Field Ticket - Occidental Petroleum Corporation

iSupplier Portal Supplier Training Webinar
Occidental Petroleum Corporation ■ iSupplier Supplier Training Webinar ■ 2014 ■ Venisha Henderson
iSupplier Portal Supplier Training Webinar
• Please dial in to join the meeting
– 1 (314) 627-1518
• Access Code 385-408-007
• Please put your phone on mute
• There will be two (2) Q&A Sessions within the Webinar
– Please hold all questions until Q&A Sessions
– Submit questions through Chat Window to be read/answered by
the facilitator
– 3 minutes for each Q& A Session
• Not all questions will be answered
• We will begin shortly!
Welcome to the iSupplier Portal Supplier Training
• Overview
– Purchasing Document Types (GBPA, CPA, SPO)
– Purchasing Document Line Types and Price Breaks
• Demo – Transactions
How to access the iSupplier Portal (Email notifications/ Webpage)
How to view and accept purchasing documents (GBPA/SPO)
How to submit supplier charges (Invoices/Field Tickets)
How to view invoices and payments
How to create SPO matched invoices
How to submit credit memos
• Support
– Supplier Webpage
– Supplier Help Desk
Welcome to the iSupplier Portal Supplier Training
• Overview
– Purchasing Document Types (GBPA, CPA, SPO)
– Purchasing Document Line Types and Price Breaks
Overview – Purchase Document Types
• Global Contract Purchase Agreement (GCPA)
• Global Blanket Purchase Agreement (GBPA)
• Standard Purchase Order (SPO)
Global Blanket Purchase Agreement (GBPA)
– Used to instrument Statements of Commercial Terms of Master
Agreements or Stand Alone Contracts.
– Allow better managing of supplier price books.
– Oxy can create Standard Purchase Orders (SPO) against the
GBPAs to request materials or services. Supplier can
electronically submit matched to SPO invoices for those materials
and services
– If enabled, Supplier could also submit Supplier Charges against
the valid GBPAs to invoice materials and services requested by
Oxy representatives.
Standard Purchase Agreement (SPO)
– Used as Stand Alone Agreement for one-time purchases of
materials or services when the description of the goods/services,
pricing, quantities and delivery schedule are known.
– Used to order against Global Blanket or Contract Purchasing
Agreement. SPO lines may reference to the applicable GBPA or
Overview – PO Line Types
• Goods – Material item description, UOM and rate are
populated in price book. Rates can contain price breaks
• Services – Service item description, UOM/Rate are
populated in price book. Rates can contain price breaks
• Amount Based Services – Services items, total amount is
known (lump sum), quantity field is used as the “amount
field”. UOM is the currency and the rate is $1
• Price on Demand – Unplanned services/material/other
charges that are not specifically defined in the supplier’s
price book
Overview – PO Lines Types (continued)
• 3rd Party – Services/Materials provided by a 3rd
party(subcontractor). Not specifically defined in the price
• Reimbursable – Expenses to be reimbursed based on an
expense report. Not specifically defined in the price book
• Sales Tax – Sales tax
• Tax Other – Taxes that are not sales tax i.e. well
servicing tax
• Freight – Transportation costs charge separately from
material/services cost
Overview – Price Breaks
• Price Breaks: Some PO Line items will contain Price
Breaks. Price breaks occur whenever the GBPA contains
complex pricing for the supplier charges submitted
– Price breaks can be a service, goods or price on demand PO Line
– The price is determined by either the quantity and/or the date
– Price breaks are indicated by the missing rate in the rate field of
the supplier’s pricebook
Process Overview – Purchasing Document
(Via E-mail
and iSupplier Portal)
Q & A Session
• Please submit all questions through Chat Window
• 3 minutes for Q&A Session
• Please limit questions to only the functionalities of
iSupplier and not specific to your company
• Not all questions will be answered due to limited time
Welcome to the iSupplier Portal Supplier Training
• Demo – Transactions
– How to access the iSupplier Portal (Email notifications/
DEMO – How to access the iSupplier Portal (Email
notifications/ Webpage)
• Supplier can access the iSupplier Portal via:
– Webpage
– Email Notifications
DEMO – How to access the iSupplier Portal via the
• Suppliers can access the iSupplier Supplier Webpage by going to, or
• To directly access the iSupplier Portal Login Screen, enter the
following link in the address bar:
DEMO – How to access the iSupplier Portal via the
webpage (continued)
• Click on the Our Businesses tab at the top of the page
DEMO – How to access the iSupplier Portal via the
webpage (continued)
• Under the Our
section – Oil
and Gas, click on
the Doing
Business With
Us hyperlink
DEMO – How to access the iSupplier Portal via the
webpage (continued)
• Under the Registered
Suppliers section,
click on the iSupplier
Portal Access “here”
hyperlink to access the
iSupplier Portal
DEMO – How to access the iSupplier Portal via the
webpage (continued)
• Enter User Name and Password, then click on the Login
DEMO – How to access the iSupplier Portal via the
email notification.
• An email Notification will inform the Supplier that they can
review the Purchasing Document or may require that they
electronically accept or reject the Purchasing Document
within the portal
– Action Required
– No Action Required
DEMO – How to access the iSupplier Portal via the
email notification.
• For GBPAs a Review notification is sent the Supplier
DEMO – How to access the iSupplier Portal via the
email notification (continued)
• For SPOs, suppliers must accept the purchasing
document and will receive an email notification to take
DEMO – How to access the iSupplier Portal via the
email notification (continued)
• Enter User Name and Password, then click on the Login
Welcome to the iSupplier Portal Supplier Training
• Demo – Transactions
– How to view and accept purchasing documents
DEMO – How to view and accept purchasing
documents (GBPA/SPO)
• View SPO/ GBPA Header section
– Provides key document information
• View SPO/ GBPA Lines information section
– Provides the specific detailed data of the services and/or
materials requested by Oxy
• View Purchasing Document File section
– Shows the original purchasing document
– Shows scanned signed copy of purchasing document
Welcome to the iSupplier Portal Supplier Training
• Demo – Transactions
– How to submit supplier charges (Invoices/Field
Process Overview – Supplier Charges (Applies to
Executed Valid Contract that are already in place)
Supplier performs
work at site
Notification sent
to Supplier
Of Supplier Charges
Supplier Creates and
Submits Supplier
Charges (Field Ticket
or Invoice)
Link to GBPA Pricing
Supplier Charges
Supplier Charges
Notification sent
to Supplier
Of Supplier Charges
Purchase Requisition
Automatically Created
Purchase Order
Automatically Created
(linked to the GBPA)
Oxy Confirms or
Rejects the Supplier
Invoice Match
Supplier Corrects and
Re-submits the
Supplier Charges
Process Overview – Supplier Charges
• Supplier charges:
– Contains PO Line types from supplier price book
• Supplier Charges Types: Field Ticket and Invoices
– Field Tickets:
• Submit if your field ticket is going to become the invoice, by confirming
the field ticket, Oxy is approving the invoice
• No additional support documentation is initially required
• Can be submitted up to 14 days from delivering the services/materials
– Invoices:
• Submit if company internally generates invoices from field info
• Field info signed by an Oxy Rep must be attached as support
• Supplier Charges Statuses
Process Overview – Supplier Charges (Continued)
DEMO – How to create supplier charges
• To create Supplier Charges, suppliers will use
– Invoicing information provided by the Oxy Representative
(Agreement Number, Business Unit, Project Number, etc.)
• Who requested or supervised the delivering of services and/or
– Materials and services receipt information detailing items and
quantities to be invoiced (Attachment Required for Invoices Only)
– Supplier invoice and/or field ticket number as applicable
DEMO – Field Ticket vs. Invoice
Submit only 1 Field Ticket for invoicing
Submit Invoice supported by only 1 Field
Ticket number
Submit Invoice supported by Multiple
Field Tickets
(1) To change Document
(1) Keep Document Type
(1) Keep Document Type
Type, click on the drop
as Invoice
as Invoice
down arrow select Field In the Invoice # field,
In the Invoice # field,
enter the Invoice
enter the Invoice
In the Invoice # field,
number and leave the
enter the Field Ticket
In the Field Ticket #
Field Ticket # field
number. This number will
field, enter the field ticket
blank to manually enter
become the invoice
number to pre-populate
the applicable Field
the Field Ticket column
Ticket number for each
Single Field Ticket
in the lines section for all
line in the line section.
entries only with services
performed within 14 days
of submission.
Welcome to the iSupplier Portal Supplier Training
• Demo – Transactions
– How to view invoices and payments
DEMO – How to view invoices and payments
• View Invoices
• View Payments
DEMO – How to view invoices and payments
DEMO – Supplier Charge Statuses
Welcome to the iSupplier Portal Supplier Training
• Demo – Transactions
– How to create SPO matched invoices
DEMO – How to create SPO matched invoices
Welcome to the iSupplier Portal Supplier Training
• Demo – Transactions
– How to submit credit memos
Demo – Create and submit credit memo
• Reasons to submit a credit memo
– Overpayment
– Billing Errors
– Unused Material
• Key points –
All required fields must be completed (denoted with *)
Not related to any contract or GBPA
Can be submitted at any time
Once submitted, cannot be modified
Attachments are optional
DEMO – Submit credit memo
Q & A Session
• Please submit all questions through Chat Window
• 3 minutes for Q&A Session
• Please limit questions to only the functionalities of
iSupplier and not specific to your company
• Not all questions will be answered due to limited time
• Access the iSupplier Portal
• View and accept purchasing documents
• Create and submit supplier charges (Invoices/Field
• View supplier charge statuses, invoices and payments
• Create and submit SPO matched invoices
• Create and submit credit memos
Welcome to the iSupplier Portal Supplier Training
• Support
– Supplier Webpage
– Supplier Help Desk
• Supplier Webpage – (Direct link
• iSupplier Portal access
• iSupplier Portal User Guides
– i.e. How to Submit Supplier Charges
• Access to Supplier Help Desk - USA
– Able to submit a web-form help ticket (Available 24 hours a day to receive requests)
– Dial Toll Free 800-699-7680
• Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)
Supplier User Guides
Supplier Key Action
User Guide Links at the Supplier
Purchasing Document
View Purchasing Documents (Purchase
Orders, Services Orders, Contracts,
Master Services Agreements, etc.); and
their price; electronically accept a
Purchasing Documents.
Invoices and Payments
View/submit Supplier Charges/Field Ticket
Invoices against Agreements.
View Invoices and Payments.
Electronically submit invoices against
Standard Purchase Orders.
Electronically submit credit memos.
Thank You for Joining Us