AugustCurriculumWorkOverview - ICSDK-5Literacy

Alignment and
Curriculum Revision
August 2011
This week is only the beginning!!!
 Unpack and prioritize the Common Core State
Standards (CCSS).
 Align existing common quarterly assessments with the
identified power standards and identify gaps
 Align existing ICSD Curricula with the identified power
standards and identify areas in need of
Organization of the NYS ELA PK12 CCSS
Strands in
current NYS ELA
4 Strands:
Informational Text
Foundational Skills (preK – 5)
Speaking & Listening
• Reading
• Writing
• Listening
• Speaking
College and Career Readiness (CCR) Anchor Standards for each strand
Same for pre-K – 12
Organized by topic under each strand
Grade-specific standards corresponding to each CCR for each grade-level
Translates each CCR Anchor Standard into end-of-year expectations for each grade-level
Identifying Standards
 Anchor Standards are identified by their strand, CCR
Status, and number.
 W.CCR.6
 R.CCR.3
 Grade-specific standards are identified by their strand,
grade, and number (or number and letter, where
 RI.4.3
 L.K.1a
Shifts in the CCSS
 Access the world through books -- text seen as essential
tool for gaining knowledge in all content areas
 Spend equal time on informational texts and stories
 Text complexity matters
 Text-based answers
 Emphasis on writing to inform or to make an argument
 Emphasis on developing academic vocabulary to support
access to complex texts
Adding Value to Standards
 Unpack and prioritize standards to
greater precision
shared understanding
Unpacking the Standards
 Restating standards as agreed upon student learning
outcomes (SLO)
 What students will know, be able to do or be able to
demonstrate when they have mastered each standard
 Students will…
 May be a series of scaffolded SLOs to show clear
milestones of student learning as they work toward mastery
of each standard
 SLOs should specify an action by the student that is
observable, measurable and able to be demonstrated.
 These need to be shared expectations in all 8 schools
Student Learning Outcomes
With guidance and support from adults,
recall information from experiences or gather inf
ormation from provided sources to answer a que
•Students will orally tell about first-hand
experiences or topics of personal interest
including several facts or discrete pieces of
•Students will recall facts and ideas from texts
read aloud in class to answer questions orally.
•Students will include facts and ideas from texts
read in class in their writing.
•Students will recount first-hand experiences in
writing including at least 3 distinct details.
Student Learning Outcome
Retell stories, including key details, and
demonstrate understanding of their central
message or lesson.
1.) Students will orally recount the main events
from stories read aloud in class or from stories
read independently.
2.) Students will orally recount, in sequence,
the main events from stories read aloud in class
and from stories read independently.
3. ) Students will orally retell stories heard in
class or read independently including
characters’ names, a description of the setting,
and the main events in sequence.
4.) Students will identify and name the theme or
lesson of a story heard in class or read
5.) Students will orally describe a theme or
lesson from a story heard in class or read
independently and recount an event from the
story that illustrates the theme or lesson being
“Power” or “Priority”
• Power priority standards are “a subset of state standards
that represent the most important elements of the
curriculum” (Reeves, 2002)
 AKA: Some standards are more important than
• Power standards represent the “safety net” of standards
every teacher ensures all students learn.
• Three Criteria Apply:
 Endurance
 Leverage
 Readiness for the next level of instruction
 Standards that give students skills or knowledge that
remain with them long after a test is completed
 Examples include: research skills, reading
comprehension, writing, map reading, hypothesis
testing, etc.
 Years into the future these skills will be used again and
 Collaborative effort to reflect on cross grade level
 Consider:
What knowledge and skills would students need to
have in order to be ready to learn the curriculum and
be successful this year, next year, and on state tests?
Leverage helps identify those standards applicable to
many academic disciplines
Examples include: nonfiction writing, interpretation of
charts and graphs
Leverage aids in curriculum planning particularly in
integrating thematic units
Nice to Know
(1 criteria applies)
(2 criteria apply)
(all 3 criteria apply)
Power Standards – Hitting the Bull’s Eye!
Group Norms for Successful
 Seven Norms of Collaboration and the Four
Agreements of Courageous Conversations
 Additions? Changes?
 Grade-level standards documents
 CCSS Vertical Articulation Document
 F&P Continuum for Literacy Learning
CCSS Alignment Document
 ICSD ELA Curriculum Documents
 Greece Central School District Priority
Standards Document
 CCSS Unpacked by the North Carolina
Department of Education
 Fountas & Pinnell Continuum for Literacy
Capturing Our Work
• NYS CCSS Unpacked and Prioritized – click on
your grade-level document
• Multiple authors can access and edit the document
“It is a process, not an event; a marathon,
not a sprint.”
(Larry Ainsworth, 2004)