Common Core State Standards PowerPoint, September 2014

Aligning Common
Core State Standards to
For Students with Moderate to Severe
Shasta County SELPA
With Information from Frank Donovan, Ed.D.
The Least Dangerous
Students with the most significant cognitive
disabilities are competent and able to learn,
and we support increased educational
opportunities in a range of learning
Current Practice
Goals Written for the Severely Handicapped
O Most IEP Teams focus on the unique needs
of the student
O Unique needs are often discussed without
reference to grade-level standards,
curriculum and instruction
It’s Time For A Change!
O College and Career Readiness (CCR) For ALL Students
O Research and evidence-based standards, reflective of
rigorous content and skills, and internationally benchmarked
O 21st Century Learning
Learning and Innovation Skills
Life and Career Skills
Information Media and Technology Skills
O Critical Thinking
O Communication
O Collaboration
O Creativity
Similarity of Essential ELA Standards
O Before CCSS: ELA Four Categories Called Domains
O Reading
O Writing
O Listening and Speaking
O Written and Oral English-Language Conventions
O CCSS ELA: Four Categories Called Strands
O Reading
O Writing
O Speaking and Listening
O Language
Literacy Across the Content
O Standards for Literacy in History/Social Studies,
Science, and Technical Subjects are embedded in
the Reading and Writing Standards at each Grade
Level, K-5.
O Grades 6-8, 9-10, and 11-12, Include Reading
Standards for Science and Technical Subjects, and
Writing Standards for History/Social Studies,
Science, and Technical Subjects.
ELA/Literacy Shifts in Focus
O Content-Rich Nonfiction
O Informational Text
O Evidence from Text
O Reading for Information
O Complex Text with Academic
O Linkages to Content Knowledge
Are CCSS For Math Similar to our
Current Standards?
O Shift in Grade Level for some Skills
O Organization is Different
O Grade Level Standards K-8
O Set of Standards for Algebra 1
O Conceptual Cluster Standards for 9-12
O Two Options for 8th Grade
O Algebra 1
O Option for those Not Ready for Algebra
Mathematics Shifts in Focus
O Focus
O Narrowing Strongly on Focus of Standards
O Coherence
O Building Upon Each Grade Level and
Linking to Major Topics
O Rigor
O Building Conceptual Understanding,
Procedural Skills, and Focus on
Best Practice for Students With
Moderate/Severe Disabilities
O Identify student’s unique needs in relation to
the Common Core State Standards (CCSS)
O Report present levels based on unique needs
and in relation to CCSS
O Identify the gap between Present Levels and
grade-level CCSS
O Develop annual IEP goals based on all of the
In Other Words, Develop An
Instructionally Appropriate IEP
• The IEP team directly aligns the IEP to the to the
Common Core State Standards (CCSS) including:
O Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional
O IEP Goals
O Specific accommodations
and modifications addressing
students needs to access the
general education instructional
What is the difference between
the Traditional and Instructionally Appropriate
Traditional IEP
Focused on acquiring
basic academic,
access, and/or
functional skills
Little relationship to a
specific academic area
or grade-level
Instructionally Appropriate IEP
Directly tied to the Common
Core standards
Both the student’s present level
of academic achievement and
functional performance (PLP)
and the annual IEP goals are
aligned with and based on the
state’s grade-level standards
Instructionally Appropriate IEP: Necessary
For All Special Education Students????
Best practice would suggest that an
Instructionally Appropriate IEP would be
beneficial for all students
Developing A Grade-Level Instructionally Appropriate
IEP When a Student Is Not On Grade-Level
O The National Association of State Directors of Special
Education (NASDSE) produced a document that
illustrates a recommended seven-step process, with
accompanying guiding questions, to assist special
education teachers and other professionals in
developing a standards-based IEP
O See Handout
The Benefits
O IEP is aligned to the general education curriculum
O Encourages higher expectations for students with
O Provides positive directions
and goals for intervention
O Promotes a single educational system that is
inclusive through common
language and curriculum for
sp ed & gen ed students AND
promotes consistency between
schools and districts
Does An Instructionally Appropriate IEP =
Student Is At Grade-Level In That Content Area
O The student is working toward meeting grade-
level expectations and are receiving gradelevel content instruction
Instructionally Appropriate Goals
Start With Writing Instructionally
Appropriate Present Levels
O Present Levels are always directly related to the goal
O Always Include strengths and weaknesses
O Weakness = Goal
O Avoid TMI
Present Levels Are:
O A current description of evaluation data in areas
from academic to social
O A narrative of what the student can do/is doing
(strengths), what the student can do with
support (i.e.: fluency), and what the student
cannot do/is not doing (needs) in specific areas
Step 1: Review the Grade-Level
Standards (NASDSE): ASK
O What is the intent of the content standard?
O What must the student know and be able to
do to meet the content standard?
Step 2: Examine Classroom and Student Data
O Identify the grade-level Common Core standards
that are most affected by the student’s disability.
Consider whether the data are valid measures of
the student’s abilities.
Use the data to predict future learning needs.
Consider parent and student input.
Review previous IEPs and progress monitoring
data regarding the student’s performance.
Step 2: ASK…
O Can the assessment data provide useful information for
identifying the student’s strengths and needs?
What gaps in knowledge and skills does the student have?
What can we learn from the way the student responded to
previous accommodations?
Were the previous interventions successful?
Are there skills from previous grade levels that the student has
not learned that are crucial to acquiring the grade-level
standard? Which are most important to supporting progress?
Are there authentic, real-world tasks that demonstrate evidence
of student learning?
Are there data on student reflection and self-assessment?
Is anyone collecting multiple measures? If so, who?
Step 3: Writing Present Levels
O Describe individual strengths and needs of the
student in relation to accessing the general
O Include data from evaluations, classroom and
state assessments, observations, information
from parents and students, and other resources
(examples listed above).
O Identify the skills and knowledge that a student
needs to achieve to meet academic grade-level
content standards.
O Identified needs will be used to develop annual
IEP goals.
Step 3: Ask…
O What is the student’s performance in relation to grade-level
What are the student’s strengths in terms of accessing and
mastering the general curriculum? Include sources of this
What are this student’s areas of need in accessing and mastering
the general curriculum? Include sources of this information.
What academic skills and behaviors is the student able/unable to
What functional skills and behaviors is the student able/unable
to perform?
Do functional, organizational, or social skills issues affect the
student’s involvement and progress in the general curriculum
Step 3: Ask…
O What strategies, accommodations, and/or interventions have
been successful in helping the student make progress in the
general curriculum?
How does the identified disability affect involvement and progress
in the general curriculum?
What are the parental concerns?
What are the student’s interests, preferences, and goals?
Include postsecondary aspirations if age-appropriate.
Is the student progressing at a rate to achieve grade-level
proficiency within the year?
Present Level Phrase Examples
Specific Verb Phrases:
• greets peer
• can count to 25
• speaks in one to two
word sentences
• uses eye gaze
• spell 20 familiar sight
Vague Verb Phrases:
• is friendly
• received a math score
of 90
• knows his letters
• can’t communicate
• knows different
• can name 5 careers
and five jobs associated
with each
• talks excessively
• is a loner
Sample PL
Based on running records, Maria cannot read 3rd-grade
Maria reads 3rd grade
level text.
narrative text at 70 word
correct minute; however
with expository text her
words correct per minute is
reduced to 50. Due to her
reading speed and
accuracy, Maria has
trouble engaging gradelevel text.
Sample PL
John is able to sit in his
John has difficulty following classroom
chair for 10 minutes
using visual cues based
on behavior charts, but
without the visual
supports he sits in his
chair for 5 minutes. His
difficulty focusing impairs
his ability to learn
material in group
Sample PL
Based on teacher made and
district benchmark test of grade
level material utilizing a graphic
organizer, Daniel is able to
correctly answer more than 70%
of factual comprehension
questions; however, his
accuracy with inferential
question is 40% therefore,
inhibiting his progress in the
general education curriculum.
As measured on the EOWPVT-R,
Carmen’s expressive vocabulary
is at 19 months and as
measured by the ROWPVT-R her
receptive vocabulary is at 26
Present Level Quick Check
O Is the information educationally
valuable and written in a user-friendly
O Does the baseline data represent the
student’s needs in relationship to the
general education curriculum?
O Would any teacher know where to
begin instruction based on the
information provided in the Present
Present Levels: Drive the Goals
O When written in this format, the goal
may be lifted from the narrative
IEP Goal Development and
Instructional Alignment
Step 1:
Putting the “I” in CCSS
O Identify the student’s present level of academic
achievement and functional performance
(assessments, teacher-kept data, etc.)
O Identify the appropriate grade level standard(s).
O Examine the essential content and skills within
that standard based on the student’s Identified
unique skills
O Determine accommodations and/or
modifications needed for the student to
successfully reach the standard
O Identify what the student needs to know and be
able to do in the simplest terms possible. Are
the goals written in terms that parents and
teachers can understand?
O Do the annual goals support postsecondary
O Determine a plan for monitoring progress
Aim High! Rigor and Fidelity
Based on:
• Bloom’s Taxonomy
• Webb’s Depth of Knowledge
• Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
Revised Blooms Taxonomy
Webb’s Depth of Knowledge
O Level 1: Recall & Reproduction
Specific Facts, Definitions, Routine Procedures
O Level 2: Skills & Concepts
Applying Skills and Concepts, Relationships, Main
O Level 3: Strategic Reasoning
Reasoning and Planning in Order to Respond
O Level 4: Extended Reasoning
Complex Planning and Thinking—Usually Over a
Period of Time
Depth of Knowledge--Activities
Level 1: Recall & Reproductions
Concept Map, Timeline, Keywords, Chart, Recite Facts, Cut Out,
Draw, Cartoon Strip, Oral Report, Outline, Paraphrase, Retell
Level 2: Skills & Concepts
Classify a Series of Steps, Construct a Model—Demonstrate
How it Works, Perform a Play, Make a Game or Puzzle About the
Area of Study, Explain the Meaning of a Concept, Explain
Relationship Among a Number of Concepts, Multi-Step
Depth of Knowledge--Activities
Level 3: Strategic Reasoning
Venn Diagram to Show how Two Topics are the Same and
Different, Design a Questionnaire, Flow Chart to Show Stages,
Conduct an Investigation, Debate, Persuasive Speech, Letter
with Point of View, Research and Report on the “Why” of an
Issue or Topic
Level 4: Extended Reasoning
Formulate and Test Hypotheses, Perspective Taking and
Collaboration, Persuasive Writing Tasks, Devise a Way To…, Sell
and Idea, Write a Jingle to Sell an Idea,
Develop a Menu with a
Variety of Healthy Foods
UDL Strategies for Instruction
OStrategies and lessons are taken from the general
OPrinciples of UDL are applied:
Multiple Means of Engagement give learners various
ways of acquiring information and knowledge.
Multiple Means of Representation give learners options
for expressive skills and fluency.
Multiple Means of Expression provide learners
alternatives for demonstrating what they know and provide
options for recruiting interest, sustaining effort, and self
Great Resource: National Center State
Collaborative. Listed in Resources
UDL Strategies (cont.)
O All strategies/lessons are modified and or adapted for
Emerging Readers and Emerging Communicators
Additional Considerations for Emerging Readers and
 Multiple Means of Engagement: Show the end first;
present the concrete example of the graph; with the end in
mind, have students at multiple levels solve in multiple
ways; count or solve using a calculator, graph paper, 2 and
3 dimensional manipulative materials
 Multiple Representation: 2 dimensional paper; 3
dimensional objects; etc.
 Multiple Means of Expression: Picture problem
choices: present 2 choices of possible correct responses
and include words or pictures, tactile representations
Aligning IEPs to the CCSS for Students with
Moderate and Severe Disabilities (Courtade &
Browder, 2011)
Speaking and Listening
Comprehension and
Engage Effectively in a
range of collaborative
discussion (one-on-one, in
groups, and teacher-led)
Speaking and Listening IEP Goal
Comprehension and
Frank will use picture
communication in group
context to acknowledge
others’ communication
CCSS Goal and Instructional
Strategies Alignment Tool
O CCSS Standard
O Possible Goal Areas
O Instructional Strategies
O Accommodations/Modifications
O Goal Format (Given—Will—Measured By)
O Goal
See Handout
CCSS Spirals
O Anchor Standards—Progress Through Multiple Grade
O Skills Build Upon Prior Grade Levels
See Handout
Goal For Student
with Mild Disability
O By April 22, 2015, given a 5th grade level
text, Susie writes a sequentially ordered 4-6
sentence paragraph introducing the text
topic and stating her opinion to support the
writers' purpose with at least 2 reasons and
a concluding sentence related to her opinion
in 4 out of 5 opportunities as measured by
student portfolio and teacher-kept data.
For Student with
Moderate Disability
O By April 2015, given a 5th grade level text,
Joel writes a sequentially ordered 3-4
sentence paragraph introducing the text
topic and stating his opinion to support the
writers' purpose with at least 1 reason and a
concluding sentence related to his opinion in
4 out of 5 opportunities, as measured by
student portfolio and teacher-kept data.
For Student with Severe
By April 2015, given an orally presented story,
John will use his electronic device to compose
sentences by selecting and sequencing sight
words in 4 out of 5 opportunities, as
measured by student portfolio and teacherkept data.
Moving From “What Do We
Do?” To “How Do We Make It
Raising the Bar For Students
With Severe Disabilities
(Courtade & Browder, 2011)
O Active Participation in the
O Promote Broad Skills in ELA and
O Teach Self-Determination
O Use Assistive Technology Devices
Desired Participation
O Passive
O Active
Circle correct answer with
partial physical prompt
Use laser head pointer to select
between pictures for
Listen to a story
Independently touch page to
indicate it’s time to turn it after
teacher has read each page
Find $ symbol on AAC device to
communicate, “Help me pay.”
Accompany peer to buy lunch
Promote Broad Skills In
English Language Arts
Symbols and Pre-literacy Level
O Students at this level have not yet acquired
the skills to discriminate between pictures
and other symbols.
O They may have IEP goals on learning to use
an AAC system or other form of assistive
Symbols and Pre-literacy Level
O Given a familiar sentence, S will select an
object/picture to complete the sentence
O S will use eye gaze to choose a book she’d like
read to her
O S will indicate when to turn the page by hitting a
switch when the reader pauses
O After a story has been read, S will correctly select
an object/picture that identifies the main idea of
the story
Early Symbolic and Emerging
O Students at this level are beginning to use
some symbols including objects, pictures or
a few sight words
O They may be able to use a picture schedule
to complete daily activities
Early Symbolic and Emerging
Level Goals
O S will prepare a Powerpoint presentation using
pictures for the main idea
O S will identify the main characters of a story by using
pictures/initial letter sounds for names
O S will use Intellikeys to compose sentences by
selecting and sequencing sight words
Symbolic Level
O Students at this level have mastered some
sight words, and may have some functional
academics skills locating community signs
like restrooms
Symbolic Level Goals
O S will spell 20 familiar sight words and 10 novel
O S will apply his emerging spelling skills to compose
brief notes/email messages using word prediction
O S will apply his word finding skills to locate
character names and key facts to comprehend a
Fractions (3rd grade)
O S will match fractional numbers to a picture prior
to taking that many pieces/slices of a snack (e.g.,
“1” in ¼) for 3 fractions (1/4, 1/3, 2/3)
O S will select the correct amount of a snack item
when shown a diagram and told the fraction for 5
fractions (e.g., ¼, ½, 2/3, 1/6, 3/5)
O Using a model, S will write a fraction to show how
many items of a set are still available for use (e.g.,
5 5 O = 1/3 CDs is free
Linear equations
(7th grade)
O S will use the equal sign on her AAC device to
indicate “same” for equations augmented with
objects (e.g., *** = 3)
O S will use a pictorial number line (e.g., numerals and
correct number of dots) to solve linear equations with
sums under 10
O S will write the linear equation for known money facts
(e.g., X quarters = $1.00, or, X(25) =100).
Statistics and Probability (H.S)
O S will use an elimination graph (objects velcroed to
graph) to indicate completion for 5 of 5 activities
O S will label a histogram to display continuous scale
data intervals (e.g., days of the month with
temperatures between 60-64, 65-69, 70-74, etc.)
for 3 of 4 sets of data
O S will generate a dot plot to display data she has
collected (e.g., votes for senior class song) and
interpret her data by answering 4 of 5 related
*Make choices within an activity
*Choose between two or more activities
*Decide topic for class project
*Determine best resource to use to get info
*identify missing component of a familiar task
*Identify three alternative ways a character in a
story could resolve a conflict
*Use a bar graph to track completed
*Rate self on how well performed a given task
Assistive Technology
GoTalk 4+
Program sentences into device with space for 4 pictures.
When it is student’s turn to read, he selects appropriate
picture to read his sentence.
RJ’s MP3 Player-Drive
Lower vocabulary versions of class text recorded on an MP3
file. Student puts on headphones and touches switch to
activate player
Touch Screen
for students unable to manipulate a mouse
Students can touch large picture symbols to write sentences
Power Link (switch)
to help student learn number concepts and not turn on
device at inappropriate times, student has to wait until
teacher counts to 3 before activating switch
Key Points In Making Goals
1. Select goals that promote overall ELA and Math
Focus on self-determination skills
Combine the above when possible
Use assistive-tech to increase active,
independent responding
Use real-life activities to give
meaning to the academic concept
There’s an App for That….
Common Core Standards
(by Mastery Connect)
O Courtade, G., & Browder, D.M. (2011).
Aligning IEPs to the Common Core State
Standards for Students with Moderate and
Severe Disabilities. Verona, WI; Attainment
Company, Inc.
O Donavan, Frank. “Common Core State
Standards and the Special Educator: Making
the Transition.” Marin County Office of
Education. 31 Jan. 2014. Presentation
References Con’t
O CCSS Spirals for ELA:
O National Center State Collaborative: UDL,
Core Content Connectors, Content Modules,
*Curriculum Resource
wiki/index.php/Main Page
References, Con’t
O Common Core Standards by Mastery
Connect, Free App: