Welcome Junior Riparian Professional (JRP) & Mekong Institute (MI) July 28, 2010 ประสบการณลุ ์ มน ่ ้านารองห ่ ้วยสามหมอ Experience of Huai Sam Mo (HSM) Pilot Sub HSM is one of twenty sub basins in Chi river Basin โครงการนาร่ องการวางแผน ชุมชนลุ่มน้ าในพื้นที่วิกฤติ ของ BDP Pilot Project in Basin Development Plan (BDP) basin of the 5T area of lower Mekong. It cover 729 square kilometer and locates in lower part of Chaiyaphum province and Khon Kean province in the Northeast of Thailand. HSM working group was organized in 2005 as pilot project of Chi river basin under the Department of Water Resource Regional Office 4. It is one in 30 pilot sub basin of the country which were managed under the Integrated Water Resource Development Approach (IWRM). In 2006 the Basin Development Plan: BDP of Mekong River Commission supported the participatory sub basin planning process as pilot area of 5T area. the มน IWRM approach, 12 กระบวนการวางแผนชุมUnder ชนลุ า ้ workshops่ were organized in HSM in 2006 to “study the past, understand Basin Planning Process present and draw future”. Vision of HSM was identified as “HSM has strong basin organization to manage water resource sustainably, rehabilitate natural resource and environment by community and government”. Five development strategies were developed. 1. Community water resource development 2. Promotion of organic agriculture and income generating activities 3. Institutional development and environment rehabilitation 4. Development of local curriculums ,local knowledge study and community rules 5. Promotion of women and youth’s roles ตอยอดงานบริ หารจัดการเป็ นระบบลุมน ่ ่ ้าโครงการนารอง ่ ลุมน ่ ้าห้วยสามหมอ Extend to be Management In the past, cattle wereWatershed used as major worker in the paddle fields. Huai This is anSam indigenous knowledge of the famers in rural areas. Cattle were also used for transportation for Mo Pilot Project example carts. Because animals had many limitations then machines were applied to agricultural activities. However, machines need fuel which is high investment for farmers. Some farmers faced suffering of loss, heading over heels in debt, losing land and properties. Some families had broken home due to the problems which are mentioned before. Kids had bad circumstance lead them to be drug addict, mental disorder disease. These are social problems of communities and Thai society. Agriculture is one aspect for watershed management. Agricultural activities have to concern the environment of watershed. The holistic approach is an important idea for water resource management. Moreover, the scatter management is not a good solution. For example, try to increase the productivity without assess the impacts from extending cultivation areas. After National Economics and Social Development Plan review, we found that Thailand had started the national economic and social development plan since 1957. Nowadays, our natural resources and environment are changed. การกลับคืนไปสู่รากเหงาที เ่ ขbuffalo มแข็ ้ Return ้ toงpaddy field, rehabilitate environment, and Back to the strong roots implement sufficient economy In the past, agricultural production is for household consumption such as integrated farming. It was replaced by modern agriculture using chemical fertilizer, insecticide and herbicide. This caused the decline of soil fertility and poison to water resource. Once we collect natural vegetable and fish for food, we poison ourselves. The expansion of agricultural area which destroys farm forest creates the decline of soil fertility and higher investment cost. As the result, farmers have higher debt from farm investment. Presently, some buffaloes exist in rural area. However, young buffaloes do not know how to pull the plough any more. It is the same situation with young people who do not know how to plough the land. They know only tractors which use gasoline. We can see trucks on the main roads of the country loaded with buffalo heading to slaughter houses while trucks loaded with tractors heading on the opposite direction. If the Man and buffalo foundation is established, buffaloes will be brought back to paddy field and promotes sufficient economy. ประสบการณลุ ่ ้านารองห ่ ้วยสามหมอ “บริหารจัดการทรัพยากรน้า ์ มน ตองเริ ม ่ จากจุลภาค” ้ Experience of Huai Sam Mo Pilot Sub Basin “Water resource management starts from micro level” Water is natural resource which changes according to environment. The change in quality and quantity of water will affect ecological system of the basin. River Basin collects some water. River basin management requires holistic understanding of natural resource. We have to adapt ourselves to nature instead of changing nature to fulfill our needs. Water cycle remains the same but rainfall depends on environment. When the environment of this world changes, rainfall also change. That is why we need to adapt ourselves to nature. From HSM experience, water is enough but lacking of water management. The related person do not try to understand the fact. Basin management requires several approaches because the basin can be divided into sub basin and streams which have different characteristics. Therefore, it is important to concentrate on micro level such as farm level. We need to know if the farm has sufficient water or not and what is the quality of water. Farmland with flood problem requires better drainage system while the farm with insufficient of water requires better water distribution system. In any cases, farm pond is important store water during the flood period for using during the dry period. Therefore, it is important to manage water at farm level, sub basin and basin level accordingly. การขับเคลือ ่ นแผนชุมชนลุมน ่ ้า 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. แผนยุทธศาสตร์แหล่งน้ าชุมชน ี และรายได ้ แผนยุทธศาสตร์เกษตรอินทรีย ์ อาชพ ั ยภาพองค์กรลุม แผนยุทธศาสตร์สง่ เสริมศก ่ น้ า และฟื้ นฟูสงิ่ แวดล ้อม แผนยุทธศาสตร์หลักสูตรท ้องถิน ่ องค์ความรู ้ และระเบียบชุมชน แผนยุทธศาสตร์สง่ เสริมบทบาทสตรีและเยาวชน 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Community Water Resource Promotion of Organic Agriculture and Income Generating Activities Institutional Development and Environment Rehabilitation Local Courses, Local knowledge Study and Community Rules Promotion of Woman and Youth Role แนวคิดและหลักการ กระบวนการจัดตัง้ กระบวนการวางแผน การขับเคลือ ่ นแผน ยุทธศาสตร ์ ปัญหาและอุปสรรคที่ พบ ขอจ ่ าให้องคกรลุ ม ้ ากัดทีท ่ ์ น้าระดับตางๆ ยังไม่ ่ เขมแข็ งพอ ้ ๑. ปัญหาระดับนโยบายของ รัฐบาลยังไมชั ่ ดเจน ๒. ปัญหาทีเ่ กิดจากส่วน ราชการ ส่วนราชการทีม ่ ี อานาจหน้าทีด ่ านทรั พยากร ้ น้ามีจานวนมาก แตการ ่ ปฏิบต ั ไิ มมี ่ เอกภาพ ระบบ ราชการไมสามารถบู รณา ่ การกันไดจริ ้ ง ๓. องคกรลุ มน ่ ้า ไมมี ่ ์ กฎหมายรองรับอานาจ หน้าที่ ขอบคุณครับ