Edexcel GCSE History - S H P Crime and Punishment Unit Revision Mindmaps – Core content By Mr Wallbanks Reasons for severe approach to punishment Attitudes to crime The Bloody Code The introduction of Transportation Guy Fawkes & the Gunpowder Plot Theft Crime and Punishment in the Early Modern Era (1450- 1700) Treason Jonathan Wild Types of Crime Poaching The Vagabonds Early policing Smuggling Constables & Watchmen Hue and Cry Problems caused by the development of towns Problems of policing How did the growth of towns lead to increases in the number & types of crime? Smuggling Attitudes of law makers Response of the people Transportation The Tolpuddle Martyrs Their crime Attitudes of the authorities. Poaching Prison conditions The work of Elizabeth Fry The end of transportation The work of John Howard Prison conditions and prison reformers 1750 – 1900. New prisons/ improvements Changing attitudes to the purpose of prison The end of the Bloody Code The end of public execution Silent and separate systems Sir Robert Peel Opposition to early police Early problems/ successes Later developments Why the police were introduced? The development of the police force The army as riot control The Fielding Brothers What did the Bow Street Runners do? Successes Limitations The Peterloo Massacre Dealing with riots & law and order The end of public executions Changing attitudes to punishment Increasing use of prisons How did the nature of punishment change 1750 - 1900? The end of the Bloody Code The end of transportation Consequences Problems facing the police Events How has terrorism changed the work of the police Abolition of execution Two Key Events of the 20th Century Effect on attitudes to execution Who was Derek Bentley? His punishment Crime Why his case is so important Handling complaints against the police Specialisation of the police Responding to new types of crime Changing attitudes to the police. How policing developed in the 20th century. The changing role of the police Community Policing Crime prevention & detecting criminals Dealing with terrorism Using new technology Tax evasion What effect does new technology have on crime? Smuggling? Computer crimes Are there any new crimes ? People trafficking New crimes or old in the 21st century? Race relationship laws Car crime How has the government become involved in the defining of crime? Traffic offences Changes in the purpose of prisons Prisons and young people New punishments/ alternatives to prison How have punishments changed in the 20th century? Why was the death penalty abolished? Women in prisons Extension Studies (You must know all 3 inside out as the questions on this are worth 50% of this unit’s mark) A) Witchcraft in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. •Why were people afraid of witchcraft? •How did the authorities make this a crime? •How were witches punished? •Why did society undergo a witchcraft craze? - You need to focus on the influence of the attitudes in society on the fear of witches. •Why did the fear of witchcraft die out? •Finally you need to be able to identify how the changing of attitudes resulted in changes to the law. B) Conscientious objection in the twentieth century. •How were the Conscientious Objectors punished by the authorities in the First and Second World Wars? •What were the attitudes in society of the Conscientious Objectors? •Why was being a CO considered to be a crime in World War One and why did attitudes to being a CO change? •How did the changing of attitudes towards being a CO result in changes to the law? C) Domestic violence in the twentieth century. •How have attitudes towards domestic violence changed? What caused these changes? •You need to understand why domestic violence was not considered to be a crime and why attitudes to domestic violence changed. •You need to be able to identify how the changing of attitudes resulted in changes to the law. •You need to understand how authority reacted to domestic violence and how those involved were punished. Matthew Hopkins Why did the fear of witchcraft die out? •Why were people afraid of witchcraft? Why did society undergo a witchcraft craze? - King James I’s book Witchcraft in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Elizabeth I’s laws •How were witches punished? Finally you need to be able to identify how the changing of attitudes resulted in changes to the law. •How did the authorities make this a crime? King James I witchcraft laws Henry VIII’s laws Second World War First World War Punishments First World War The attitudes of the authorities to COs How the law changed as a result of changing attitudes Conscientious objection in the twentieth century. Second World War Attitudes to C Os by society First World War Second World War Why did attitudes to being a CO change The media Protest groups What caused these changes? How those involved were punished. How authority reacted to domestic violence. Jack Ashley Erin Pizzey How have attitudes towards domestic violence changed? Domestic violence in the twentieth century. How changing attitudes resulted in changes to the law. Why domestic violence was not considered to be a crime. Why attitudes to domestic violence changed.