
 Given (Domestic/Foreign, Women/African Americans/Indians)
 Not given  Political, Social, Economic
 Categorize Outside Evidence
Step 2: Read/Analyze the Docs (10-12 minutes)
 Look at source  What do you already know?
 Outside
 Analyze doc  Purpose, POV, Audience
 Analyze Image  Context
 Categorize
Women  W African Americans  AA
Political  P Economic  E Social  S
 Position-ize
 Did  + Didn’t  -
Step 3: Merge Docs with Outline (1 minute)
 Add document numbers to outline
 At least one document per category
 Adjust thesis, if necessary
DBQ Essay Structure (40 minute)
 Context / Thesis
 X Paragraph
 1-2 Documents, 1 Piece of Outside Evidence
 Keep it short- this is your counter-argument, after all
 A, B Paragraphs
 2-3 Documents, 1-2 Pieces of Outside Evidence each
 Sum up / Synthesis
Context / Thesis
Contextualization (1 Point)
 What generally had been going on in this era or
previously with this general theme?
During the era of …., it was a time of ….
 The United States had a history of …, during the era of …
it had evolved/changed into…
Thesis (1 Point)
 Use the prompt as a guide for your categories;
Follow the formula
X, A and B (and/or C), which caused Y
Category / Body Paragraph Structure
Topic Sentence
Outside Evidence
First Document
Outside Evidence
Second Document
Third Document
Position Sentence
2-Sentence Document Analysis (3 Points)
1. Connect it: Link what the document is proving to your position
 Write a sentence describing the specific topic the document proves
2. Name it: State author’s name and type of document
 Jefferson, in his letter, …
Jackson’s speech… Supreme Court’s decision…
3. Analyze it: Elaborate on ONE of the follow; Underline it
Context- What events, trends surrounded this document (map, chart)
 ... proves the larger story of…
… fits with…. … illustrates how…
Audience- Who is the intended primary audience? Who else would hear or see it?
 (Audience’s name), a man/woman/group who…
 … but certainly ….. would also have read/heard…
Point of View- Role in society? Beliefs on the topic?
 (Author’s name), a man/woman/group who…
Purpose- What is the author trying to accomplish? Why?
 POSTIVE- Promote Outline
Introduce Encourage Compliment Celebrate
 NEGATIVE- Expose Outrage Justify
Insult Urge Disagree Question
4. Cite it: Include a parenthetical citation of document number
 …end of sentence that references the document (#).